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Bottom up evaluation of strategies Jela Tvrdonova 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Bottom up evaluation of strategies Jela Tvrdonova 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bottom up evaluation of strategies Jela Tvrdonova 2016

2 Bottom up The intervention set up is assessed during the mid-term and ex-post evaluation also against the actual situation achieved in given time The „bottom up approach“ – if implemented projects are contributing to the specific objectives and generating the results and consequently impacts

3 Important questions Are projects implemented in line with the strategy? Is the implementation of measures balanced? Is there a balance among measures in contributing towards specific objectives (which measures are, which are not contributing?) Are outputs contributing to results sufficiently? Is there premise to achieve strategic objective with projects and allocated budgets and if yes to which extent? Are results contributing to impacts sufficiently?

4 Strategic objective Expected impacts (LAG and evaluato r) Impact indicato rs (LAG and evaluat or) Specific Objectiv es Expecte d Results (LAG and evaluato r) Result indicat ors (LAG and evaluat or) Measur es Inputs (budget) No of supporte d projects Outputs SUMMARY TABLE

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