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Whistle stop tour of other funding Opportunities. A bit more on Horizon 2020 Territorial Cooperation Erasmus.

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Presentation on theme: "Whistle stop tour of other funding Opportunities. A bit more on Horizon 2020 Territorial Cooperation Erasmus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whistle stop tour of other funding Opportunities. A bit more on Horizon 2020 Territorial Cooperation Erasmus

2 Horizon 2020

3 SME Instrument

4 Aim: To coordinate and support research, innovation and knowledge exchange in the Ocean Energy sector amongst European countries and regions, by launching transnational competitive joint calls for funding collaborative RTDI projects.

5 Its Purpose: Cooperation projects between organisations is different sectors, in different member states..... Which will improve regional (economic, environmental, inclusive) development.... By piloting and testing new approaches and ideas..... Which will deliver demonstrable and tangible improvements in those regions. Territorial Cooperation

6 Erasmus + The EU programme for education, training, youth and sport What is Erasmus+? New EU programme for Lifelong Learning 2014-2020 – replaces all existing programmes Greater simplification and streamlining – focus on EU added value Budget: €14.7 billion – most of which on learning mobility across all aspects What’s new? Support for formal and informal education and training at all levels Separate budget line for youth – particularly in the context of informal learning Support for grassroots sport, Jean Monnet and a Master’s Guarantee Facility Increased focus on international cooperation Strategic partnerships Knowledge Alliances Sector Skills Alliances IT support platforms Knowledge Exchanges Key Action 2 Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices Transnational and international mobility of youth, students, apprentices and staff Erasmus Master’s facility Key Action 1 Learning Mobility of Individuals EU education policy implementation Transparency and recognition tools Policy dialogue Key Action 3 Support for Policy Reform

7 A collaboration between Scotland Europa, Members and Partners Phase I – EU Programme and EU Projects Improve Scottish organisations’ knowledge of available EU programmes Optimise use of different funds through improved signposting Provide a facility to capture Scottish activity across funds Phase II – User Customisation Capture organisations’ interests, create a referral system for support, and make connections to other projects Provide Scottish organisations with a platform to promote their experience Provide Scottish organisations with a platform to find project partners and list current interests Phase III – Reporting & Collaboration Provide Scottish organisations with project idea collaboration Providing Administrators (including NCPs and Brokers) with reporting tools Aim: “to create a one-stop-shop for funding”

8 Thank You Contact Details: Richard Buxbaum Scotand Europa tel: +44 (0)141 228 2860 email: Web: | twitter @scotlandeuropa

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