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Final Presentation on Explorers By Jamie Morris. Who was Christopher Columbus? Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451. He was a European Explorer.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Presentation on Explorers By Jamie Morris. Who was Christopher Columbus? Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451. He was a European Explorer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Presentation on Explorers By Jamie Morris

2 Who was Christopher Columbus? Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451. He was a European Explorer.

3 What is European? Any person who lives in a country on the continent of Europe is called a European.

4 What is an explorer? A person who is looking for new things and adventure.

5 What Did Christopher Columbus Want to Find? He wanted to sail west to Asia. He thought it would be a shorter trip.

6 Who Paid For His Trip? King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

7 What country did they rule? They were the rulers of Spain.

8 How many ships did he have and what were the names of his ships? Three ships: Nina Pinta Santa Maria

9 When did Christopher Columbus leave Spain? They set sail in August of 1492.

10 Where did Christopher Columbus think he landed? He thought he landed in the East Indies.

11 Where did Christopher Columbus Really Land? He really landed in the Bahamas on a new continent, later named America.

12 Who did Christopher Columbus meet in the New World? He met the Native people, but he called them Indians, because he thought he was in India.

13 How was Christopher Columbus treated by the Indians? The Indians were very friendly and welcomed Christopher Columbus and his men. The Indians gave them food and gifts.

14 How did Christopher Columbus treat the Natives? Christopher Columbus and his men killed the Indians. They sold them as slaves. The Indians got sick from diseases the Europeans brought to the new land. https:/.../clients/tcthorne/anthro/indiantimes /

15 Why is Christopher Columbus famous? He discovered the New World, two new continents that Europe, Asia and Africa did not know existed.

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