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LMS – HoDoMS REF2014 survey HoDoMS Birmingham 21 April 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "LMS – HoDoMS REF2014 survey HoDoMS Birmingham 21 April 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 LMS – HoDoMS REF2014 survey HoDoMS Birmingham 21 April 2016

2 The survey responses 41 responses Range of answers from several types of department. Disappointing that some larger departments did not respond Some common themes identified on the following pages.

3 Responses (selectivity) Many institutions were gaming the system. The REF was divisive amongst staff, especially with selective returns Many responses: all eligible staff should be submitted (but this would not resolve all problems).

4 Responses (Impact1) The impact of ICS had been less negative than expected. Several responses were surprised that their ICSs had scored well. The present definition was not felt to fully capture the most impactful mathematics. Several said redefinition of Impact to cover academic impact would be welcome.

5 Responses (Impact2) Impact is shaping the pattern of hiring. This may not be a wholly negative trend. Impact should be portable.  Several responses felt that smaller submissions should not be required to present as many ICS. Impact hard to evidence for growing departments which could not provide evidence over longer timescales.

6 Responses (Environment) Strong feeling that Environment worked in favour of large departments. Some replies called for the return of a specific, ‘esteem,’ category.  The assessment of interdisciplinary research was felt to be unsatisfactory.

7 Stern Review Highlights of CMS submission Research Fortnight’s summary

8 LMS – HoDoMS DTP Survey HoDoMS Birmingham 21/4/16

9 Early impressions 40 institutions receive DTPs 31 mathsci departments receive DTPs 19 distinct respondents so far Best outcome was `essentially the same as last year’

10 Institutional strategy? DTP16 > DTG15 means constant *cash* for maths DTP16 < DTG15 means constant *percentage* for maths

11 Casualties Institutions without large Engineering or Physics departments did not meet the threshold, so got no DTP. So Maths Depts there got nothing (OU, RHU, UEA, Kent, Leicester) About half of the remaining respondent departments had protected DTA and half had reduced (no gains!)



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