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Prenatal Labor and delivery Newborn Conception.

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2 Prenatal Labor and delivery Newborn Conception


4  Zygote › Week 1:  Fertilized egg becomes a blastocyst. › Week 2:  Implanted in the uterine wall  Burrows deep into the uterine lining, surrounded by the woman nourishing blood  Started to grow

5  Embryo › Week 3-4 :  A primitive brain and spinal cord appear  Heart, muscles, ribs, backbone and digestive tract begin to develop › Week 5-8 :  Many external body structure(face, arms, legs, toes, fingers) and internal organs form.  The sense of touch begins to develop  The embryo can move

6  Fetus › Week 9-12:  Rapid increase in size begins  Nervous system, organs and muscles become organized and connected.  New behavioral capacities: kicking, thumb sucking, mouth opening and rehearsal of breathing  External genital are well-formed

7  Fetus › Week 13-24  The fetus continues enlarge rapidly  Fetal movement can be felt by the mother.  Vernix and lanugo keep the fetus’s skin from chapping in the amniotic fluid.  Most of the brain’s neurons are present by 24 weeks.  Eyes are sensitive to light and reacts to sound

8  Week 25-38 › The fetus has a chance of survival if born during this time. › Size increase › Lung mature › Rapid brain development(sensory and behavioral capacities expand) › A layer of fat is added under the skin › Antibodies are transmitted from mother to fetus › Fetuses rotate upside-down position in preparation for birth HOME

9  Stage 1: › Dilation and Effacement of the Cervix  The longest stage of labor  12-14 hours with birth and 4-6 hours with later births  Contraction of uterus more frequent and powerful causing the cervix opening  Forming a clear channel from the uterus into the birth canal(vagina)

10  Stage 2: › Delivery of the Baby  Cervix is fully open, baby is ready to be born.  2nd stage is shorter than 1 st stage  50 minutes for first baby and 20 minutes later birth  Strong contraction of uterus continue  Mother feel a natural urge to squeeze and push with abdominal muscle  As she does so with each contraction, she force the baby down and out

11  Stage 3 › Birth of the Plasenta  Labor comes to an end  Few final contractions and pushes  Cause the plasenta to separate from the wall of the uterus  Be delivered in 5 to 10 minutes


13  Baby’s Adaptation To Labor and Delivery › Stress Hormones:  Helps baby withstand oxygen deprivation  Prepare baby to breath  Arouse baby into alertness HOME

14  Assessing the new born › Apgar Scale: to assess the baby’s physical condition › 5 vital sign: heartbeat, breathing, presence of reflexes, muscle tone, skin tone › 5 score added together  Score 7-more : good physical condition  Score 4-6 : need special attention and care  Score 3-less : life-threatening situation


16  Newborn States › Alert inactivity:  Baby is calm with eyes open and attentive  Deliberately inspecting his environment › Waking activity:  Baby’s eyes open-seem unfocused  Move arms or legs in bursts of uncoordinated motion

17 › Crying:  Baby cries vigorously  Accompany with agitated but uncoordinated motion › Sleeping  REM(Rapid-eye-movement)sleep:  Eyes dart beneath the lids  Heart rate, blood pressure and breathing uneven  Slight body movement  Similar to waking state

18  NREM(non-rapid-eye-movement)sleep:  Body almost motionless  Heart rate, breathing and brain wave activity slow and regular.  Newborn’s Reflexes: › Unlearned responses that are triggered by specific form of stimulation


20 Conception to Birth Video Disscussion Session

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