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 They inhabit various ecosystems  Skilled and cunning hunters  Top of the food chain.

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3  They inhabit various ecosystems  Skilled and cunning hunters  Top of the food chain


5 o Hide from their prey o They can pounce with claws stretched-out

6  It has no natural enemies  Compete with other predators such as bears and wolves for food

7  They can’t roar, they purr like house cats  A cougar hides the carcass and eats it in the up coming days.  A healthy cougar in the wild can live to around 10 years of age.

8  Where do they live? North America  What do they eat? Mice, squirrel, porcupines, raccoons, rabbits, and beavers  When they are young? Females can give birth to 2-3 kittens at a time. They stay with their mother until about 2 years old, then leaving to start their own life.  Their Size? They vary between 5-9 ft. from head to tail. Males can weigh up to 150 lb., females weigh less, topping out at nearly 100 lb..


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