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 Texture, shape, and color are physical properties used to identify objects.  Ex: quarter is bigger than nickel.

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Presentation on theme: " Texture, shape, and color are physical properties used to identify objects.  Ex: quarter is bigger than nickel."— Presentation transcript:


2  Texture, shape, and color are physical properties used to identify objects.  Ex: quarter is bigger than nickel

3 Circle your level of understanding of these concepts: 1 2 3 4

4  Density: densities of substances do not change based on the amount of the substance. Ex: break it in half, if you have 100g or 200 g, all same density!!

5 Same substance = same density Ex: Wood has the same density despite its size.  Two different substances can have the same density.

6 Circle your level of understanding of these concepts: 1 2 3 4

7  Heating Properties: substances respond to heating in different ways.  Compare rates at which substances conduct heat.  Ex: Aluminum and Iron heat up quickly.

8 Circle your level of understanding of these concepts: 1 2 3 4

9  Solubility: measure of how much a substance dissolves in given volume of liquid.  Ex: sugar dissolves almost immediately. Dirt falls to bottom.

10 Circle your level of understanding of these concepts: 1 2 3 4

11  Electric Properties: some substances conduct electricity better then others.  Ex: Copper is a good conductor.  Plastic is not.

12 Circle your level of understanding of these concepts: 1 2 3 4

13  Magnetic Properties: some substances are attracted to magnets, others are not.  Ex: Iron, cobalt, and nickel are magnetic.  Copper, aluminum, and zinc are not magnetic.

14 Circle your level of understanding of these concepts: 1 2 3 4

15  You can use the properties of substances to separate them.  Ex: use a magnet to separate aluminum from steel. (THEY LOOK THE SAME, but one is magnetic!)  Water-treatment plants separate mixtures to make water safe!

16 Circle your level of understanding of these concepts: 1 2 3 4

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