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SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Results from MD week 45 Views of extracted liners and RF shields M. Taborelli for SPSU team.

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Presentation on theme: "SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Results from MD week 45 Views of extracted liners and RF shields M. Taborelli for SPSU team."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Results from MD week 45 Views of extracted liners and RF shields M. Taborelli for SPSU team

2 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Pressure measurements after coating the RF shields between coated magnets -Start of beam -Pumping speed from p decay? -P change from 1 to 2 batches -P at different bunch spacing

3 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Start of MD: week 33 and week 45 Pressure [mbar] co-co un-un co-un 1x72, 26GeV MDw45 MDw33 450GeV No main difference in pressure rise after coating the RF-shields Amplitude is lower for coated (why?)

4 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Pressure [mbar] 450GeV 26GeV Effect of acceleration on the shape of the pressure curve

5 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli 1x72 450GeV 1x12 450GeV Is the pressure recovery different in coated and uncoated magnets ? would be linear on the ln(p) plot if it is only emptying a volume and constant outgassing P=p o exp(-S.t/V)+qsubtract q Pressure [mbar] Assume there is no effect of outgassing from the 12 bunches. Then it

6 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli after q subtraction….almost linear with same slope for both Pressure [mbar] -from the slope of ln(p) and a volume of 49l we get S=0.15 l/s……??? -the value is too low: it means possibly that we are looking at a part of the curve where the degassing is not constant during time

7 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Subtract q Also here the slope gives only S=0.6 l/s, influenced by outgassing and not just emptying a volume (nominal 17 l/s at the RF-shield, which should give a 1/e decay in 2.9s) …again on another time period (beam off) Pressure [mbar]

8 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Pressure [mbar] -Normalize the pressure to equal the values of both magnets (…should not affect the exponent of the decay or 1/t behaviour for outgassing) -in the steepest part the decay is quite similar for both magnets, but changes after few seconds Look on the fast decay part:

9 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli From 1 to 2 batches, 72 bunches 450GeV With a very weak second batch the p decreases: the reason is the cleaning of the ring from protons circulating out of the “buckets” ( e-cloud also decreases……) Pressure [mbar]

10 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli 3batches 25 ns 1batch 25ns long bunches 1b 50ns 3b 50ns 4b 50 ns Effect of bunch spacing

11 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Effect of bunch spacing: summary

12 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Liners and RF shields extracted from SPS

13 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli CKr4 liner cut open: used in scrubbing run w24/2008 Uncoated regions

14 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli CNe8 liner cut open: used in MD run w28/2008

15 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli StSt liners (run w24 and w28 or w33+41) Not sure that the visible line is really due to e-cloud

16 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli RF shield with antenna holes 24mm, extracted from SPS on 6/10/2009 from 51540 (between coated magnets) 30/09/2016 Holger Neupert TE/VSC Shields were inserted in SPS in March 2009, after drilling the holes and chemical cleaning The width is 5 mm, comparable with the most intense region of e-cloud measured for low field (0.4A ~20Gauss nominal) in the monitors 156 mm 6mm 20 40 60 80 100 5mm

17 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Side without antenna holes Holger Neupert TE/VSC

18 SPSU 171109 M.Taborelli Conclusions:  We still do not understand the too small difference in dynamic pressure between coated and uncoated magnets: it does not correspond to the expectation from e-cloud monitors and dynamic degassing data from a-C coatings (slides Paolo)  There is e-cloud also in RF shields (visible traces)  The bad result of the first carbon coating in the scrubbing run of 2008 was due to uncoated regions Looking toward 2010: -Magnetic field measurements outside the MBB (J.Bauche) -New setup for degassing measurements of a-C (optimize degassing, since we believe that SEY is sufficiently good) -What to do with SPS tests in 2010? - coat liners in MBB geometry - mass spectrometer?....few chances - longer section of coated magnets? - simulate the p behaviour more precisely?

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