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L IBRARY O RIENTATION P EARL -C OHN H IGH S CHOOL By Ms Jeanette Lambert Library Media Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "L IBRARY O RIENTATION P EARL -C OHN H IGH S CHOOL By Ms Jeanette Lambert Library Media Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 L IBRARY O RIENTATION P EARL -C OHN H IGH S CHOOL By Ms Jeanette Lambert Library Media Specialist

2 B ASIC FACTS A BOUT L IBRARY Over 15,000 items in the collection (books, DVDs, audiobooks, etc.) 24 student computers 5 laptops available for student checkout 20 magazine (print) subscriptions 1 Reference Room individual online research or small group meetings.

3 L IBRARY H OURS & P ASSES 7:00am -2:45pm everyday Mondays and Wednesdays, extended hours until 3:30pm. Open during all lunch periods. During class, a student may come to the library when escorted by campus security. The regular teacher must call the librarian ahead of time.

4 Where are materials located in the library Dvds, audiobooks, playaways and paperback books are located on racks. Fiction books are located near the conference rooms Nonfiction books are located against the wall

5 C OMPUTER P OLICY Must be used for educational and research purposes Library staff monitors use from remote site MNPS has installed filters. Some sites are not accessible. Laptops are checked out at 2:45pm and must be returned by 7:00 am the next day.

6 L IMITLESS L IBRARY A special partnership between Nashville Public Library and Metro Schools Main benefit: students can have public library books sent to Pearl-Cohn Can use student ID at any NPL branch Student Returns Form (giving permission) NPL account created ] Student ID card becomes your library card For accounts with outstanding items, student won’t receive items via delivery No netbooks can be checked out without form

7 C IRCULATION No R-rated material will be delivered to school sites Parents may revoke delivery Form found on Library Services Portal Librarians may restrict items to library use only. Delivery NPL in-house procedures Sent through school mail in green carrier bags AV-White Boxes Book stickers- DO NOT REMOVE

8 C HECKOUT P OLICIES Students can check out up to three books at a time. The checkout period is 2 weeks. Students can check out only 1 DVD, playaway, or audiobook at a time. The checkout period is 1 week. Students can check out a netbook for only 1 day and never on a Friday or the day before a break or holiday. Students with excessive fines will not be allowed to check out materials. Special arrangements for payment can be done.

9 L OST B OOK F EES Lost books must be paid for by the end of the school year. Otherwise, report cards, transcripts, and 0ther school records can be withheld. Keep in mind that lost book fees apply for any MNPS school

10 G ET R EADY FOR G RADUATION Make good use of your time here at Pearl-Cohn. Join clubs, be active in school events, and keep those grades up. The information literacy skills that you use in the library and classes will carry you through life. Go FIREBIRDS!!!

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