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Clarify Celebrate Confirm real PE real coaching School Communit y Home Family FUNS.

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Presentation on theme: "Clarify Celebrate Confirm real PE real coaching School Communit y Home Family FUNS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Clarify Celebrate Confirm


4 real PE real coaching School Communit y Home Family FUNS





9 “real PE has revolutionised our approach to PE and Sport teaching and learning and allowed us to see outstanding progress in all pupils of all ability levels. The skills progression- based learning, the level of challenge for more-able children and the self-assessment tools, in particular, have enabled our pupils to take real ownership of their own development. Pupils thoroughly enjoy PE and Sport here and have gained enormous self-confidence and invaluable teamwork, coordination and spatial awareness skills through the real PE approach.” Dan Harding, Headteacher Stockton Heath Primary School

10 “I have just had an observation teaching real PE and it was graded as outstanding. My area of improvement is to teach everyone else about real PE! Considering the thought of teaching PE has always terrified me, (I am dyspraxic and I absolutely hated it at school) this is a huge achievement for me. real PE has given me the strategies and confidence to give students the physical and PSHE skills they need for life. The Assistant Head who observed particularly liked the PSHE outcomes and the way the 'challenges' made it easy to differentiate. If I can do it, anyone can!” Hayley O’Donnell, Teacher The Castle School, Newbury

11 “The school uses the primary sports premium funding to good effect. Staff have been trained to run clubs and to deliver high-quality Physical Education lessons. The school has carefully reviewed the impact of the additional funding on participation rates. The uptake has risen substantially and now nearly three quarters of the pupils participate in a sports club or activity. The school has received a national award for promoting active and healthy lifestyles.” Ofsted

12 Upcoming real PE 80 National Partners 35 Create Learning Communities 50 Whole School real PE insets Over 1,700 teachers accessing real PE! 20 Create Learning Communities for real gym

13 Course outcomesoutcomes


15 Assessment real PE Assessment Wheel is NOT to be shown on a Create Learning Community or Whole School real PE programme. real PE Assessment Wheel will be properly showcased during Learning Nutrition course. It is still part of the package of real PE but now aligned to Learning Nutrition course.

16 Assessment Use of Pupil Trackers keyPupil Trackers Copies are available for Day 1 Create Learning Community and Whole School

17 First FUNS and lesson plans October re-design

18 / Password: realPEteacher real PE Teacher Portal




22 Create Tutor Portal ls/ Password: CreateTutor15

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