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INTRODUCTION TO THE SAWE – IS IT FOR YOU? Whidy Kiskunas October 4, 2014.

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1 INTRODUCTION TO THE SAWE – IS IT FOR YOU? Whidy Kiskunas October 4, 2014

2 Introduction to Mass Properties The Society of Allied Weight Engineers (SAWE) is an international organization whose primary purpose is to promote the recognition of “Mass Properties Engineering” as a specialized branch of engineering. The society is associated with Aerospace, Marine, Land and Allied Industries. What is Mass Properties Engineering? Who are Mass Properties Engineers? What is the SAWE? How can the SAWE help You? As a student there is lots of knowledge to be gained from the field of Mass Properties Engineering. History has shown that individuals with knowledge of Mass Properties Engineering have a better appreciation of the various disciplines within an engineering organization. SAWE Canada Chapter2

3 3 Agenda i.Section 1What is the SAWE? ii.Section 2Purpose of the SAWE iii.Section 3SAWE Technical Papers and Publications iv.Section 4SAWE Standards v.Section 5What is Mass properties Engineering? vi.Section 6Mass Properties Engineers vii.Section 7Is Mass Properties Engineering the right field for YOU? viii.Section 8How can the SAWE help YOU? ix.Section 9Can you picture yourself as a Mass Properties Engineering Professional? x.Section 10 What can the SAWE offer Students?

4 SAWE Canada Chapter4 Section 1 Founded in 1939 SAWE is an international, professional, non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion, practice, and innovation in the field of mass properties engineering. Major industries represented are military and commercial aviation, automotive, military and commercial shipbuilding, and space technology. SAWE membership includes more than 750 individuals, more than 20 company members, and 22 chapters throughout the US and overseas including Brazil, Canada, Central Europe, the UK and India. The SAWE is where experienced professionals in mass properties engineering join with new entrants to the field to advance the science of mass properties engineering to meet the challenges of tomorrow. What is the SAWE?

5 SAWE Canada Chapter5 Section 2 Purpose of the SAWE The Society offers members and industry a medium for the pooling and exchange of data and experience at local and regional levels, fostering a higher degree of efficiency in Mass Properties Engineering topics. Regular chapter, regional and international meetings provide an opportunity for mass properties engineers to meet and to discuss mutual problems, procedures and specifications, thus broadening their individual horizons and becoming better informed. The aims of the Society are focused on several key areas, among which are: Providing a means for those interested in Mass Properties Engineering to work together to further their professional goals. Promoting recognition of Mass Properties Engineering as a specialized discipline in the entire spectrum of professional engineering. Serving as a medium for the exchange of current mass properties related techniques and state of the art improvements in the profession.

6 SAWE Canada Chapter6 Section 2 Purpose of the SAWE Promoting the design and manufacture of optimum weight equipment, development of new materials, and improvements in the state of the art. Encouraging members to promote continuous improvement in the interrelations between mass properties engineers for mutual benefit. Publicly recognizing any person or organization that significantly enhances the professionalism of the Society or develops new technology that improves the state of the art of Mass Properties Engineering efficiencies. Promoting the inclusion of Mass Properties Engineering in the curriculum of study in institutions of higher learning. Providing training for those working in the field of Mass Properties Engineering.

7 SAWE Canada Chapter7 Section 3 SAWE Technical Papers and Publications SAWE has been promoting recognition of Mass Properties Engineering as a specialized discipline. SAWE makes technical content available to its members. The SAWE publishes technical papers and proceedings from International Conferences through its "Weight Engineering Journal" and on the Internet. The SAWE has produced college level text books covering aircraft and marine mass properties engineering. The SAWE also publishes the "Weight Engineer's Handbook", a collection of engineering formulas and data, used as a reference by engineers of all disciplines. The SAWE also has a collection of student papers.

8 SAWE Canada Chapter8 Section 4 SAWE Standards The SAWE creates Standards and Recommended Practices for the mass properties design and acquisition communities. It is the professional society which integrates mass properties best practices across all the transportation sectors: air, sea, space, and ground. The Society Standards effort is international in scope and compliant with modern Open Development of Standards Processes. Recommended Practices sometimes arise out of activity of groups within the SAWE. The Recommended Practices will represent the consensus and expertise of the group regarding such topics as design criteria, matters of procedure, etc.; which, when approved by the Board of Directors, are made available as Standard Practices Recommended by SAWE. The present list of Recommended Practices includes:

9 SAWE Canada Chapter9 Section 4 SAWE Standards RP1: Requirements for Aircraft On Board Weight and Balance System RP2: Guidelines for Mass Properties Control on International Space & Missile Systems RP5: Mass Properties Control System for Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles RP6: Standard Coordinate Systems for Reporting the Mass Properties of Flight Vehicles RP7: Mass Properties Management and Control for Military Aircraft RP8: Weight and Balance Data Reporting Forms for Aircraft (including Rotorcraft) RP9: Weight and Balance Control for Guided Missiles RP10: Weight and Balance Data Reporting Forms for Guided Missiles and Space Launch Vehicles RP11: Mass Properties Control for Space Vehicles RP12: Weight Control Technical Requirements for Surface Ships RP13: Standard Coordinate System for Reporting Mass Properties of Marine Vehicles RP14: Weight Estimating and Margin Manual for Marine Vehicles RP15: Vendor Weight Control for the Marine Industry RP16: Measurement of Missile and Spacecraft Mass Properties RP17: Weight Distribution and Moments of Inertia for Marine Vehicles RP100: Vendor Weight Control for the Aircraft Industry Technical papers, textbooks, the handbook, and Recommended Practices are available for purchase from the Society on-line. Recommended Practices and technical papers are available free on-line to the Society members.

10 SAWE Canada Chapter10 Section 5 What is Mass properties Engineering? Think for a moment about the latest new milestone in technology in the news today: an innovative new fuel efficient car, the next-generation fighter jet for the US Air Force, the newest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier for the 21st century, a new high resolution imaging satellite, an advanced unmanned underwater vehicle for our national defense, the first commercial cargo transportation vehicle to service the International Space Station, or the world’s largest commercial airliner... what do they all have in common? They all rely on mass properties engineering for their success. Mass properties refers to the prediction, determination, management, and tracking of weight, moments, centers of gravity, moments of inertia, and products of inertia for any new technology — critical factors in its performance and capabilities. Mass properties engineering, or weight engineering, is the technical discipline that balances the weight and moment of every component of a product to ensure that it functions safely, efficiently, and economically. Behind just about every technological achievement is a successful investment in mass properties engineering.

11 SAWE Canada Chapter11 Section 6 Mass Properties Engineers Who are Mass Properties Engineers? Creative thinkers who use math and science to solve problems. Come from a variety of backgrounds: aerospace engineering, ocean engineering, automotive engineering, naval architecture, materials engineering, mechanical engineering, math or physics; to name just a few. Others come from operational backgrounds in the military, or other technical fields like teaching or production. They all share a common interest in making things work by successfully integrating the efforts from many diverse technical disciplines and blending them into an effective solution for all.

12 SAWE Canada Chapter12 Section 7 Is Mass Properties Engineering the right field for YOU? Do you… See problems as opportunities? Like to work as part of a team? Desire to be an integral part of the latest technology? Want to use science and technology to make the world a better place? Excel at balancing attention-to-detail with the vision of a successful product? Desire to participate in all phases of a successful new product... from concept development, to detail design, to construction and fabrication, to product testing, through product deployment and operation? Aspire to make a meaningful contribution by developing practical solutions to new challenges?

13 SAWE Canada Chapter13 Section 8 How can the SAWE help YOU? Website Training programs Networking with fellow professionals at local meetings SAWE International and Regional Conferences Academic scholarships Networking and benchmarking opportunities that span all industry and geographical boundaries Handbooks, textbooks, industry standards, “Best Practices” and technical papers by experienced professionals Opportunities to see the latest products and advanced equipment from suppliers to the field Exposure to potential employers in all industries and locations Professional achievement awards and recognition

14 SAWE Canada Chapter14 Section 9 Can you picture yourself as a Mass Properties Engineering Professional? Great careers with some of the largest and best known technology organizations in the world Competitive salaries and benefits Personal satisfaction of doing worthwhile work Working side-by-side with talented people from a multitude of technical backgrounds Work in a creative professional environment Leadership opportunities in vital military and commercial programs

15 SAWE Canada Chapter15 Section 10 What can the SAWE offer Students? Can provide access to a library of technical papers. A means to get reference data via the SAWE reference handbook. Become a student member and get affiliated with a regional chapter. Adopt a mentor.

16 Questions? SAWE Canada Chapter16

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