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Ms. Flath’s 9 th grade English Class Today we will: Meet each other Learn about silent conversations Do a quick comprehension check on The Count of Monte.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Flath’s 9 th grade English Class Today we will: Meet each other Learn about silent conversations Do a quick comprehension check on The Count of Monte."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ms. Flath’s 9 th grade English Class

3 Today we will: Meet each other Learn about silent conversations Do a quick comprehension check on The Count of Monte Cristo Review class expectations and routines Talk technology Oh yes! And hand in book covers!

4 Things To Do - 1. Sit down 2. On your own paper – copy and correct the two sentences on the DOL slide 1.Copy as is and use editing marks – or 2.Correct as you copy 3. Listen for your name as I call the roll and answer to it or you may be counted absent!

5 Paper Heading Your Name Ms. Flath English 1 Date Right Margin Left Margin DOL - Date

6 DOL the book the return of the native is considered among the better of hardys many novels there are several steps are necessary to repair a broken window first remove the putty second remove the points or nails then replace the broken one with a new one

7 Alexander Dumas was the son of a French noble man who lived in Haiti His mother was the daughter of an innkeeper – she was probably Creole born in either Africa or Haiti You might know the stories listed above – they are all written by Dumas! The Three Musketeers The Man in the Iron Mask The Corsican Brothers The Queen ’ s Necklace

8 Things To Do - 1. Sit down 2. On your own paper – copy and correct the two sentences on the DOL slide 1.Copy as is and use editing marks – or 2.Correct as you copy 3. Listen for your name as I call the roll and answer to it or you may be counted absent!

9 Paper Heading Your Name Ms. Flath English 1 Date Right Margin Left Margin DOL - Date

10 DOL the book the return of the native is considered among the better of hardys many novels there are several steps are necessary to repair a broken window first remove the putty second remove the points or nails then replace the broken one with a new one

11 What was happening in 1845? The Count of Monte Cristo was published as a serial magazine over 18 months Texas was annexed to the United States – later admitted as the 28 th state Florida was admitted as the 27 th state The Irish Potato Famine Poe’s “The Raven” is published for the first time

12 DOL the book the return of the native is considered among the better of hardys many novels there are several steps are necessary to repair a broken window first remove the putty second remove the points or nails then replace the broken one with a new one

13 A vulture - Boards an airplane carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess looks at him and says – “I’m sorry sir – only one carrion allowed per passenger!” A pun for your consideration

14 DOL the book the return of the native is considered among the better of hardys many novels there are several steps are necessary to repair a broken window first remove the putty second remove the points or nails then replace the broken one with a new one

15 DOL Corrections: The book The Return of the Native is considered among the best of Hardy’s many novels. Several steps are necessary to repair a broken window: first, remove the putty; second, remove the points or nails; then, replace the broken glass with a new one.

16 Why bother? woman without her man is nothing

17 Why bother? Woman, without her, man is nothing. Woman, without her man, is nothing.

18 Or if you prefer - - Let’s eat grandma! Let’s eat, grandma. (commas can save lives!)

19 Homework! 1) Name/nickname/email address 2) If you want a reminder text for regular assignments – include a cell # 3) Language you speak at home Book cover - late

20 Four Question Quiz  Get your phone out - don’t have a smart phone – get with a buddy. Go to Room # is NHP405 – put in your first name and last initial (or both first names if you are with a buddy) Answer the questions

21 Alexander Dumas was the son of a French noble man who lived in Haiti His mother was the daughter of an innkeeper – she was probably Creole born in either Africa or Haiti You might know the stories listed above – they are all written by Dumas! The Three Musketeers The Man in the Iron Mask The Corsican Brothers The Queen ’ s Necklace

22 What was happening in 1845? The Count of Monte Cristo was published as a serial magazine over 18 months Texas was annexed to the United States – later admitted as the 28 th state Florida was admitted as the 27 th state The Irish Potato Famine Poe’s “The Raven” is published for the first time

23 My Dog Starting down the hero path -




27 But the cat knows The fatal flaw -


29 LISTEN FOR INSTRUCTIONS The silent conversation

30 Who my dog thinks I am – my best attribute – the source of my super power

31 But my cat knows – my fatal flaw – what do I need help with?

32 The role of the companion The companion helps – supports – stands as witness Become the ‘side-kick’ – Listen for instructions -


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