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Samcef ROTORS versus ANSYS V14.0 Patrick Morelle – 4/6/2012 5nd floor, Hanho Building, 90-14 SamSung-1 Dong, KangNam-Gu, Seoul,

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Presentation on theme: "Samcef ROTORS versus ANSYS V14.0 Patrick Morelle – 4/6/2012 5nd floor, Hanho Building, 90-14 SamSung-1 Dong, KangNam-Gu, Seoul,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Samcef ROTORS versus ANSYS V14.0 Patrick Morelle – 4/6/2012 http:WWW.// 5nd floor, Hanho Building, 90-14 SamSung-1 Dong, KangNam-Gu, Seoul, Korea Republic of TEL: 02) 539-5212 FAX: 02) 539-5213 E-mail: ableMAX

2 LMS Samtech Division Copyright LMS International - 2012 2 Comparison S4R - ANSYSS4R ANSYS  Dedicated GUI and integrated solution for rotor dynamics  Improved conical beam element (degenerated shell, better taking into account conical shafts)  2D Fourier models without limitations in the number of harmonics (0, 1 and higher orders). Possibility to use them for composite materials.  2D Fourier Lagrangian and Eulerian approach  No specific GUI. Rotor dynamics capabilities as part of Work Bench, but needs lots of “epilogue”/scripts (users are complaining), including for the display of results  Classical beam element  2D axisym (but with limited number of harmonics).  Only 2D Lagrangian approach

3 LMS Samtech Division Copyright LMS International - 2012 3 Comparison S4R - ANSYSS4R ANSYS  1D, 2D, 3D, cyclic symmetry, multi stage cyclic symmetry, all exhibiting gyroscopic effect, and possibility to combine all of them  Superelement technique for rotating parts AND non rotating parts. The rotating superelement include reduced stiffness, mass, damping, gyroscopic and circulatory forces matrices  Specific manoeuver loads available (non rotating)  General gear element allowing to take into account coupling between axial, bending and torsion modes  NO multi stage cyclic symmetry, no combinations between different types of models  Superelement technique ONLY for non rotating parts in inertial frame  Only rotating (synchronous or asynchronous) forces  No gear

4 LMS Samtech Division Copyright LMS International - 2012 4 Comparison S4R - ANSYSS4R ANSYS  Large library of specialized bearings (hydrodynamic bearing, rolling element bearing, squeeze-film damper, added mass effect fluid elements), prototype BEARING module for hydrodynamic bearings (normal and thrust)  Bearing element with 6X6 matrices (stiffness, damping (viscous or hysteretical), mass) The coefficients are either constant or variables with rotational speed, frequency or time  Bi-variable (rotational speed and frequency) bearing element with 6X6 matrices (stiffness, damping, mass)  very limited library of bearings (monoaxial spring/damper, general stiffness/damping matrix, 2D spring damper, multi point constraint)  General stiffness/Damping matrix (MATRIX27) CONSTANT (no dependency of the speed of rotation)  Only constant matrices

5 LMS Samtech Division Copyright LMS International - 2012 5 Comparison S4R - ANSYSS4RANSYS  Possibility to model transfer function for magnetic bearings including control  Local non linearities are taken into account in the frequency domain ( non linear harmonic balance method). Available : bushing (clearances), rolling element bearing, squeeze-film damper, friction element  Improved integration schemes in time domain, and on non linear elements available : bushing (clearances), rolling element bearing, squeeze-film damper, friction element, hydrodynamic bearing element  No transfer function available for rotor dynamics models  Only classical harmonic analysis  No specific integration scheme and no specific non linear elements

6 LMS Samtech Division Copyright LMS International - 2012 6 Comparison S4R - ANSYSS4R ANSYS  Specialized and advanced post- processing included in the GUI  Automatic 3D recombination of 2D and cyclic symmetry models including multi stage cyclic symmetry  Campbell diagram available for problems in inertial AND rotating frame. Very performant mode tracking process.  No specific GUI, use command language to post-process rotor model  No automatic 3D recombination  No Campbell diagram available for problems in rotating frame. Classical mode tracking process.

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