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Input Files for Workshop Exercises Introduction to ANSYS - Part 1 Appendix A.

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1 Input Files for Workshop Exercises Introduction to ANSYS - Part 1 Appendix A

2 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-2 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 3A ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 3A finish /clear,start RESUME,wheel,db1 VPLOT WTIME = 3 /WAIT,WTIME KPLOT /WAIT,WTIME LPLOT /WAIT,WTIME APLOT /WAIT,WTIME VPLOT /WAIT,WTIME GPLOT /WAIT,WTIME ! FRONT VIEW /VIEW,1,0,0,1 /AUTO,1 VPLOT /WAIT,WTIME ! TOP VIEW /VIEW,1,0,1,0 /AUTO,1 VPLOT /WAIT,WTIME ! BACK VIEW /VIEW,1,0,0,-1 /AUTO,1 VPLOT /WAIT,WTIME ! RIGHT VIEW /VIEW,1,1,0,0 /AUTO,1 VPLOT /WAIT,WTIME ! OBLIQUE VIEW /VIEW,1,1,2,3 /AUTO,1 VPLOT /WAIT,WTIME ! CLEAR THE DATABASE /CLEAR,START WTIME = 3 ! Enter the preprocessor /PREP7 ! Create some keypoints K,1,0,0 K,2,3,0 K,3,3,3 K,4,0,3 K,5,1.5,5 KPLOT /WAIT,WTIME ! Create some lines L,1,2 L,2,3 L,3,4 L,4,1 L,4,5 L,5,3 L,1,3 L,2,4 LPLOT /WAIT,WTIME

3 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-3 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 3A (cont’d) ! Plot lines and keypoints GPLOT /WAIT,WTIME ! Save the database to "file.db" SAVE ! Delete some lines LDELE,7,8,1 LDELE,1 LPLOT /WAIT,WTIME ! Plot lines and keypoints GPLOT /WAIT,WTIME ! Resume previously saved "file.db" database file RESUME,file,db ! Plot lines and keypoints GPLOT /WAIT,WTIME

4 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-4 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 3B ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 3B finish /clear,start /filn,silo RESUME,silo,db1 /TITLE, Select Logic and Solid Model Attributes /PREP7 APLOT ! Cylinder areas ASEL,S,LOC,Z,0,120 APLOT AATT, 2, 1, 1 ! Upper part of cone areas ASEL,S,LOC,Z,-30,0 APLOT AATT, 1, 2, 1 ! Lower part of cone areas ASEL,S,LOC,Z,-60,-30 APLOT AATT, 1, 3, 1 ! Cone Lines LSEL,S,LOC,Z,-60,0 LPLOT LATT, 1, 4, 2 ! Mesh the model LMESH,ALL /WAIT,3 ALLSEL,ALL APLOT AMESH,ALL SAVE,silo-mesh,db1

5 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-5 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 3C ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 3C.inp finish /clear,start /filn,impeller RESUME,impeller,db1 WTIME = 3 GPLOT /WAIT,WTIME /PREP7 ET,2,SOLID45 TYPE,2 EXTOPT,ESIZE,2 VDRAG,ALL,,,,,,1 EPLOT /WAIT,WTIME EXTOPT,ESIZE,9 ASEL,S,LOC,Z,0.25 APLOT /WAIT,WTIME FLST,5,20,5,ORDE,20 FITEM,5,27 FITEM,5,48 FITEM,5,52 FITEM,5,59 FITEM,5,78 FITEM,5,84 FITEM,5,90 FITEM,5,95 FITEM,5,98 FITEM,5,104 FITEM,5,110 FITEM,5,115 FITEM,5,121 FITEM,5,128 FITEM,5,138 FITEM,5,145 FITEM,5,149 FITEM,5,157 FITEM,5,167 FITEM,5,173 ASEL,R,,,P51X APLOT /WAIT,WTIME VDRAG,ALL,,,,,,2 ALLSEL,ALL EPLOT SAVE,impeller-mesh,db1

6 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-6 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 5A ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 5A finish /clear,start /AUX15 IOPTN,IGES,NODEFEAT !* IOPTN,MERGE,YES IOPTN,SOLID,YES IOPTN,SMALL,YES IOPTN,GTOLER, DEFA IGESIN,bracket,igs, /TITLE, bracket.igs VPLOT Workshop 5B ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 5B finish /clear,start ~SATIN,gear,sat,,SOLIDS,0 /FACET,NORML /PREP7 VPLOT

7 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-7 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 5C-1 ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 5C-1 finish /clear,start ~SATIN,crank-assy,sat,,SOLIDS,0 /FACET,NORML /PREP7 /PNUM,VOLU,1 VPLOT Workshop 5C-2 ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 5C-2 finish /clear,start ~SATIN,knob,sat,,SOLIDS,0 ~SATIN,plate,sat,,SOLIDS,0 ~SATIN,socket,sat,,SOLIDS,0 /FACET,NORML /PREP7 /PNUM,VOLU,1 VPLOT

8 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-8 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 5D ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 5D finish /clear,start ~PARAIN,bracket,x_t,,SOLIDS,0,0 /FACET,NORML /PREP7 VPLOT Workshop 5E-1 ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 5E-1 finish /clear,start ~PARAIN,wheel-assy,x_t,,SOLIDS,0,0 /FACET,NORML /PREP7 /PNUM,VOLU,1 VPLOT Workshop 5E-2 ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 5E-2 finish /clear,start ~PARAIN,base,x_t,,SOLIDS,0,0 ~PARAIN,left-bracket,x_t,,SOLIDS,0,0 ~PARAIN,right-bracket,x_t,,SOLIDS,0,0 ~PARAIN,pin,x_t,,SOLIDS,0,0 ~PARAIN,wheel,x_t,,SOLIDS,0,0 /FACET,NORML /PREP7 /PNUM,VOLU,1 VPLOT

9 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-9 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 5F ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 5F finish /clear,start /filn,p-block /PREP7 BLOCK,0,3,0,1,0,3, /VIEW, 1,1,1,1 wpoff,2.25, 1.25,.75 wprot,0,-90,0 CYL4,,,0.75/2,,,,-1.5 VGEN,2,2,,,,,1.5,,0 VPLOT VSBV,1,ALL WPCSYS,-1,0 VPLOT BLC4,0,1,1.5,1.75,0.75 KWPAVE,16 CYL4,0,0,0,0,1.5,90,-0.75 CYL4,0,0,1,,,,-0.1875 CYL4,0,0,0.85,,,,-2 ! Subtract the solid cylinders from the bushing bracket FLST,2,2,6,ORDE,2 FITEM,2,1 FITEM,2,-2 VSBV,P51X, 3 FLST,2,2,6,ORDE,2 FITEM,2,6 FITEM,2,-7 VSBV,P51X, 5 ! Merge keypoints NUMMRG,KP,,,,LOW ! Create the triangular web KBETW,7,8,0,RATI,0.5 A,14,15,9 !* VOFFST,3,-0.15 VGLUE,ALL /PNUM,VOLU,1 VPLOT SAVE SAVE,p-block,db1

10 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-10 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 5G ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 5G ! Connecting Rod - Importation / Clean-up finish /clear,start /filn,c-rod-fix /AUX15 ! Read IGES file IOPTN,IGES,NODEFEAT !* IOPTN,MERGE,YES IOPTN,SOLID,YES IOPTN,SMALL,YES IOPTN,GTOLER, DEFA IGESIN,c-rod,igs, VPLOT FINISH /PREP7 KCENTER,KP,17,29,31,0 ! Cut large hole in rod KWPAVE, 1 CYL4,,,1,,,,-1 VSBV,1,2 VPLOT KCENTER,KP,19,23,27,0 ! Cut small hole in rod KWPAVE, 18 CYL4,,,.4,,,,-1 VSBV,3,1 VPLOT WPRO,,90, ! Split the rod in half VSBW,2 VDELE,3,,,1 VPLOT AFILLT,47,43,1, ! Create the fillet AL,2,12,18 AL,1,13,30 VA,8,10,12,13,15 VADD,all VPLOT AADD,14,16 AADD,12,6 VPLOT SAVE FINISH !/EXIT,ALL,

11 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-11 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 6A ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 6A finish /clear,start RESUME,p-block,db1 /filn,p-block-mesh /PREP7 ET,1,SOLID95 VPLOT SMRT,4 MSHAPE,1,3D MSHKEY,0 VMESH,ALL EPLOT SAVE,p-block-mesh-free,db1 /WAIT,3 VCLEAR,ALL VPLOT KWPLAN,-1,12,14,11 VSBW,7 WPSTYLE VPLOT EXTOPT,VSWE,TETS,ON SMRT,2 ESIZE,.125 VSWEEP,ALL SAVE,p-block-mesh-sweep,db1

12 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-12 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 6B ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 6B finish /clear,start /filn,c-rod-mesh RESUME,c-rod-2d,db1 /TITLE, 3D brick element mesh created using 2D MESH200 elements and VOFFST (ESIZE=0.2) /PREP7 ET,1,MESH200 KEYOPT,1,1,7 APLOT ESIZE,0.2 MSHAPE,0,2D MSHKEY,0 amesh,all ! /EFACET,2 EPLOT save,c-rod-2d-mesh-quad,db-2d /WAIT,3 :SWEEP ! Sweep the 2-d mesh into bricks ET,2,95 EXTOPT,ESIZE,3 /VIEW,1,1,1,1 APLOT VOFFST,2,.5 SAVE,c-rod-mesh-brick2,db1 EPLOT /WAIT,3 :VSWEEP1 ! Redo using VSWEEP to create a 3D brick element mesh finish /clear,start RESUME,c-rod-fix,db1 /TITLE, 3D brick element mesh created using VSWEEP and Auto Src/Trg (ESIZE=0.2) /PREP7 ET,1,95 /VIEW,1,1,1,1 VPLOT ESIZE,0.2 VSWEEP,ALL SAVE,c-rod-mesh-sweep,db1 EPLOT

13 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-13 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 6C ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 6C finish /clear,start /filn,cotter-pin RESUME,cotter,db1 /TITLE, 3D brick/wedge element mesh created using VSWEEP and Auto Src/Trg (AESIZE=0.01) /PREP7 /VIEW,1,1,2,3 VPLOT AESIZE,21,0.01 AESIZE,40,0.01 VSWEEP,ALL EPLOT SAVE,cotter-pin-mesh,db1 Workshop 6D ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 6D finish /clear,start /filn,wheelb-3d RESUME,wheelb,db1 /TITLE, Mixed Free & Mapped Mesh of 3-D Wheel Model /PREP7 VPLOT VSBW,1 VPLOT KWPAVE,19 VSBW,4 WPSTYLE VPLOT ESIZE,0.25 MSHAPE,0,3D MSHKEY,1 VMESH,1,3,1 VMESH,5 TYPE,2 ESIZE,0.2 MSHAPE,1,3D MSHKEY,0 VMESH,6 TCHG,95,92,0 ESEL,S,TYPE,,2 EPLOT /WAIT,5 ALLSEL,ALL EPLOT SAVE,wheelb-3d-mesh,db1

14 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-14 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 9A ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 9A finish /clear,start /filn,bracket-3d resume,bracket-3d,db1 /TITLE, 3-D Bracket linear struct. analysis (SOLID95s and ESIZE=0.15) /SOLU EPLOT DA,3,SYMM DA,4,SYMM DA,5,SYMM DA,6,SYMM D,4282,UZ SFA,11,1,PRES,1000 ! Solve EQSLV,PCG,1E-8 SAVE SOLVE SAVE /POST1 PLNSOL,S,EQV /VIEW,1,-0.5,-0.25,1 /REPLOT Workshop 9B ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 9B finish /clear,start /filn,conn-rod resume,conn-rod,db1 /TITLE, Connecting Rod linear structural analysis using half- symmetry /SOLU EPLOT DA,8,SYMM DA,9,SYMM DA,7,SYMM DA,10,SYMM DA,13,SYMM D,702,UZ SFA,11,1,PRES,1000 ! Solve EQSLV,PCG,1E-8 SAVE SOLVE SAVE /POST1 PLNSOL,S,EQV /AUTO,1 /REPLOT

15 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-15 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 9C ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 9C finish /clear,start /filn,wheelb-omega resume,wheelb-omega,db1 /TITLE, 3-D Wheel analysis with rotational velocity about Global Y /SOLU CMSEL,S,AREAS_1 APLOT DA,ALL,SYMM ALLSEL,ALL,AREA EPLOT ! Symmetry B.C. on Front Faces !DA,1,SYMM !DA,2,SYMM !DA,20,SYMM !DA,27,SYMM !DA,39,SYMM !DA,40,SYMM ! Symmetry B.C. on Back Faces !DA,6,SYMM !DA,10,SYMM !DA,21,SYMM !DA,34,SYMM !DA,41,SYMM ! Constrain UY DOF on Node 33 to Prevent Rigid Body Motion D,33,UY ! Apply Rotational Velocity of 525 rad/sec = 5013 rpm OMEGA,0,525 ! Solve EQSLV,PCG,1E-8 SAVE SOLVE /POST1 /EFACET,2 PLNSOL,S,EQV CSYS,11 /EXPAND,16,LPOLAR,HALF,,22.5 /REPLOT CSYS,0

16 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-16 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 10A ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 10A fini /clear,start /NOPR /PMETH,OFF,0 KEYW,PR_SET,1 KEYW,PR_STRUC,1 KEYW,PR_THERM,0 KEYW,PR_FLUID,0 KEYW,PR_MULTI,0 /GO /TITLE, Lathe Cutter /AUX15 IOPTN,IGES,ALTERNATE !* IOPTN,MERGE,YES IOPTN,SOLID,YES IOPTN,SMALL,YES IOPTN,GTOLER, DEFA IGESIN,cutter,igs /VIEW,1,-2,2,3 VPLOT /PREP7 ! convert cm to inches VLSCAL,all,,,1/2.54,1/2.54,1/2.54,,0,1 VPLOT /INPUT,cutter-area,inp ! create a small area for pressure loading at tip !KWPLAN,-1,14,12,13 !WPOFF,0,0,-1/5 !ASBW,22 !WPSTYLE,,,,,,,,0 !/VIEW,1,-2,2,3 !/PNUM,AREA,1 !APLOT ET,1,SOLID92 UIMP,1,EX,,,1e7 SMRT,4 MSHAPE,1,3D MSHKEY,0 VMESH,ALL /VIEW,1,-2,2,3 eplot !/ui,copy,save, jpeg,graph,color,reverse,portrait !/sys,rename cutter000.jpg cuttere.jpg FINISH /SOLU ! use area "symmetry" to restrain attachment region FLST,2,4,5,ORDE,4 FITEM,2,18 FITEM,2,-19 FITEM,2,25 FITEM,2,-26 DA,P51X,SYMM ! pressure load at tip FLST,2,1,5,ORDE,1 FITEM,2,1 SFA,P51X,1,PRES,10000 !SFA,P51X,1,PRES,15986

17 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-17 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 10A (cont’d) ! iterative solver already set SOLVE FINISH /POST1 /title,Lathe Cutter - with AREA SYMMETRY constraint at hole PLNSOL,S,EQV,0,1 /eof ! solve again with altered restraints /SOLU DADELE,ALL,ALL ! fewer areas- all dof fixed FLST,2,3,5,ORDE,3 FITEM,2,18 FITEM,2,-19 FITEM,2,26 DA,P51X,ALL SOLVE FINISH /POST1 /title,Lathe Cutter - with ALL DOF constraint on areas at hole PLNSOL,S,EQV,0,1 cutter-area.inp ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part1 - Workshop 2a (insert file: cutter- area.inp) ! create a small area for ! pressure loading at tip KWPLAN,-1,14,12,13 WPOFF,0,0,-1/5 ASBW,22 WPSTYLE,,,,,,,,0 /VIEW,1,-2,2,3 /PNUM,AREA,1 APLOT /title,Lathe Cutter - with AREA SYMMETRY constraint at hole

18 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-18 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 11A ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 11A finish /clear,start /FILN,pipe-th /NOPR /PMETH,OFF,0 KEYW,PR_SET,1 KEYW,PR_STRUC,0 KEYW,PR_THERM,1 KEYW,PR_FLUID,0 KEYW,PR_MULTI,0 /GO /TITLE, 2D AXI-SYMM THERMAL ANALYSIS W/ CONV. LOADING - ESIZE=0.125 /PREP7 ! Geometry /INPUT,pipe-th,inp,,, 0 ! Axisymmetric option ET,1,PLANE55,,, 1 !/MPLIB,READ,e:\temp\57_files\ansfiles\final_files !/MPLIB,WRITE, !* MAT,1, ! /INPUT,e:\temp\57_files\ansfiles\final_files\Stl_AISI- 304.BIN_MPL ! ANSYS REVISION 5.7, $RCSfile: Stl_AISI-304.BIN_MPL $ ! Modified on $Date: 2000/06/01 19:20:22 $ ! Source ID = $Revision: 7.1 $ /COM,Typical material properties for DEMO purposes only /NOP /COM,Internal UNITS set at file creation time = BIN TBDEL,ALL,_MATL MPDEL,ALL,_MATL MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,EX,_MATL, 1, 27992720.0, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,NUXY,_MATL, 1, 0.290000000, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,ALPX,_MATL, 1, 9.888888889E-06, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,DENS,_MATL, 1, 7.514795200E-04, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,KXX,_MATL, 1, 2.182244000E-04, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,C,_MATL, 1, 46.2864080, /GO !* MPLIST,1 TBLIST,ALL,1 !* MSHAPE,0,2D MSHKEY,1 ESIZE,0.25/2 AMESH,ALL FINISH /SOLU SFL,2,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 SFL,6,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 SFL,7,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 SFL,10,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 SFL,9,CONV,0.28e-3,,450 SFL,13,CONV,0.28e-3,,450 GPLOT SAVE SOLVE FINISH /POST1 PLNSOL,TEMP PLNSOL,TF,SUM PLNSOL,TG,SUM FINISH

19 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-19 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises pipe-th.inp /TITLE, 2D AXI-SYMM THERMAL ANALYSIS W/ CONV. LOADING - ESIZE=0.125 /PREP7 ! Solid Model RECTNG,5,6,0,1 RECTNG,6,12,0,.25 AADD,all !* Create fillet LFILLT,10,7,.2,, FLST,2,3,4 FITEM,2,5 FITEM,2,8 FITEM,2,2 AL,5,8,2 AADD,all KWPAVE, 9 wpro,,,90.000000 ASBW, 2 KWPAVE, 5 wpro,,30.000000, ASBW, 3 KWPAVE,5,10 wpro,,90.000000, ASBW,2 asbw,4 LCOMB,11,18,0 LCCAT,11,12 ! Prepare for meshing LESIZE,5,,,33,.25,,,,0 LESIZE,7,,,33,.25,,,,0 LESIZE,2,,,6,,,,,0 LESIZE,8,,,3,,,,,0 LESIZE,11,,,3,,,,,0 LESIZE,12,,,3,,,,,0 LESIZE,17,,,3,,,,,0 WPSTYLE,,,,,,,,0 lplot

20 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-20 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 12A ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 12A FINISH /CLEAR,START RESUME,pipe-th,db1,,0,0 /NOPR /PMETH,OFF,0 KEYW,PR_SET,1 KEYW,PR_STRUC,1 KEYW,PR_THERM,0 KEYW,PR_FLUID,0 KEYW,PR_ELMAG,0 KEYW,MAGNOD,0 KEYW,MAGEDG,0 KEYW,MAGHFE,0 KEYW,MAGELC,0 KEYW,PR_MULTI,0 KEYW,PR_CFD,0 KEYW,LSDYNA,0 /GO !* /COM, /COM,Preferences for GUI filtering have been set to display: /COM, Structural !* /TITLE,2D AXI-SYMM THERMAL-STRESS ANALYSIS W/ INT. PRESS - ESIZE=0.125 /PREP7 LSCLEAR,SOLID ! Clear all thermal loads ETCHG,TTS ! Thermal to Structural KEYOPT, 1, 3, 1 ! Axisymmetric option LDREAD,TEMP,,,,,pipe-th,rth ! Read temps from thermal results DL,3,,SYMM ! Structural symmetry constraints DL,5,,SYMM DL,11,,SYMM NSEL,S,LOC,Y,1 ! Couple top nodes CP,1,UY,ALL ALLSEL,ALL SFL,9,PRES,1000 ! Apply 1000 psi to internal lines SFL,13,PRES,1000 /PBF,TEMP,,1 ! Turn on temperature load contours EPLOT SAVE FINISH /SOLU SOLVE FINISH /POST1 ! Plot results PLNSOL,U,SUM,2,1 PLNSOL,S,EQV PLNSOL,S,X /EXPAND, 9,AXIS,,,10,,2,RECT,HALF,,0.00001 ! Sweep results for 3-D /VIEW,1,1,1,1 /REPLOT PLNSOL,S,Y PLNSOL,S,Z FINISH !/exit,all

21 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-21 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 12B ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 12B FINISH /CLEAR,START /input,pipe-th,inp wsec=2 ! wait in seconds between plots ET,1,PLANE13! Coupled thermal/structural, axisymmetric element KEYOPT,1,1,4 KEYOPT,1,3,1 MSHAPE,0,2D ! Mesh all areas MSHKEY,1 ESIZE,0.25/2 AMESH,ALL MAT,1, ! /INPUT,e:\temp\ws4b\Stl_AISI-304.BIN_MPL ! ANSYS REVISION 5.7, $RCSfile: Stl_AISI-304.BIN_MPL $ ! Modified on $Date: 2000/06/01 19:20:22 $ ! Source ID = $Revision: 7.1 $ /COM,Typical material properties for DEMO purposes only /NOP /COM,Internal UNITS set at file creation time = BIN TBDEL,ALL,_MATL MPDEL,ALL,_MATL MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,EX,_MATL, 1, 27992720.0, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,NUXY,_MATL, 1, 0.290000000, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,ALPX,_MATL, 1, 9.888888889E-06, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,DENS,_MATL, 1, 7.514795200E-04, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,KXX,_MATL, 1, 2.182244000E-04, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,C,_MATL, 1, 46.2864080, /GO !* MPLIST,1 TBLIST,ALL,1 !* SFL,2,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 ! Apply thermal film coefficients SFL,6,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 SFL,7,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 SFL,10,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 SFL,9,CONV,0.28e-3,,450 SFL,13,CONV,0.28e-3,,450 SFL,9,PRES,1000 ! Apply structural internal pressure SFL,13,PRES,1000 NSEL,S,LOC,Y,1 ! Couple the top nodes CP,1,UY,ALL ALLSEL,ALL DL,3,,SYMM ! Structural symmetry constraints DL,5,,SYMM DL,11,,SYMM SAVE FINISH /SOLU SOLVE FINISH

22 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-22 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 12B (cont’d) /POST1 PLNSOL,TEMP ! Plot nodal temps /wait,wsec PLNSOL,U,SUM,2,1 ! Plot displacement with deformed edge /wait,wsec PLNSOL,S,EQV! Plot von Mises /EXPAND, 9,AXIS,,,10,,2,RECT,HALF,,0.00001 ! Expand to 3-D /VIEW,1,1,1,1 /wait,wsec /REPLOT /wait,wsec PLNSOL,TEMP FINISH ! /EXIT,ALL

23 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-23 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 13A ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 13A finish /clear,start /filn,conn-rod !Resume the "conn-rod.db" database file from Workshop 11 resume,conn-rod,db ! Set wait time between plots (seconds) WTIME=3 /TITLE, Connecting Rod Postprocessing with ESIZE=0.2 /POST1 PLNSOL,S,EQV /AUTO,1 /REPLOT /WAIT,WTIME EPLOT PATH,PATH1,2,30,20 PPATH,1,824 PPATH,2,1029 PATH,PATH2,2,30,20 PPATH,1,1029 PPATH,2,521 PDEF,P2-SEQV,S,EQV,AVG PDEF,P2-SX,S,X,AVG PDEF,P2-SY,S,Y,AVG PDEF,P2-SZ,S,Z,AVG PLPATH,P2-SEQV /WAIT,WTIME PLPATH,P2-SX /WAIT,WTIME PLPATH,P2-SY /WAIT,WTIME PLPATH,P2-SZ /WAIT,WTIME PLPATH,P2-SEQV,P2-SX,P2-SY,P2-SZ /YRANGE,-1000,1900 /AXLAB,X,Path2 Distance /AXLAB,Y,Stress, psi /REPLOT /WAIT,WTIME PATH,PATH1 PDEF,P1-SEQV,S,EQV,AVG PDEF,P1-SX,S,X,AVG PDEF,P1-SY,S,Y,AVG PDEF,P1-SZ,S,Z,AVG /YRANGE,DEFAULT /AXLAB,X /AXLAB,Y PLPATH,P1-SEQV /WAIT,WTIME PLPATH,P1-SX /WAIT,WTIME PLPATH,P1-SY /WAIT,WTIME PLPATH,P1-SZ /WAIT,WTIME PLPATH,P1-SEQV,P1-SX,P1-SY,P1-SZ /YRANGE,-1100,1800 /AXLAB,X,Path1 Distance /AXLAB,Y,Stress, psi /REPLOT


25 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-25 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 13B ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 13B.inp finish /clear,start /INPUT,shell,inp WTIME=3 /GRAPHICS,POWER /POST1 !/VIEW,1,-1,1,1 !/DIST,1,3.976 /EFACET,2 PLNSOL,S,X /WAIT,WTIME PLNSOL,S,Y /WAIT,WTIME PLNSOL,S,Z /WAIT,WTIME PLNSOL,S,EQV SHELL,MID /REPLOT RSYS,2 SHELL,TOP /ESHAPE,1 /GLINE,1,-1 PLNSOL,S,X /WAIT,WTIME PLNSOL,S,Y /WAIT,WTIME PLNSOL,S,Z /WAIT,WTIME PLNSOL,S,EQV shell.inp ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 12b (insert file: shell.inp) ! Spherical Shell Analysis (1/4 model) /FILNAM,shell /TITLE,Postprocessing of spherical shell with internal press. of 500 psi /PREP7 ET,1,SHELL93 R,1,.1 MP,EX,1,1e7 ! /VIEW,1,-1,1,1 /DIST,1,3.976 SPHERE,5,4,0,90 VDELE,1 CSYS,2 ASEL,U,LOC,X,4 ADELE,ALL,,,1 ALLSEL,ALL,AREA CSYS,0 ASBW,ALL ADELE,3,,,1 APLOT MSHAPE,0,2D MSHKEY,1 ESIZE,0.25 AMESH,ALL !/EFACET,2 EPLOT /SOLU ANTYPE,STATIC ! DL,ALL,,SYMM SFE,ALL,,PRES,,500 SOLVE FINISH /PBC,ALL,,0

26 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-26 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 13C ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 13C FINISH /CLEAR,START /INPUT,multi-ls,inp /SOLU ! Load Step 1 - Thermal Loads !/PSF,CONV,TBULK,0 LDREAD,TEMP,,,,,multi-ls,rth /PBF,TEMP,,1 EPLOT /TITLE, 2D AXI-SYMM STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS WITH THERMAL LOAD SOLVE ! Delete Thermal Loads BFDELE,ALL,TEMP BFLIS,ALL ! Load Step 2 - Internal Pressure Load ! Apply internal constant pressure of 1000 psi SFL,9,PRES,1000 SFL,13,PRES,1000 /PSF,PRES,NORM,2,0 /PBC,ALL,,0 EPLOT SAVE /TITLE, 2D AXI-SYMM STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS WITH INTERNAL PRESSURE. SOLVE FINISH ! Exit Solution /POST1 PLNSOL,S,EQV /WAIT,WTIME SET,1,1 PLNSOL,S,EQV /WAIT,WTIME LCDEF,2,2 LCOPER,ADD,2 /TITLE, 2D AXI-SYMM STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS WITH COMBINED LOADING PLNSOL,S,EQV /WAIT,WTIME /EXPAND,9,AXIS,,,10,,2,RECT,HALF,,0.00001 /VIEW,1,1,1,1 /AUTO,1 !/EDGE,1,1,45 !/GLINE,1,0! Solid element outlines (default) !/GLINE,1,1! Dashed element outlines /GLINE,1,-1! No element outlines /REPLOT /WAIT,WTIME PLNSOL,U,SUM /WAIT,WTIME PLNSOL,S,X /WAIT,WTIME PLNSOL,S,Y /WAIT,WTIME PLNSOL,S,Z /WAIT,WTIME RAPPND,3,3 SAVE FINISH !/EXIT,ALL

27 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-27 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 13D ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 13D RESUME,multi-ls,db /POST1 POUTRES,S ! Write out the PGR file for all three load cases SET,,,,,,,1 PGSAVE,multi-ls,pgr, SET,,,,,,,2 PGSAVE,multi-ls,pgr, SET,,,,,,,3 PGSAVE,multi-ls,pgr, ! User now enters Result Viewer interactively.

28 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-28 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 13E ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 13E ! Report Generator FINISH /CLEAR,START /INPUT,plate57,inp,! Read input file to create & solve plate with hole ! Start of report captures. ~tcl,'package require ansys ' ~tcl,'ansys::report::setdirectory "plate_report" ' /REPLOT,RESIZE EPLOT ~tcl,'ansys::report::imagecapture "Plot of Elements" ' PLNSOL,S,X,0,1 ~tcl,'ansys::report::imagecapture "X-direction Stress" ' PLPATH,L-SX ~tcl,'ansys::report::imagecapture "Graph of SX Stress on Path L-SX" ' ~tcl,'ansys::report::animcapture "Animation of Deformed Results" 100' /REPLOT,RESIZE PLNSOL,S,X ANCNTR,10,0.5 ~tcl,'ansys::report::tablecapture 2 "Material Properties" 1' ~tcl,'ansys::report::tablecapture 4 "Reaction Forces"' fsum,,1 ~tcl,'ansys::report::outputcapture "List of Stress along Path L-SX" "prpath,l-sx"' prpath,l-sx ~tcl,'ansys::report::outputcapture "List of Constraints on Selected Items" "sbclis"' sbclis !###################################### !Create the HTML Report # !###################################### *CREATE,plate_report,html,plate_report Analysis of Plate with Hole ie4 = (document.all ? true : false);

29 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-29 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 13E (cont’d) Analysis of Plate with Hole By John Doe January 04, 2001 X-Company Report Generated by ANSYS The purpose of this analysis was to analyze a plate with a hole. ! ANSYS Commands (for list commands use the ! toolbar's Listing Capture button) /nopr *get,revision,active,0,rev *vwrite,revision (f3.1) revision of ANSYS. <!-- image_1('Plot of Elements'); //--> <!-- image_2('X-direction Stress'); //--> <!--

30 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-30 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 13E (cont’d) animseq_1('Animation of Deformed Results'); //--> <!-- image_3('Graph of SX Stress on Path L-SX'); //--> <!-- listing_1('List of Stress along Path L-SX'); //--> <!-- listing_2('List of Constraints on Selected Items'); //--> <!-- table_1('Material Properties'); //--> <!-- table_2('Reaction Forces'); //--> *END ~tcl,'ansys::report::interpdynamicdata plate_report/plate_report.html plate_report/plate_report.html ' FINISH !/EXIT,NOSAVE

31 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-31 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises multi-ls.inp ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 12c (insert file: multi- ls.inp) ! Axisymmetric Pipe with Fin Analysis /FILN,multi-ls WTIME=3 /NOPR /PMETH,OFF,0 KEYW,PR_SET,1 KEYW,PR_STRUC,0 KEYW,PR_THERM,1 KEYW,PR_FLUID,0 KEYW,PR_MULTI,0 /GO /TITLE, AXI-SYMMETRIC FIN WITH MULTIPLE LOAD STEPS - ESIZE=0.125 !######################################################## !# # !# GEOMETRY # !# # !######################################################## /PREP7 ! Solid Model RECTNG,5,6,0,1 RECTNG,6,12,0,.25 AADD,all !* Create fillet LFILLT,10,7,.2,, FLST,2,3,4 FITEM,2,5 FITEM,2,8 FITEM,2,2 AL,5,8,2 AADD,all KWPAVE, 9 wpro,,,90.000000 ASBW, 2 KWPAVE, 5 wpro,,30.000000, ASBW, 3 KWPAVE,5,10 wpro,,90.000000, ASBW,2 asbw,4 LCOMB,11,18,0 LCCAT,11,12 ! Prepare for meshing LESIZE,5,,,33,.25,,,,0 LESIZE,7,,,33,.25,,,,0 LESIZE,2,,,6,,,,,0 LESIZE,8,,,3,,,,,0 LESIZE,11,,,3,,,,,0 LESIZE,12,,,3,,,,,0 LESIZE,17,,,3,,,,,0 WPSTYLE,,,,,,,,0 lplot !######################################################## !# # !# THERMAL ANALYSIS # !# # !######################################################## ! Axisymmetric option ET,1,PLANE55,,, 1

32 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-32 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises multi-ls.inp (cont’d) !/MPLIB,READ,e:\temp\57_files\ansfiles\final_files !/MPLIB,WRITE, !* MAT,1, ! /INPUT,e:\temp\57_files\ansfiles\final_files\Stl_AISI- 304.BIN_MPL ! ANSYS REVISION 5.7, $RCSfile: Stl_AISI-304.BIN_MPL $ ! Modified on $Date: 2000/06/01 19:20:22 $ ! Source ID = $Revision: 7.1 $ /COM,Typical material properties for DEMO purposes only /NOP /COM,Internal UNITS set at file creation time = BIN TBDEL,ALL,_MATL MPDEL,ALL,_MATL MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,EX,_MATL, 1, 27992720.0, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,NUXY,_MATL, 1, 0.290000000, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,ALPX,_MATL, 1, 9.888888889E-06, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,DENS,_MATL, 1, 7.514795200E-04, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,KXX,_MATL, 1, 2.182244000E-04, MPTEMP,R5.0, 1, 1, 0.000000000E+00, MPDATA,R5.0, 1,C,_MATL, 1, 46.2864080, /GO !* MPLIST,1 TBLIST,ALL,1 !* MSHAPE,0,2D MSHKEY,1 ESIZE,0.25/2 AMESH,ALL FINISH /SOLU SFL,2,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 SFL,6,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 SFL,7,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 SFL,10,CONV,0.69e-4,,70 SFL,9,CONV,0.28e-3,,450 SFL,13,CONV,0.28e-3,,450 GPLOT SAVE SOLVE FINISH !######################################################### !# # !# STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS # !# # !######################################################### /NOPR /PMETH,OFF,0 KEYW,PR_SET,1 KEYW,PR_STRUC,1 KEYW,PR_THERM,0 KEYW,PR_FLUID,0 KEYW,PR_MULTI,0 /GO /PREP7 LSCLEAR,SOLID ! Clear all thermal loads ETCHG,TTS ! Thermal to Structural KEYOPT, 1, 3, 1 ! Axisymmetric option DL,3,,SYMM ! Structural symmetry constraints DL,5,,SYMM DL,11,,SYMM NSEL,S,LOC,Y,1 ! Couple top nodes CP,1,UY,ALL ALLSEL,ALL /PBF,TEMP,,1 ! Turn on temperature load contours EPLOT SAVE FINISH

33 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-33 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 14A ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 14A finish /clear,start *ABBR,PLATE,/INPUT,PLATE-13C,INP /INPUT,PLATE-13C,INP /WAIT,10 ABBSAV finish /clear,start ABBRES,NEW,plate-13c,abbr /INPUT,PLATE-13C,INP

34 Workshop Supplement October 30, 2001 Inventory #001570 A-34 Appendix A Input Files for Workshop Exercises Workshop 14B ! ANSYS 5.7 Intro Part 1 - Workshop 14A finish /clear,start /filn,plate-13a ! Define Parameters width=6 height=6 dia=2 thick=1 elmsiz=.1 pressure=-1000 modulus=30e6 elmdiv=30 /prep7 rect,0,width,0,height aplot cyl4,0,0,dia/2 asba,1,2 ! Define Element Type et,1,42,,,3 ! Define Real Constants for PLANE42 r,1,thick ! Define Material Properties mp,ex,1,modulus ! Element Size esize,elmsiz ! Apply Symmetry lsel,s,loc,x,0 lsel,a,loc,y,0 dl,all,,symm ! Apply Mesh Divisions lesize,all,,,elmdiv,1/5,,,,1 lsel,s,loc,x,width lsel,a,loc,y,height lesize,all,,,elmdiv/2,,,,,1 lccat,all ! Mesh mshape,0,2D mshkey,1 amesh,all eplot ! Apply Loads lsel,s,loc,x,width sfl,all,pres,pressure allsel,all,line save finish ! Solution /solu solve save finish /exit,all ! Post-Process !/post1 !set,1,1 !plnsol,s,x

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