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Desktop Publishing Formatting Tools. Design Layouts Design elements that must be consistent:  Margin settings  Columns  Rulers  Frame.

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Presentation on theme: "Desktop Publishing Formatting Tools. Design Layouts Design elements that must be consistent:  Margin settings  Columns  Rulers  Frame."— Presentation transcript:

1 Desktop Publishing Formatting Tools

2 Design Layouts Design elements that must be consistent:  Margin settings  Columns  Rulers  Frame

3 Graphic Layouts Graphic elements must be consistent with:  Margin Settings  Columns  Rulers  Frame

4 Design Gallery Galleries are used:  To provide a consistent style and format.  To add pull quotes, sidebars, and titles.  Pull quotes are simply key quotes from your text that are pulled out to stand alone for added emphasis.  Quickly add or modify elements.

5 Publishing Screen

6 Importing Files  Files can be imported from:  Word  Excel  Access  Draw  Other files may be imported pending conversion.

7 Inserting Graphics  Choose Insert, Picture, and From File from the menu.  Browse to locate the desired object.  Select the desired graphic.  Click Insert.  Arrange and size the graphic appropriately.

8 Moving Objects  To arrange objects:  Right click on the object  Select Order from the menu options.  Order the object as desired

9 Filling Objects  To fill (color) an object:  Right click on the object.  Select Format, Fill.  Click on the desired color.  The format picture toolbar may also be used.

10 Adding Borders  To add a border, use the Format Menu or the Draw Toolbar to select from various line styles and widths.  This Format Menu may also be used to alter font, space, tabs, shadows and size of objects.

11 Rotating Text and Objects  Rotate text or objects by using Arrange from menu options; Right click on the object or use the draw tool bar.  Custom rotate by using the rotate buttons or key in a desired degree of rotation.

12 Fonts Use different fonts to enhance your presentation, but keep in mind these guidelines:  Don’t use more than two or three typefaces in a single publication. shadow  Don’t abuse the use of bold, italics, and shadow variations; use only for emphasis.  Don’t use ornate typefaces in the body; as they are difficult to read. To choose a font:  Select Format from the menu.  Select Font.

13 Fonts (Continued)  Choose font attributes from the font menu.  Font type  Font style  Size  Effects

14 Publishing Toolbar

15 Column Layouts Columns are used to:  Separate information  Show distinctions  Add emphasis  Create brochures

16 Templates in Publishing  Templates are outlines of publications.  They may be used to make flyers, brochures, signs, etc.

17 Color Schemes Color schemes can be selected from templates or manually chosen.

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