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EC/DEC/TCC meeting in June 2007, Xian, China ASIA PACIFIC METROLOGY PROGRAMME TCM Report Prepared by Dr.A.K. Bandyopadhyay, Chairman, APMP Technical Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "EC/DEC/TCC meeting in June 2007, Xian, China ASIA PACIFIC METROLOGY PROGRAMME TCM Report Prepared by Dr.A.K. Bandyopadhyay, Chairman, APMP Technical Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 EC/DEC/TCC meeting in June 2007, Xian, China ASIA PACIFIC METROLOGY PROGRAMME TCM Report Prepared by Dr.A.K. Bandyopadhyay, Chairman, APMP Technical Committee for Mass and Related Quantities (TCM), Head, Pressure and Vacuum Standards, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi – 110012, India.

2 EC/DEC/TCC meeting in June 2007, Xian, China Offer to Developing Economies Committee (DEC) For DEC member states, the task of TCM is to guide the activities of the above mentioned nine designated parameters among these DEC economies. There are four ways through which we can offer our services: i) Coordinate APMP technical training in these nine specific fields by the faculties of advanced metrological laboratories from APMP and also from other region. ii) Sponsoring of Bi-lateral /International key comparison – (a) TCM has already organized one such comparison AMPM.M.M.K6 with Mr.Nguyen Ngoc Con (Head of Pressure laboratory of VMI) as the coordinator with 14 participants. (b) Two new comparison in the coming years with help of PTB (Germany). iii) Providing artifact for conducting such comparison from the advanced laboratories or from the Industries. iv) Coordinate other actions designed to the implementation of MRA like the mutual confidence in the calibration certificates of DEC members, rendering Technical help for the preparation of CMCs etc.

3 EC/DEC/TCC meeting in June 2007, Xian, China PTB aided pressure comparison Dr. Sabuga of PTB (Germany) presented for a pressure comparison project intended to help DEC economies. Mr. Soo Fatt Chen of SIRIM, Malaysia has taken the responsibility to pilot the comparison. As per the resolution of TCM, the details of the comparison in the form of a Questionnaire are circulated on 28 th March 2007. Although it was, as mentioned, intended for DEC economies, but it was circulated to all TCM members in order to get quick their view also. The last date to send the reply was 30th April 2007. Dr. Angela Samuel was very kindly forwarded this information to all other DEC members.

4 EC/DEC/TCC meeting in June 2007, Xian, China PTB aided pressure comparison 2. Which category of comparison are you interested in (A/B/C)? (A) Directly participate in an official comparison (B) Firstly participate in a non-official comparison, and subsequently participate in an official comparison (if available). (C) Only a non-official comparison. 7. Which comparison would be important for your NMI? Please tick (  ) in appropriate boxes provided. (A) 10 kPa to 120 kPa of gauge mode pneumatic pressure (B) 0.4 MPa to 4 MPa of gauge mode pneumatic pressure (C) 10 MPa to 100 MPa of gauge mode hydraulic pressure (D) other than above (please specify): ……………………………

5 EC/DEC/TCC meeting in June 2007, Xian, China

6 Previous events Summary of 22 nd APMP GA/TCM meeting December 13, 2006 at New Delhi, India 45 delegate registered from 17 APMP economies (Australia-2; Bangladesh –2; China-1; Chinese Taipei -1; Egypt – 1; Hong Kong –1; India -9; Indonesia-1; Japan- 4; Korea-5; Malaysia-2; New Zealand-2; Singapore-1; South Africa –1;Syria-2; Thailand-4, Vietnam-1) and Euromet representatives (France –1, Germany -4). The minutes of the meeting is enclosed for ready reference

7 EC/DEC/TCC meeting in June 2007, Xian, China Thank you very much

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