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Take Your Message Online: Digital Advocacy for Small & Rural Libraries June 17, 2015.

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1 Take Your Message Online: Digital Advocacy for Small & Rural Libraries June 17, 2015

2 Using ReadyTalk Chat for questions/comments All lines are muted If you lose your Internet connection, reconnect using the link emailed to you. If you lose your phone connection, re-dial the phone number and re-join. ReadyTalk support: 800-843-9166 Your audio will play through your computer’s speakers.

3 This session will be available on the TechSoup website along with past webinar presentations: You will receive a link to this presentation, material, and links. Twitter hashtag: #TS4Libs You are being recorded…

4 TechSoup is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a clear focus: connecting fellow nonprofits, charities, public libraries, and foundations with tech products and services, plus learning resources to make informed decisions about technology. Who Is TechSoup?

5 Since 1987, TechSoup donation programs have served more than 210,000 charitable organizations. We’ve distributed more than 11 million software and hardware donations and enabled recipients to save more than US$3.75 billion in IT expenses in 60+ countries around the world. We reach more than 400,000 nonprofit, library, and philanthropy subscribers in the United States with our newsletters each year.

6 What’s New at TechSoup? Refurbished Computer Initiative (RCI) High-quality refurbished desktops, laptops, monitors and other hardware solutions Adobe Creative Cloud Get the latest versions of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, and more with hundreds of new features. Tell your story and inspire more with Creative Cloud. Microsoft Office 2013 Get the complete suite of productivity software to optimize your workflow.

7 TechSoup for Libraries

8 Take Your Message Online: Digital Advocacy for Small & Rural Libraries June 17, 2015

9 The advocacy spectrum Social media for advocacy Library examples Resources Q&A Today’s Topics @techsoup4libs #ts4libs

10 Presenters Moderator: Crystal Schimpf Chat: Becky Wiegand Twitter: Ginny Mies Erica Findley EveryLibrary Portland, OR Jillian Kalonick United for Libraries Bryn Mawr, PA Kate Lasky Josephine Community Libraries Grants Pass, OR @techsoup4libs #ts4libs

11 Jillian Kalonick Marketing/Public Relations Specialist United for Libraries American Library Association Bryn Mawr, PA

12 Established in 2009. A division of the American Library Association. Supports citizens who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for libraries. United for Libraries

13 Publicity Informing the community about what the library has to offer Encourage USE of the library and its resources Awareness Educating the community that libraries are essential in the digital age Show users and non-users alike WHY LIBRARIES MATTER ! Advocacy Turning general library support into EDUCATED ACTION! The Advocacy Spectrum

14 “Citizens Save Libraries: A Power Guide to Successful Advocacy” is available FREE at Step-by-step guide to developing an advocacy campaign in your community. The Power Guide

15 – Videos – Talking points – Postcards – Petitions – Flyers – Brochures – Bookmarks – Tools for promoting your library’s value – and more! The Power Guide Includes examples of:

16 Success: Dallas Public Library


18 Success: Salem-South Lyon District Library


20 Libraries Need Friends!

21 Advocacy Tips Electronic Discussion Groups Free Fact Sheets & Tips Sheets Membership Information Consulting Services Visit:

22 Please type your questions in the chat window. Marketing/Public Relations Specialist United for Libraries American Library Association Bryn Mawr, PA

23 Erica Findley Board Member EveryLibrary @everylibrary #ELPAC

24 Founded on the fact that libraries, as public entities, cannot expend their own funds to do electioneering. Associations, as 501c3 organizations, have limits on the political activity they can engage in. About EveryLibrary

25 Set up as a 501c4 Social Welfare Organization chartered to support local library ballot measures like bonds, referendum, levies, and mills. Includes support for legislation that impacts the ability of libraries to function as districts. About EveryLibrary

26 Publicly funded institutions often have restrictions on political activity on work time. But you can do factual messaging. What & when. Form a Vote Yes committee once you have a measure on the ballot. This group says “Votes Yes” and WHY. “Information Only” vs. “Vote Yes”

27 Nationwide, of all voters: 37% will Definitely vote yes for the library 37% will Probably vote yes for the library 26% will Probably or Definitely vote no or may vote either way -From Awareness to Funding: A study of library support in America, OCLC 2008 Voter Attitudes

28 Nothing Impacts Voter Attitude about Libraries More than their Perception of the Librarian and the Library as an Institution - From Awareness to Funding: A study of library support in America, OCLC 2008 Voter Attitudes

29 ●Voters look at the librarian as much as the institution. ●We need to update voter nostalgia about libraries. ●Showcasing happy customers via social media only goes so far. We have to talk about our competent, engaged staff. ●You can't do social media without putting $$ behind it. ●In the absence of a communications campaign you rely on chance to get the right 37% of voters Things to know before jumping in

30 Home Page - short and sweet. Title of measure, dates, and call to action About the Committee - Key names and contact info Vote YES for [measure] - a persuasive piece rooted in the community's need for a well funded library Facts - a persuasive version of the library's info-only piece Volunteer / Donate - links, addresses, emails and phone numbers. Use a ‘form’ or email address. News - Blog version of what the campaign is doing The 6 Page Website

31 6 Pages - Wordpress (free) River East Library

32 ● Facebook targeting ○ Zipcode ○ Age ○ Interests ● $5 per day+ ● Pro tip: Keep an editorial calendar to track posts and allocations. Adjust as you go to maximize effectiveness. Set aside some $$

33 Building voter support for libraries Plan for at least 3 posts per week Focus on: 1.Children and literacy education 2.Jobs and access to employment 3.Role in the civic infrastructure 4.Identity anchor in the community Pro tip: Every post must include an explicit call to action. Content




37 Ask your Vote YES volunteers to take at least 3 sets of 3 photos of themselves (and their families) that show them: ● outside of the library, using the library, giving an endorsement ● at the phone bank, canvassing, participating in GOTV events ● with the ballot itself, themselves voting, or with the yard signs ALWAYS use images




41 Please type your questions in the chat window. Board Member EveryLibrary @everylibrary #ELPAC

42 Kate Lasky Executive Director Josephine Community Libraries, Inc. Grants Pass, OR 541-476-0571

43 The libraries in Josephine County closed in May 2007. By December 2009, community members formed Josephine Community Libraries, Inc., a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization and reopened all four shuttered branches. In November 2014, citizens placed a measure on the ballot to permanently fund the libraries, which was defeated by 53 percent of the vote. Today, the libraries are funded by donations and the contributions of more than 350 volunteers annually.





48 Takeaways Consistent branding Time and money – $50 per month – Editorial calendar, scheduled posts Pictures – Reuse poster jpg’s – Boost pictures Key messages (positive tone) – Audience selection

49 The Yellow Envelope


51 Project Goal The goal of the Yellow Envelope Drive was to implement a compelling and inspiring communication and fundraising campaign in the aftermath of a failed library district campaign. The monetary goal was $150,000, the amount needed to meet the half-year budget goals.

52 Project Objectives Raise $150,000 as part of the Fall Fundraising Drive. Help voters respond in a monetary way to the failure of the library district measure. Reach out to and engage new library supporters from the wider community. Create excitement about the library and its commitment to the community in spite of the failure of the district measure. Inform the wider public about the library’s funding model. Build a sense of success among library volunteers, donors, and staff.

53 The Yellow Envelope

54 Facebook






60 Press Coverage

61 Letters to the Editor

62 E-newsletter

63 E-blasts

64 Website

65 Thank-You Video

66 Please type your questions in the chat window. @techsoup4libs #ts4libs Executive Director Josephine Community Libraries, Inc. Grants Pass, OR 541-476-0571

67 Please type your questions in the chat window. @techsoup4libs #ts4libs Erica Findley EveryLibrary Portland, OR Jillian Kalonick United for Libraries Bryn Mawr, PA Kate Lasky Josephine Community Libraries Grants Pass, OR

68 Online reading education program For children age 3-13 TechSoup product donation 10 license subscription packs Upcoming TechSoup Webinars Adobe Creative Cloud: Photoshop Tips for Nonprofits & Libraries Thursday, 6/18, 11AM-12PM PST Fundraising Tips for Libraries Wednesday, 7/29, 11AM-12PM PST

69 Thank You to Our Webinar Sponsor! ReadyTalk offers dedicated product demos for TechSoup organizations 4 times per week. For more information: Please take a moment to complete the post-event survey that will pop up in a new window when you close this screen.

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