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EN-CV Progress EHN1 Extension Project Jérôme Rodary EN-CV-PJ 2016/02/04.

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Presentation on theme: "EN-CV Progress EHN1 Extension Project Jérôme Rodary EN-CV-PJ 2016/02/04."— Presentation transcript:

1 EN-CV Progress EHN1 Extension Project Jérôme Rodary EN-CV-PJ 2016/02/04

2 Contents 1. North wall dismantling 2. Integration status 3. Future design activities

3 1. North wall dismantling Works completed : (already discussed) firefighting network interception chilled water disconnected barrack HNA 910 mixed water station removed (north wall) old fan coil removed from barrack HNA 494 raw water network interception (several places) Dismantling status updated (04 February 2016) : Completed Discussed with M. Jeckel Completed Piping & valves are available – Works have started during this week! Completed Discussed with M. Jeckel New CW piping will be installed during the YETS (CONSOLIDATION)

4 2. Integration status GAr extraction system & hall ventilation : ~ 95 % Piping networks & cooling systems : ~ 85 % Integration progress for piping networks : See slides in appendix

5 3. Future design activities Electrical design data for EN-EL ( given by EN-CV the 19 October 2015 ) Electrical power balance tables

6 3. Future design activities Chilled Water (CW): Extension of the network in the future galleries Hypothesis for the design - confirmed by EN-MEF on 05 November 2015 : Additional flowrate: ~ 9 m3/h (for n.8 barracks fan coils) Additional cooling power (for n.8 barracks 6.3 kW fan coils): ~ 50 kW Other : NO CW network extension proposal inside EHN1 extension area

7 3. Future design activities Raw Water (RW): Extension of the network in the future galleries – OK : confirmed on 17 December 2015 Hypothesis for the design – not confirmed (very urgent !) : Additional flowrate (for n. ? racks) : ? m3/h (to be confirmed) Additional cooling power (for racks) : ? kW (to be confirmed) Additional cooling power for (n. 3 ?) cold boxes : NO (confirmed by Johan Bremer on 03 November 2015) Water cooling requirements for racks to be given: Racks locations (inside barrack ?) Thermal spread (∆T) Inlet temperature Max allowable pressure ∆P Nominal diameters of connection Any relevant information,… Note: Raw water temperature is about 20 °C (≠ Mixed water) : Racks characteristics shall comply with this inlet temperature !

8 3. Future design activities Compressed Air (CA): Extension of the network in the future technical gallerie and around the building Hypothesis for the design – given by Johan Bremer on 03 November 2015 : ‘Cryo’ users (for cryostats valves & instrumentation) : 10 m3/h @ 8 bar Additional users (for tools,…) : YES (branches location to be given) ! Note: In order to close CA network integration, EN-CV need cryogenics valves location !

9 3. Future design activities Demineralized Water (DW): Extension of the network in the future technical gallerie Hypothesis for the design – recently updated : Additional flowrate (for new magnets) : 59 m3/h - updated by Philip on 25 January 2016 Additional cooling power (for new magnets) : 2 200 kW – updated by Philip on 25 January 2016 Additional cooling power (for power converters) : 0 kW Other : NO Currently : DW network pumping capacity is not sufficient to ensure these requirements ! IMPACTS: 2 centrifugal pumps to be installed at BA81 Station Overcost, delay,… Flowrate recovery is estimated at : ~ 48 m3/h +/- 10 m3/h (value given on 29 January 2016)

10 3. Future design activities Fire Fighting (FF): Extension of the network in the future area Hypothesis for the design : According the ‘EHN1 extension safety meeting’ held on 09 October 2015 (see MoM) Number of RIAs to be installed: n.6 EN-CV is preparing a technical dossier for HSE review (drawings, design justification,…)

11 3. Future design activities Heated water for 2 new AHUs: Hypothesis for the design : Existing hot water substation will be re-used and slightly refurbished Hot water piping network will be extended, as shown below

12 3. Future design activities User Requirements missing  some data have been collected but not all ! EN-CV needs technical data & requirements for designing the future extended networks as listed below  UR shall be confirmed as soon as possible for pre sizing all fluid networks and checking pumping capacities ! chilled water (for HVAC purposes) chilled water (for cooling down other some equipments) compressed air raw water ! demineralized water ! fire fighting system gas extraction (other gases except GAr ?) REMINDER: Deadline to collect all the User Requirements was : 12 November 2015 in order to comply with project schedule !

13 Thank you for your attention

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