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Working with AMP – Experiences from the Royal Norwegian Embassy

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1 Working with AMP – Experiences from the Royal Norwegian Embassy
Morten Heide Counsellor Royal Norwegian Embassy

2 Progress Currently 59 Norwegian funded agreements registered in AMP.
Based on registration by MOFEA. Problems: Some agreements registered twice or even three times (with somewhat different titles). Several agreements lumped together. Initial disbursement figures far off from being realistic. = > Need for major verification/clean-up 

3 Registration based on agreements
Corresponds well with our own development management system (PTA), which is also based on agreements. However, the rather large number of agreements makes updating demanding (especially when there are technical difficulties).



6 Getting the base correct
May/June Effort by Embassy to ensure that: All our agreements are registered correctly in AMP. Historic disbursement figures (last three financial years) are updated and correct.

7 On-line registration Two weeks registration by consultant, unsuccessful despite considerable assistance from MOFEA. Slow system, delayed response time. When changing figures, frequently disconnected. When changing agreement data, it appeared that changes were recorded. However, frequent “error page” messages. After “error page” message, all changes recorded since last save were lost.

8 Further use of AMP Experience so far, not positive. Several technical shortcomings of the system severely reduces the usefulness of the system. Requires improved on-line connection and less “error page” interruptions. Even when system functions, AMP requires manual entry of disbursements for a substantial number of agreements (take print-out from our own PTA system and then enter figures manually into AMP). Perhaps possible to arrange AMP on a more aggregate basis than agreements (to limit the need for entering disbursement data for all agreements individually): Projects? However, some of our projects contain agreements with different implementing institutions.

9 Challenges Technical difficulties: If many have experienced similar type of challenges, roll-out of system would seem premature at this stage. Need to sort out technical issues prior to roll-out. Procedures: Do DPs and GoT-institutions have the right procedures in place to operate AMP?

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