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Eating Habits Comenius Math and Science Studio. Eating Habits Eating Habits Eating Habits.

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Presentation on theme: "Eating Habits Comenius Math and Science Studio. Eating Habits Eating Habits Eating Habits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating Habits Comenius Math and Science Studio

2 Eating Habits Eating Habits Eating Habits

3 Eating Habits


5 Modus The most frequent value. Question 1. : Number of meals daily

6 Eating Habits Median Median The median can be found by arranging all the observation from lowest value to highest value and picking the middle one. Time5:306:006:156:206:306:406:456:587:007:107:15 Frequency51032201515316 7:307:457:558:008:309:009:309:409:4510:0011:0013:00 1111102222331633 Question 2. : Time range (first mail) 92

7 Eating Habits Median pupils

8 Eating Habits Arithmetic mean The arithmetic mean of a list of numbers is the sum of all of the list divided by the number of items in the list. Question 2. : Time range (first – last meal)

9 Eating Habits Standard deviation Is a simple measure of the variability or dispersion of a data set. Question 4. : Amount of vegetables or fruits weekly

10 Eating Habits

11 Relative frequency The relative frequency can be formulate in per cent. Question 3. : Breakfast? Frequency Relative frequency aged 13 - 15aged 16 - 20aged 13 – 15aged 16 - 20 Yes 247139,34%57,72% Irregularly 253440,98%27,64% No 121819,67%14,63% 61123100,00%

12 Eating Habits Question 3. : Breakfast?

13 Eating Habits Polygon of frequency Question 5: Number of days in one week when I have sweets? Number of Days weekly1234567 Frequency4131730231483

14 Eating Habits Histogram Question 6: Number of days in one week when I have meat Number of Days weekly 1234567 Frequency771735453835

15 Eating Habits Circle diagram Question 7: Type of meat which I eat most often Type of meatBeefPorkLambChickenOtherNone Relative frequency3,26%13,59%0,54%79,35%2,72%0,54%

16 Eating Habits Question 10: Kind of drink I have most often

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