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Replicating Machines: The End of Shopping, Waste & Industry? Adrian Bowyer University of Bath, U.K. Cirencester Science and Technology Society 14 July.

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Presentation on theme: "Replicating Machines: The End of Shopping, Waste & Industry? Adrian Bowyer University of Bath, U.K. Cirencester Science and Technology Society 14 July."— Presentation transcript:

1 Replicating Machines: The End of Shopping, Waste & Industry? Adrian Bowyer University of Bath, U.K. Cirencester Science and Technology Society 14 July 2010

2 Karl Marx – did he have a clue? "By proletariat is meant the class of modern wage labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labour power in order to live."

3 Karl Marx – did he have a clue? "By proletariat is meant the class of modern wage labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labour power in order to live." The solution is for the proletariat to seize the means of production by revolution.

4 Karl Marx – did he have a clue? "By proletariat is meant the class of modern wage labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labour power in order to live." The solution is for the proletariat to seize the means of production by revolution. The revolution will happen first in the most industrially-advanced nation (Britain, at the time).

5 Karl Marx – did he have a clue? "By proletariat is meant the class of modern wage labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labour power in order to live." The solution is for the proletariat to seize the means of production by revolution. The revolution will happen first in the most industrially-advanced nation (Britain, at the time). Marx’s marks: 33%

6 What is RepRap? RepRap is a replicating 3D printer

7 RepRap Facts ● RepRap can copy about half its own parts. ● The other half: hardware shops and on-line. ● Cost of all the materials £300. ● Working volume: 200 x 200 x 140 mm 3. ● Material: most plastics. ● Print rate: 19 ml/hour (2 days to replicate). ● Licence: GPL.

8 reprappers

9 RepRap Makes

10 RepRap Makes 4 Michael Curry

11 Anyone with a RepRap can make another RepRap for a friend 29 May 2008

12 It's like MP3 music sharing, but for real solid stuff......ultimately any stuff

13 How The World Works 1. Rules 2. Economics 3. Biology 4. [Physics]

14 Rules 1. Trademarks (registered) and passing off 2. Copyright (unregistered) 3. Patent (registered) 4. Unregistered and registered design Registered and unregistered rights

15 Economics 1. Cheapest proprietary 3D printer: £12,000 (SD-300, Solido Ltd., Israel) 2. The HP cartridge strategy 3. Home recycling

16 Economics and Environment 1. RepRap emits 8g of carbon per hour 11

17 Economics and Environment 1. RepRap emits 8g of carbon per hour 2. RepRap lays down 17g of carbon per hour... 11

18 Economics and Environment 1. RepRap emits 8g of carbon per hour 2. RepRap lays down 17g of carbon per hour... 3. Grow your own plastic 4. Making manufacturing like agriculture 11

19 Biology The two key biological phenomena Self Replication Self Assembly

20 Biology Self Replication 10,000 per hour A RepRap machine takes 2 days to copy itself

21 Biology What people do with things that copy themselves

22 Biology What people do with things that copy themselves

23 Biology Simple replicators get complicated replicators to do the assembly. Rhinovirus H. sapiens

24 Biology Simple replicators get complicated replicators to do the assembly. RepRap H. sapiens

25 Biology - mutualism Nectar <> reproduction Cake <> reproduction

26 Biology - mutualism RepRap = flowers People = insects Goods = nectar

27 The Arrow of Time



30 The Future Everyone in the developed world runs their own CD pressing plant

31 The Future Everyone in the developed world runs their own CD pressing plant Photographic Lab

32 The Future Everyone in the developed world runs their own CD pressing plant Photographic Lab And printing press

33 The Future Why not their own factory...

34 The Future...that makes more factories?

35 http//

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