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Chapter 3 Well Completions. Two basic types: Open Hole Perforated Casing.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 Well Completions. Two basic types: Open Hole Perforated Casing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 Well Completions

2 Two basic types: Open Hole Perforated Casing

3 1st commercial well-1859 Drake - cased hole 1st cemented casing -1903 1st perforating job - 1932


5 open hole perforated casing

6 Open hole -1950's preferred method - acidize limestone formations more easily -fracture stimulation - drop in a bomb

7 Most wells completed w/ perforated casing.

8 2 reasons for open hole. 1.) Apply special drilling techniques and chemicals w/o damage. 2.) Gravel pack Maximum productivity

9 Many disadvantages, 1.) Set in the dark 2.) Lack of control over production. No selectivity! 3.) Sloughing 4.) Can't use in Multiple reservoirs.

10 Screened Liner modification to the open hole

11 Perforated Casing selectivity

12 Perforated Liner Completion - originally used to re-complete open hole wells and return them to production

13 Now liners are very common As wells get deeper – liners save $ $ $.

14 Surface casing Conductor Pipe foundation protects drinking water. Intermediate Production Casing Intermediate Liner Production Liner

15 Tubing less Completion Small diameter casing Casing / Tubing casing tubing

16 Problems 1.) Environmental 2.) Corrosion $ $ Driven typically only when oil and gas $ are low.

17 Unknown Drive Mechanism - start by completing lowest zone - If a gas cap develops Then you were right! - If a water drive... when water production starts - re-complete.

18 Tubing -Types of Completions casing Single Completion tubing

19 Serious Disadvantages if NO tubing is used. 1.) No means of artificial lift 2.) Corrosive fluids in contact w/casing 3.) No way to kill the well w/o Bull heading

20 Bull heading

21 4.) Casing leaks go directly to strata behind the casing OR migrate up the backside.

22 Single Completion with tubing, Eliminates All the disadvantages of casing w/o tubing. - Allows for artificial lift - Dual completions - Kill the well.

23 ----- annulus

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