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Building A Green Business Network To achieve a ‘Triple Bottom Line’: Profitability Sustainability Job Opportunity Consortium For Worker Education1.

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2 Building A Green Business Network To achieve a ‘Triple Bottom Line’: Profitability Sustainability Job Opportunity Consortium For Worker Education1

3 Bronx Green Business Network As an essential part of its US DOL Pathways out of Poverty grant funded Bronx Center for Environmental Workforce Training, NY’s Consortium for Worker Education, in conjunction with its primary business service partner Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation established and now maintains and continues to expand the Bronx Green Business Network 2Consortium For Worker Education

4 Purpose of this Network To create green job opportunities and build a greener New York by promoting local green products and services as well as growing green businesses and markets To facilitate member partnerships and potentials for joint green-related business ventures as well as link members to resources, information and strategies that will help increase their sustainability and green job opportunities 3Consortium For Worker Education

5 Network Members This Network is presently made up of twenty-Nine businesses or organizations involved in green enterprises and employment related to the environment and energy efficiency. These members include: 3 recycling companies, 11 energy efficiency manufacturers or contractors, 3 organic food producers or distributers, 3 green building developers, 3 alternative energy producers,4 green business support services organizations, 1 water purification company and The Wild life Conservation Society. 4Consortium For Worker Education

6 Joining : Good Business Sense Broader capacity for promoting goods and services Connections to new customers and new markets Links to business support services and green incentive programs Access to a large pool of qualified candidates to fill green job vacancies 5Consortium For Worker Education

7 THE FUTURE Over the next three years, the goal is to expand this Network to at least 300 members – including businesses and organizations committed to becoming ‘green’ – and create at least 500 green jobs annually throughout all five boroughs and the NY metropolitan area. BIG APPLE GREEN BUSINESS NETWORK 6Consortium For Worker Education

8 More Participation and Collaboration To help provide the highest level of participation and collaboration among all Network members and other stakeholders in terms of green business development, green job creation, learning and career advancement, we are converting the present Network model into a blended site-based and virtual network. 7Consortium For Worker Education

9 Greater Access and Connectivity CWE has recently received a foundation grant to develop and launch a virtual enterprise network component that will include a custom-built, user- friendly web site that will serve as a single point of entry to all Network resources, services and activities. This Virtual Network component being developed by CWE’s consultant, FutureU (, will include tools for: web conferencing and discussion forums as well as an on line green job staffing and sourcing. 8Consortium For Worker Education

10 The Green Workers Source A centralized data base of ‘work-ready’ Bronx Green Career Pathways program graduates that will provide an easily accessible and searchable source of qualified green job candidates for Bronx/Big Apple Green Business Network members and other businesses affiliated with the Network 9Consortium For Worker Education

11 Work Readiness Check List Has successfully completed work and education skills training Can communicate so others can understand Is motivated and ready to go to workHas demonstrated interviewing skills Has a marketable resumeHas demonstrated proper grooming for the workplace Is able to work well with othersHas adequate reading comprehension skills Is able to accept supervision and get along with supervisors Can use information and communication technology Has the ability to learn new skillsCan summarize personal work experience in terms of work, education and activities Can work independentlyIs prepared to answer questions regarding gaps in employment history 10Consortium For Worker Education

12 GREEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Strategies for using Green Business Networks to grow green businesses, create green job opportunities and sustain the environment BIG APPLE GREEN BUSINESS NETWORK 11Consortium For Worker Education

13 STRATEGIES 12Consortium For Worker Education Create a diversified Network membership balance of businesses providing green goods and business or organizations that are consumers of green goods and services Actively connect member sellers to member buyers Wherever possible, negotiate ‘quid pro quo’ new business/new employment compacts

14 Creating a ‘Balanced’ Membership For example: Recruit significantly more building developers, owners and managers to join the Network as major potential consumers of energy efficiency products and services. Recruitment efforts would be coordinated through the chambers of commerce and real estate –focused business associations 13Consortium For Worker Education

15 CONNECTING BUYERS TO SELLERS Connecting a manufacturer of internal insulating window panels to companies doing residential and commercial weatherization Connecting a manufacturer of computer-based building heating controls that increase energy conservation exponentially to a green heating and plumbing supply company specializing in energy efficiency technology Connecting a drinking water purification system manufacturer to major green tourist attractions in the area Consortium For Worker Education14

16 NEGOTIATING ‘QUID PRO QUO’ COMPACTS BUSINESS Generate 400 residential energy audits for a weatherization company Generate 100 commercial building water conservation audits for a water conservation company Generating leads resulting in the sale of 50 pure water systems for a water purification company EMPLOYMENT 8 jobs created to be filled by qualified candidates from POP program 2 jobs created to be filled by qualified candidates from POP program 1 job created to be filled by qualified candidate from POP program Consortium For Worker Education15

17 Taking The Lead 16Consortium For Worker Education

18 What’s in your water? Lead? Fluoride? Chlorine? Pharmaceuticals? Pesticides? Bacteria? Environmental Pollutants Lead? Fluoride? Chlorine? Pharmaceuticals? Pesticides? Bacteria? Environmental Pollutants 17Consortium For Worker Education

19 86% of plastic water bottles used in the United States become garbage or litter; only 14% are actually recycled! Container Recycling Institute 86% of plastic water bottles used in the United States become garbage or litter; only 14% are actually recycled! Container Recycling Institute 18Consortium For Worker Education

20 19. Clean. Green. Convenient.

21 Products 20Consortium For Worker Education

22 Some of Our Clients 21Consortium For Worker Education

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