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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 4-3 FILE SYSTEM CONSISTENCY AND EFFICIENCY."— Presentation transcript:


2 FILE-SYSTEM CONSISTENCY Issue 1.O/S reads blocks 2.Modifies them in RAM 3.Writes them out later If a crash happens between 2 and 3 File system could be inconsistent All blocks are not equal. Especially critical are: i-node block, directory blocks, blocks containing free list

3 CHECKING FOR BLOCK INCONSISTENCY fsck in UNIX Build two tables Each contains counter for each block, initially set to 0 Table 1 counts times each block is present in a file Table 2 counts times each block is present in free list




7 RECALL DIRECTORY STRUCTURE I-Node NumberLink Count (avail. from i-node) File Name 280305432. 2421465.. 1803343apache2 13117110X11 1803341zerox...

8 TABLE 1 PRESENCE OF A BLOCK IN A FILE Read i-nodes Starting from an i-node, trace out all blocks in corresponding file, incrementing corresponding block counter. 0123456789... 1111000121 block numbers times in use

9 TABLE 2 PRESENCE OF FREE BLOCK Examine free list or bit map Increment counter in Table 2 if block occurs in free list or bit map block numbers times on free list

10 POSSIBILITIES a)Consistent: b)Missing data block: Block 2 occurs in neither table. Add missing block to free list. c)Duplicate block in free list: Block 4 occurs twice in free list. Rebuild free list. d)Duplicate data block: Block 5 is present in two files. Copy Block 5 to newly allocated free block. Make i-node of one of the files point to the new block.

11 CHECKING FOR LINK INCONSISTENCY (1) Link counts in i-nodes start at 1 when a file is created and incremented for each hard link Because of hard-links, files may appear in multiple directories Make Table: {i-node:num_dir_containing file} Recursively descend the directory tree For every i-node in every directory, Traverse i-nodes comparing counters in table with link counts in i-nodes

12 CHECKING FOR LINK INCONSISTENCY (2) Two types of errors: 1.Link count in i-node exceeds the number of directory entries for that i-node Even if all files are removed from the directory, count will exceed 0 and i-node will not be removed Wastes space allocated for files not in use Fix: reset link count in i-node to correct value 2.Directory entries for i-node exceed link count in i-node link count will go to zero before directory is empty. when in-node link count == 0, file system releases its blocks Now directory points to an unused in-node Fix: reset link count in i-node to correct value

13 FILE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Disk Transfer rate per 32 bit word is only ~ ¼ as fast as RAM But factor in track seek time and sector rotational delay 6 orders of magnitude slower than RAM for a single word Rule of Thumb for a single Word Ram operates in the nanosecond range Disk operates in the millisecond range

14 BLOCK CACHE Hash device and disk address Table points to linked list of disk blocks kept in RAM Use modified LRU to evict blocks Is block likely to be used again? Is block essential to consistency of file system (i-node, directory, etc.) 1.Bring in new block: evict head if necessary, place at rear 2.Ref block in cache: remove from current position, place at rear

15 REDUCE DISK ARM MOTION (1) Place consecutive blocks close to on another on disk Bit Map of Free Blocks Blocks in proximity can be chosen because bit map is in RAM ordered by block number Linked List of Free Blocks Part of the list itself is on disk Attempt to place consecutive blocks in a file on the same cylinder

16 REDUCE DISK ARM MOTION (2) File access requires i-node access, then block access I-nodes are usually at the front (recall disk structure) Average distance between i-node and its block is half the number of tracks/cylinders Two fixes place i-nodes in the middle Group i-nodes, blocks, free-list together

17 DEFRAGMENTATION Initially programs, files required by o/s are consecutive free space is consecutive Over time Files are created, modified, removed Disk becomes fragmented Solution reorder files and free space to make them as contiguous as possible

18 SOLID STATE DISKS Everything changes with ssd No disk arm to optimize Random access is as fast as sequential access But All Technology Bites Back Each block can be written only a limited number of times Now algorithms must spread wear evenly across the device

19 ONE MIGHT THINK Research into file systems is finished Given the antiquity of the i-nodes Given my enthusiasm for the scalable nature of Unix Not So, especially given the current importance of data Backups, versioning, security, cloud systems are all areas of research


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