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Professional Capacity Building Assignment 1 Dream Job Presentation Clinical Nurse Educator Alexander Green 10101757 (

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1 Professional Capacity Building Assignment 1 Dream Job Presentation Clinical Nurse Educator Alexander Green 10101757 (

2 Introduction  This presentation will identify a job that exists within the nursing profession that I would consider my ‘dream job’  The job identified will be analysed and summarised  A self directed SWOT analysis will then be done  Learning objectives to accomplish this will be identified  1 of these objectives will be analysed against the nursing domains  Literature review will be done to assess need for the role

3 Clinical Nurse Educator  Implements and evaluates staff development and education programs  Works with nursing staff at the ward/unit/hospital/health service level  Orientation of new nurses  Development and management of required education  Assessment of nurses based on clinical competencies  Participate and contribute to development of both new/current nurses (Clinical Nurse Educator Position Description, 2016) ( 8230-help-the-nursing-shortage-by-becoming-a-nurse- educator) ( 2008/nursing.html)

4 SWOT Analysis Strengths -Confident -Reliable -Always looking to improve -Learn new skills very quickly -Can relate to a wide range of people -Very logical thinker Weaknesses -Can struggle at times to delegate -Can come across as cocky (over- confident) -Maintaining a work/life balance has always been difficult Opportunities -Graduate nursing program positions are available -I’m an investment for a company as I am looking to further my education -Being 26 years old, I have a long career ahead of me, but also have gathered life experience Threats -Competitive industry -Large number of job seekers -Possible discrimination being a male

5 Learning Objectives 1. By the end of 2016 I will have graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Nursing) and obtained a graduate nursing program at SJOG Subiaco 2. By December 2018 I would have completed the initial, 1 year graduate program (graduate certificate in clinical nursing) and the additional 1 year in ICU/CCU 3. By December 2021 I will have graduated from ECU with a Masters of Nursing- Nurse Educator 4. By March 2022 I will have begun clinical facilitating for students who are on clinical placements 5. By December 2025 I will be working as a clinical nurse educator

6 Learning Objectives GoalStrategy/performance criteria for achieving your goal under specified competency standard Domain Learning goals Professional practice Critical thinking and analysis Provision and coordination Collaborative an therapeutic practice By December 2021 I will have graduated from ECU with a Masters of Nursing- Nurse Educator I will follow the legal obligations, the nursing codes of conduct and ethics; I will have been practising as a RN for two years prior to enrolling in this course Always ensure that I read relevant resources, signing up for newsletters such as the ANF to keep up to date with new developments and evidence based study Whilst I am studying this postgraduate qualification, I will seek guidance from the hospitals nurse educators and possibly enlist one as a mentor. In my practice as an RN, I will ensure that it is of the highest standard I will ensure a high level of therapeutic relationship development; and within the multidisciplinary team as both an RN and a nurse educator student Areas of strength My Nursing degree will be my second undergraduate degree so I am very well practiced at balancing work and study successfully Having done two undergraduate degrees, I know where to find the available literature and how to review them I would have developed a good rapport with my co-workers and they will have seen my ambition to progress in regards to career advancements Excellent at establishing and maintaining relationships Ongoing support from co-workers Opportunities for future development Knowing my long term plans, hospitals will be looking hire and invest in someone like me Keeping up to date with industry developments is a primary role of nurse educators As I would have been working as an RN for several years, when a nurse educator role arises Mentoring from current nurse educators may be a possibility Goal Achieved Date: December 2021

7 Literature Review  The clinical nurse educator as a leader. Nurse Education in Practice  We want you: Nurse educators. Nurse Education in Practice  The meaning of being a nurse educator and the nurse educators’ attraction to academia: A phenomenological study. Nurse Education Today  Envisioning a process to support transition from nurse to educator. Contemporary Nurse  From bedside to classroom: The nurse educator transition model. Nursing Education Perspectives ( descriptions/nurse-educator-job-description/)

8 Conclusion  Clinical Nurse Educator- Role that is important to the profession  SWOT Analysis indicates I have the qualities  Learning objectives will cause dream to transpire  Literature review indicates need for Clinical Nurse Educators

9 References Adelman-Mullally, T., Mulder, C. K., McCarter-Spalding, E., Hagler, D., Gaberson, K., Hanner, M., & Young, P. (2013). The clinical nurse educator as leader. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(1), 29-34. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2012.07.006 ANF Annual Salaries. (2016). Retrieved from Midwives_Enrolled_(Mental_Health)_Enrolled_Nurses_Industrial_Agreement2013.pdf Clinical Nurse Educator Position Description. (2016). Retrieved from Hall, N., & Mast, M. (2015). We want you: Nurse educators. Nurse Education in Practice, 15(5), 339. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2015.05.003 Laurencelle, F., Scanlan, J. & Brett, A. (2016). The meaning of being a nurse educator and nurse educators' attraction to academia: A phenomenological study. Nurse Education Today, 39, 135-140. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2016.01.029 McAllister, M., Oprescu, F., & Jones, C. (2014). Envisioning a process to support transition from nurse to educator. Contemporary Nurse, 46(2), 242-250. doi:10.5172/conu.2014.46.2.242 Schoening, A. M. (2013). From bedside to classroom: The nurse educator transition model. Nursing Education Perspectives, 34(3), 167-172. doi:10.5480/1536-5026-34.3.167

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