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EPG uses specifically designed, patented and constructed pumps for vertical and horizontal applications... Not simply water well pumps designed for vertical.

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2 EPG uses specifically designed, patented and constructed pumps for vertical and horizontal applications... Not simply water well pumps designed for vertical operation.

3 You could get pump bearings & seal rings made of Teflon or other materials not recommended for horizontal use... Or E-glide bearings and seal rings, proven to outlast Teflon 4 to 1 for extended life of your pump.


5 Settling for a perforated plastic shroud design allows leachate to enter above the motor which does not cool the motor. Stainless Steel sealed sump drainers force leachate over the entire motor per manufacturer’s requirement.



8 Stainless Steel offers 30x better heat transfer than HDPE.

9 Would you like a 1 year limited warranty? Or the option of 3 year and 5 year warranties?

10 Would you choose Control Panels designed and manufactured in-house meeting UL 508A/698A and other standards requirements... Or Control Panels built by 3rd parties with uncertainty of their UL status?


12 Every EPG Control Panel undergoes Arc Flash rating evaluation. Does your supplier do this? EPG provides an SCCR label on all control panels, complying with OSHA requirements.




16 EPG utilizes fuses to provide Type 2 Coordinated Protection to protect personnel and equipment at an SCCR rating of 30K. Product & Personal protection by circuit breaker does NOT provide for Type 2 Coordinated Protection.

17 Other suppliers provide motor leads made from water well lead cable, spliced to unrated power cable.

18 EPG uses no-splice motor lead with chemical resistant, waterproof fluid block at the motor. UL, CSA, and CE rated cable is used.

19 Beware of commercial cable not rated for submergence as a motor lead.

20 EPG’s motor lead has a waterproof and chemically resistant jacket. UL, CSA, and CE rated cable is used.

21 EPG’s sump drainer design with wheels at the top & bottom greatly improve ease of installation and removal. Contrary to claims, wheel-less plastic shrouds will be difficult to install in a riser.

22 Wheels also keep the pump from resting in any accumulated sediment on the riser floor.

23 The level sensor mounted directly on bottom center offers accurate readings since it’s always in the same location.

24 Level sensors mounted randomly inside a plastic housing provide no guarantee of vertical location.

25 It is unlikely that other manufacturers have a test stand for QA/QC. EPG has a test stand for testing pumps and panels as a system and completion of Certified Pump Tests.

26 You can hope the pumps and control panels not tested together at the factory work well together... Or rest easy knowing that factory testing of pumps with their control panels is done prior to shipping.

27 Other manufacturers use a variety of pumps and motors, particularly those designed for water wells, not harsh environments. EPG SurePumps use Franklin “special application” motors.

28 EPG has a network of knowledgeable and experienced service and repair staff at the factory & throughout North America. Buying EPG means you can avoid the frustration of very limited service staff and/or telephone customer support.

29 Typically, pump suppliers offer little or no training, education, or information sharing.

30 EPG offers SWANA approved yearly service school for diagnostics, repair, technical instruction, and installation. EPG also maintains a complete historical library of current and past projects for reference and support.



33 Highly experienced, factory trained installation & start-up people are available in all parts of the U.S. Subcontractors lacking equipment familiarity and factory training can impact the quality of your installation and service.

34 Most other manufacturers offer limited technical support for landfill design engineers. Several engineers are on staff at EPG able to guide and provide assistance to design engineers and site operators.






















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