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COGAIN Conference 26.09.2008 Copenhagen The COGAIN Conference 2009 Proposal 9.00-17.30 at The Technical University of Denmark.

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Presentation on theme: "COGAIN Conference 26.09.2008 Copenhagen The COGAIN Conference 2009 Proposal 9.00-17.30 at The Technical University of Denmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 COGAIN Conference 26.09.2008 Copenhagen The COGAIN Conference 2009 Proposal 9.00-17.30 at The Technical University of Denmark

2 COGAIN Conference 2009  One-day event – 26 May 2009 Propose same layout as Visiondays  Back-to-back with Visiondays 27 May: Medical Visionday 28 May: Industrial Visionday 29 May: Graphical Visionday

3 Venue  For sure: Building 308 Talks: auditorium 12 Posters, exhibitions, demonstrations: hall area Disadvantage: handicap access not optimal  Perhaps: Building 101 Talks: meeting room 1 Posters, exhibitions, demonstrations: hall area Advantage: better handicap access, and lunch area nearby

4 Visionday template  Talks Invited Contributed  Posters Sponsored poster prize Poster teasers  Demonstrations / Exhibitions Companies Research / Student

5 Visionday template  Registration, Rolls & coffee  Welcome  Session I Including poster teasers  Coffee, poster viewing, exhibitions, demonstrations  Session II  Lunch, poster viewing, exhibitions, demonstrations  Session III  Coffee, poster viewing, exhibitions, demonstrations  Session IV  Refreshments, poster viewing, exhibitions, demonstrations  Dinner

6 Visionday template  Registration: Regular: DKK 1200 / day = EUR 160 Member of Association-X: DKK 1000 / day = EUR 135 --- Academia: DKK 600 / day = EUR 80 --- (Master-) Student: DKK 150 / day = EUR 20 Dinner: DKK 250 = 35 EUR  --- --- ---  COGAIN? Propose EUR 100?  Conference dinner? EUR 80?

7 Hotels  Central Copenhagen From EUR 120 / night  Near DTU Hotel Fortunen, from EUR 80 / night (basic, few rooms) Hotel Eremitagen, around EUR 150 / night

8  Theme: Gaze interaction for those who want it most Accept papers on other areas also  Student competition Sponsored prize  Poster prize?  Proceedings Regular – full papers Back-up – section editors of book + some of the NoE members Include posters Deadlines: Full paper: 28/2 Camera ready: 30/4

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