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Meshal Althiyab | 410504 Present by:. Main points: 1. Introducing of the 4th generation of Nano. 2. Introducing the RoHS regulation. 3. What apple developed.

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Presentation on theme: "Meshal Althiyab | 410504 Present by:. Main points: 1. Introducing of the 4th generation of Nano. 2. Introducing the RoHS regulation. 3. What apple developed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meshal Althiyab | 410504 Present by:

2 Main points: 1. Introducing of the 4th generation of Nano. 2. Introducing the RoHS regulation. 3. What apple developed in Nano ?4. Analysis of how the price changed ?

3  IPod Nano (4 TH Generation ): A portable media player designed and marketed by Apple Inc. Date introduced: September 9,2008. The first generation was introduced in 2005. Capacities 4,8 and 16. Comes with 6 colors

4  European RoHS regulation: adopted in February 2003 by the European Union. restricts the use of six materials which are: The maximum permitted concentrations are 0.1%. Entry into force: 1 st of July 2006. i.Lead. ii.Mercury. iii.Cadmium. i.Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+). ii.Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB). iii.Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE).

5  Development in IPods Nano: 1.Apple redesigned the nano to become more environmentally. 2.Replaced the case with a one piece aluminum shell. 3.Uses a 95% recyclable aluminum. 4.Minimized the lead, mercury and cadmium in the battery to comply with RoHS.

6  Development in IPods Nano: 1.Reduced all internal cables, headphones, and USB cables to free of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). 2.Modify the display to mercury-free and Arsenic-free. 3.Adjusted the display to Arsenic free display glass. 4.Limited the Polycarbonate in the packing materials.

7  Development in IPods Nano: Arsenic-free glass. Highly recyclable aluminium enclosure. Ruminated flame retardant-free. PVC-free. Mercury-free. Free of lead. On 2008, Apple™ statement on it environment report

8  Affecting the price: IPod nano 2 nd generation Total estimated materials cost: $ 143.9 Nano retail price: $ 249 Apple profit margin: 42.2 % * This estimated does not include other costs such as manufacturing, software, accessories and packing.

9  Affecting the price: Steve Jobs “As I said on the last call, we were going to introduce these products. They were initially going to have higher costs, and through volume manufacturing and cost engineering, we're going to work to get down the cost curve over time. But we've made a big investment in these products, and these are some of the of the best we've ever shipped.” Steve jobs replayed on a question.

10  The relationship between products and environment :

11  References: Apple and the Environment,(n.d.), Environmental Performance 2008, Retrieved on November 21 st 2008, From RoHS,(n.d.), WHAT IS ROHS?, Retrieved on November 21 st 2008, From Apple Insider, (September 20 th, 2006), Firm offers teardown analysis of all three new nano models. Retrieved on November 21 st 2008, from Wikipedia, (n.d.), Ipod nano. Retrieved on November 21 st 2008, From Apple, (2008), iPod nano Environmental Report, Retrieved on November 21 st 2008, From Roos, G, (August 21 st, 2006), Design priorities shift in a post-RoHS world, Retrieved on November 21 st 2008, From The Nexis UK database. Environmental LEADER, (September 11 th, 2008), Greenpeace: Less Toxic iPod Nano Rocks, Retrieved on November 21 st 2008, From Apple Insider, (April 24 th, 2006), Redesigned iPod nano due this fall, Retrieved on November 20 2008, From (October 21,2008), Event Brief of Q4 2008 Apple Inc. Earnings Conference Call - Final, Retrieved on November 25 th,2008, From The Nexis UK database. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

12 Apple goes Green !!


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