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Japan. Why did totalitarianism spread so quickly after WW1? Totalitarianism spread so quickly after WW1 in Japan because Japan enjoyed a period of economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Japan. Why did totalitarianism spread so quickly after WW1? Totalitarianism spread so quickly after WW1 in Japan because Japan enjoyed a period of economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japan

2 Why did totalitarianism spread so quickly after WW1? Totalitarianism spread so quickly after WW1 in Japan because Japan enjoyed a period of economic prosperity and growing democratic government. The great depression hit Japan hard because it's prosperity depended on foreign trade. The government of Japan seemed unable to solve its economic crisis by 1932, military leaders had set up a military dictatorship in Japan.

3 How did WW1 affect Japan? After WW1 great depression hit Japan hard because it's growth depended on other country trade. The government of Japan was unable to solve the economy difficulties. Japan didn't have any strong leader also some of the ministry leaders dominated the government. The emperor lost all political and military powers, and was solely made the symbol of the state. Universal suffrage was introduced and human rights were guaranteed. Japan was also forbidden to ever lead a war again or I maintain an army. Further move, Shinto and the state were clearly separated.

4 What conditions led to the collapse of the old government? Japan enjoyed a period of economic prosperity and growing democratic government, however the great depression hit Japan especially hard because it's prosperity depended on foreign trade. Many people turned to military, which began to take matters into its own hands. By 1932, military leaders had set up a military dictatorship in Japan. Japan did not had a single strong leader. Instead a small group of military leaders dominated the government.

5 Who supported the totalitarian leaders and why? The people supported the totalitarian because they promised them they would make their lives better.

6 How did the dictators seize power? The political unrest and poor economic conditions that developed after World War I lead dictators to arise in several countries, especially in those countries that lacked a tradition of democratic government. During the 1920's and 1930's, dictators came to power in the Soviet Union, Italy, Germany, and Japan. They held total power and ruled without regard to law. The dictatorships used terror and secret police to crush opposition to their rule. People who objected risked imprisonment or execution. When the dictators promised to get the country up and running they received the support they needed.

7 What reforms did the dictator bring about? Japan was not controlled by a single power, it was controlled by a small group of military leaders. These military leaders then began to give Japan the features of a totalitarian state. There were many reforms brought, such as arresting critics, imposing censorship laws, and also employing a secret police force.

8 Could this happen here? Could this happen here? We don’t think it could happen here because wee have a democratic government the people vote for who we think are the best leader.

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