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ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering ME 4447/ME6405 Microprocessor Control of Manufacturing Systems/Introduction to Mechatronics.

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Presentation on theme: "ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering ME 4447/ME6405 Microprocessor Control of Manufacturing Systems/Introduction to Mechatronics."— Presentation transcript:

1 ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering ME 4447/ME6405 Microprocessor Control of Manufacturing Systems/Introduction to Mechatronics Instructor: Professor Charles Ume Student Lecture Outlines

2 ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering Topics 1. Operational Amplifier 2. Transistors 3. Analog-Digital Converter 4. Interrupts, Thermistors, Opto-isolators, and Phototransistors 5. Pulse Width Modulation 6. Digital-Analog Converter, Diodes, and Triacs 7. Serial Communication Interface 8. Motors 9. Sensors

3 ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 1. Operational Amplifier Background Characteristics of an Ideal Op Amp Basic Circuits of Op Amps –Inverting Type (Derive Equation) –Non-inverting Type (Derive Equation) –Integrating Type (Show circuit and Discuss Equation) –Differential Type (Show circuit and Discuss Equation) –Summing Type (Show circuit and Discuss Equation) Applications

4 ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 2. Transistors Introduction –What is a transistor? –Transistor property Types of Transistors Discuss characteristics and applications of each of the following: –Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) –Field Effect Transistors (FET) –Power Transistors

5 ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 3. Analog-Digital Converter Introduction –What is ADC ? Types of ADC –Compare them in terms of resolution, speed, noise and etc. Discuss the ADC subsystem in you microcontroller chip Show an example of how an analog voltage can be converted to a digital signal using a Successive Approximation ADC Give a few examples of ADC applications

6 ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 4. Interrupts, Thermistors, Opto-isolators and Phototransistors Introduction. Interrupt Stack Priorities Vectors Interrupt Flow Discuss Applications Thermistors: Theory and applications Opto-isolator: Theory and applications Phototansistors: Theory and applications

7 ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 5. Pulse Width Modulation Introduction –What is PWM? Analog vs. Digital Actuation Considerations on PWM frequency Implementing PWM using the MC9S12C32 Associated registers –Clock source –Resolution –Alignment Examples on PWM configuration using assembly and C

8 ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 6. DAC, Diodes and Triacs What is digital to analog converter (DAC)? Types of DAC –Binary Weighted Resistor –R-2R Ladder Discuss Specifications: –Resolution –Speed –Linearity –Settling Time –Reference Voltages –Errors Applications Diodes: Theory and applications –Ideal vs. real –Types: Junction and Zener Triacs: Theory and applications

9 ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 7. Serial Communication Interface Types of data transmission –Parallel –Serial Serial Communication –Synchronous –Asynchronous Baud and Bit Rates Asynchronous Serial Transmission –Start Bit –Data Bit –Stop Bit –Parity Bit –Noise SCI Registers Show two examples of how data words are transmitted

10 ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 8. Motors Motor basics DC motors –Brushed DC motors and their applications –Brushless DC motors and their applications –Pros and Cons AC motors –Introduction and applications Stepper motors –Characteristics –Types of stepper motors –Applications Linear motors –How they work? –Comparison to rotary motors –Types –Pros and Cons

11 ME6405 The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 9. Sensors Optical Encoders: Theory and applications –Types of encoders –Fundamental Components –Quadrature –Errors –Applications Laser interferometers –What is a laser interferometer –Types of laser interferometer –Applications LVDT –What is a LVDT –Types of LVDT –How do they work? –Applications

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