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C H 4 M ICROSCOPY. M EASUREMENTS - METRIC UNITS 1. Meter 2. Decimeter 3. Centimeter 4. Millimeter(mm)- bacterial colony 5. Micrometer(um)- blood cells.

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2 M EASUREMENTS - METRIC UNITS 1. Meter 2. Decimeter 3. Centimeter 4. Millimeter(mm)- bacterial colony 5. Micrometer(um)- blood cells 6. Nanometer (nm)- poliovirus

3 M ICROSCOPY - USE OF LIGHT OR ELECTRONS TO MAGNIFY OBJECTS -we see visible light, ROYGBV -differ in wavelengths-the distance b/w 2 corresponding parts of the wave -magnification-make object appear larger, but doesn’t actually change size -resolution (resolving power)-ability to distinguish b/w objects that are close together, limited by wavelength of light *today's microscopes are greater b/c use shorter wavelength radiation- blue light or electron beams -contrast-intensity b/w 2 objects or background, use stains Oil Immersion- helps magnification & resolution

4 L IGHT M ICROSCOPES 1. Bright field -simple-one lense -compound-series of lenses 2. Dark field- for pale objects -stop in the condenser to prevent light from directly entering the objective lens 3. Phase-living or specimens that would get damaged from stains -phase-contrast-sharply defined images, living cells -differential interference contrast (Nomarski)-3D 4. Fluorescent-use UV light, show against black -emits light of longer wavelength 5. Confocal-ultraviolet lasers, biofilms

5 E LECTRON M ICROSCOPES 1. TEM- uses very short electron wavelength, much greater magnification, very thin specimens -use diamond edge knife, stain w/ heavy metals 2. SEM- electrons don't penetrate specimen, are bombarded and reflected at different angles -use for 3-D, whole specimens

6 S TAINING - COLORING SPECIMENS 1. make a smear-film of organisms 2. heat fixation (flame)/ chemical fixation (methyl alcohol) -kills them and preserves shape and size -chromophore- colored portion of a dye acidic dyes- (-, anionic), alkaline structures in low PH basic dyes- (+, cationic), acidic structures in high PH

7 1. Simple stains- single basic dye: crystal violet, safranin, methylene blue 2. Differential stains- more than one dye A. Gram stain- (+ = purple) (- = pink) 1. Flood smear with primary stain, crystal violet, rinse 2. Flood with mordant(bind dyes), iodine, rinse 3. Flood with decolorizing agent, ethanol and acetone, rinse 4. Flood with counterstain, safranin, rinse

8 B. Acid-fast- differentiate cells with waxy cell walls (those that cause many human diseases) C. Endospore (Schaeffer-Fulton)- bacteria walls impermeable to all chemicals -uses heat to drive malachite green into the endospore

9 Special Stains D. Negative/Capsule- stain background & leave cells colorless E. Flagellar- stain flagella, increase the diameter

10 C LASSIFICATION & I DENTIFICATION Taxonomy- science of classification 1. Classification-assigning organisms to a taxa based on similarities 2. Nomenclature- rules of naming 3. Identification- determining belonging Important for: sense of order, enhance communication, make predictions about similar organisms

11 C AROLUS L INNAEUS Species-similar organisms that can interbreed Didn’t work well for asexual organisms- called strains Linnaeus divided into plantae & animalia only Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species Binomial Nomenclature- use Genus & species Latin names Genus-noun, written first, capitalized Species- adjective, lowercase *both written in italics or underlined Diplococcus pneumoniae or Homo sapiens

12 R OBERT W HITTAKER - 5 KINGDOM SYSTEM Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protista, Prokaryotes Did not address viruses Today Prokaryotes> Eubacteria & Archabacteria

13 W OESE - 3 D OMAINS Determined by rRNA sequencing Eukarya, Bacteria, Archae

14 I DENTIFYING C HARACTERISTICS 1. Physical Characteristics Morphology (shape) Stains to view features such as flagella 2. Biochemical Tests Ability to utilize or produce certain chemicals

15 3. Seriological Tests Agglutination test- antiserum mixed with a sample that may be antigenic (triggers immune response) able to find antigens that cause disease 4. Phage typing (bacteriophages)- viruses that infect bacteria Produces a plaque- clear area

16 5. Nucleic Acid sequences

17 Taxonomic/Dichotomous Keys Dichotomous Key Video

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