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Buddhist global relief Changing Lives and Saving Lives.

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1 buddhist global relief Changing Lives and Saving Lives

2 BGR's Mission To relieve chronic hunger and malnutrition through: providing direct food aid, giving women an opportunity to start right livelihood projects to support their families, promoting the education of girls and women, developing sustainable farming and food security projects

3 30 Projects in 15 Countries $575,490 What If? Foundation – Haiti Providing > 30,000 meals Building Bridges-Sangrur, India Training in tailoring and business for 250 widows North Country Mission of Hope – Nicaragua Education for 94 girls Oxfam America – South Darfur, Sudan Household food security Seeds and tools for 510 farming families and training for 150 farmers

4 10 Direct Food Aid Projects Arts Creation Foundation for Children (ACFFC): Food Aid Program in Haiti What If Foundation (WIF): Lamanjay Community Food Program, Haiti Joan Rose Foundation: Support of Children's Food Aid and Education in Haiti Bangladesh Buddhist Missionary Society (BBMS): Food for orphans in Bangladesh Jamyang Foundation: Food Program for Yashodhara Girls’ School in Bangladesh CENCUDER: School Food Program in Cameroon, Central Africa

5 Direct Food Aid Reciprocity Foundation: Vegetarian Food Program for Homeless Youth in New York City Red Cross Vietnam: Hospital Meals Program in Vietnam Helen Keller International (HKI): Improving Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition in Kenya Helen Keller International (HKI): Improving Nutrition in Cote d'Ivoire

6 6 Education Projects Lotus Outreach (LOI): Rice Support for poor girls in Cambodia Lotus Outreach (LOI): Rice support for girl college students in Cambodia Moanoghar: Construction and furnishing of a Children's Hostel, Shanti Bavan, in Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh Red Cross Vietnam: Educational scholarships for Tam Binh and Cam Duong districts What If Foundation (WIF): Furnishing and materials for the new Father Jeri Academic School in Port-au-Prince, Haiti North Country Mission of Hope: Educational sponsorship of 94 Girls in Nicaragua

7 4 Women’s Right Livelihood Projects Bodhicitta Foundation: Girls' Hostel and Women’s Job Training Centre/Community Centre in Nagpur, India Centre for Women’s Research (CENWOR): Education and Skills Development for Girls from Low Income Families in Sri Lanka Building Bridges: Income Generation for Women in Sangrur, India Asociacion Grupo de Trabajo Redes: Women's Education and Right Livelihood in Lima, Peru

8 10 Sustainable Farming & Food Security Projects Ecology Action (EA): Grow Biointensive Sustainable Mini-Farming in Kenya and Malawi Helen Keller International (HKI): Expanding Household Food Production in Vietnam Keep Growing Detroit: Long-term strategy for increased local food production in Detroit Oxfam America: Household Backyard Gardens in the Darfur region of Sudan Oxfam America: Promotion of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Haiti

9 Sustainable Farming & Food Security Rachana: SRI training for poor farmers in rural areas of Cambodia International Cooperation Center (ICC): SRI Training in Vietnam Trees That Feed: Planting Breadfruit Trees in Jamaica and Haiti Oxfam India: Enhanced food security for women farmers in India Building Bridges: Organic Farming Initiative in India Visit for project descriptions

10 Walk to Feed the Hungry

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