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Government ICT Our Journey. Government Focus Reduce government spending and debt o Contain and reduce the size of the public service o Reduce budget baselines.

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Presentation on theme: "Government ICT Our Journey. Government Focus Reduce government spending and debt o Contain and reduce the size of the public service o Reduce budget baselines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government ICT Our Journey

2 Government Focus Reduce government spending and debt o Contain and reduce the size of the public service o Reduce budget baselines Improved services for less o Shift resources from the back-office to service delivery Unlock value in government held information Innovative service delivery models

3 Drivers for ICT Change Tight fiscal environment Increasing service expectations 80% of ICT spend is on maintenance Fragmented and duplicated investment Low ICT capability in the current workforce


5 Response Directions and Priorities for Government ICT: Provide clear leadership and direction Support open and transparent government Improve integrated service delivery Strengthen cross-government business capability Improve operational ICT management

6 Governance is key

7 Government ICT Council – who we are Sam KnowlesIndependent Chair o Stephen CrombieDCE, Knowledge, Information, Research and Technology (DIA) o Matt RossActing Director, GCIO (DIA) o Craig SoutarCIO (NZTA) o Myles WardGroup Manager IT Operations & Services (IR) o Nigel PrinceDep Director General, Business Services (MAF) o Greg PatchellDeputy Secretary (MED) o Leanne GibsonCIO (Ministry of Education) o Graeme OsborneDirector, National Health IT Board (MoH) o David HabershonCIO (MSD) o Gerard AberdeenGM, ICT Services (Justice) o Bradley Ward Manager, Communications and IT Policy (MED) o Chris East GM, Government Technology Services (DIA) o Sonitha Aniruth and Ros Coote Secretariat: Office of the GCIO (DIA)

8 Common ICT Capability – underway one.govt igovt Desktop and laptop computers Single and multi-functional print devices Infrastructure as a Service

9 How we intend to fund new AoG products and services Matt Ross Acting Director, GCIO (DIA)

10 Common ICT Capability – coming up $3 million in 2011/12 to support new ideas for savings and better service in government Funds governed by ICT Strategy Group on advice of ICT Council Development of proposals up to business case development 7 candidate initiatives being defined and prioritised

11 Infrastructure as a Service Greg Patchell Deputy Secretary (MED)

12 What is IaaS? A syndicated/common use project that is part of the ICT Council “Foundations” initiative Will delivery a Panel from which agencies & entities can get access to : o Data centre housing o Data centre co-location o Infrastructure as a Service virtualised offering Will provide the solution this calendar year

13 Drivers All agencies use data rooms or data centres Most agencies buy commodity data centre equipment and services A number of agencies have virtualised their environments investing capital Few consume these commodities as services today Apart from legacy platforms most (all) plan to virtualise the data centre platforms All agencies face similar fiscal constraints There is nothing “special” or unique about data centre services Therefore do it once not ~200 times

14 Programme Focus Provide a foundational solution for infrastructure that is universal to all agencies o Consciously avoiding agency specific issues to ensure there is no “barrier to entry” Face the market with scale o Provide suppliers with material demand to allow them to leverage their balance sheets for the benefit of the Crown. Establish a strategic platform & allow for tactical transition o Target is to remove commodity assets from agency balance sheets completely and consume virtual computing as a service o Traditional housing option to allow transition

15 Who is involved today? Initial agencies - NZTA, Police, NZDF, DOC, MSD, DIA, MED, IR, MAF, Edu, MFE, LINZ Actively engaged - Justice The scale? ~3500 Virtual machines, ~1300 TBs of virtual storage, ~200 housed racks and ~600 housed servers Specialist solution for “Secret” Category


17 What does success look like? Currently committed agencies transition and as appropriate virtualise their fleets Further agencies transition as their plans and asset lifecycles dictate At the end of the day a logical decision maker will take advantage of the “IaaS Panel” as there are no genuine reasons preventing them from doing so “There is nothing special about commodity infrastructure”

18 Want to know more? Amanda Craig 04 463 1343

19 igovt Andrea Gray Manager Integrity and Identity Programmes (DIA)

20 igovt – connecting people with govt 25 + services & portals integrated 25 k new logons per month 250 k transactions supported each month

21 igovt – online identity for NZ economy Circuit-breaking to enhance investment value Customer experience enhanced with more usage

22 Smart Desktop Services Trudy Rankin Chief Information Officer (Dept of Conservation)

23 Smart Desktop Services–What is it?

24 Smart Desktop Services – Paradigm Shift Zero touch footprint ICT environment Modular services approach Think: o iTunes platform concept o Mobile banking Pharmac-type governance model

25 Smart Desktop Services – Benefits Flexibility Choice Lower support costs Easier to work together

26 Smart Desktop Services - Progress Summary Service Logic and Investment Prioritisation workshops complete. Interim team drafting the high level business case On track to deliver high level business case to ICT Council on 20 July. Contact: Celia Barr-Brown (

27 Summary Common ICT Capability is the future for lower cost, higher quality public services – and it is here now The State sector’s main strategic advantage as a buyer is our operational scale; using this to the benefit of the taxpayer is a key task Let’s commit to working together to identify our common ICT needs and find common solutions Government working collectively on common ICT solutions can deliver more cost effective and better public services

28 For more information Sonitha Aniruth 04 495 9433 Ros Coote 04 494 5753

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