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Speech Audiometry Lecture 8.

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1 Speech Audiometry Lecture 8

2 Why do speech testing? Most people with HL complain about inability to understand speech Reflects how clear speech is Tells how loud it needs to be for optimal understanding Speech testing provides additional information about the nature of the HL Role in decisions about and performance with amplification Cross check principle

3 How is speech testing performed?
Examiner provides words/sentences through audiometer to headphones or speaker Client responds by repeating or writing words or pointing to pictures Cross hearing can occur in all tests under certain conditions Considered a “subjective” measure

4 Common Speech Assessments
Threshold tests Speech Detection/Awareness (decibel) Speech Reception Threshold (decibel) Scored tests Word Recognition Test/Score (%) Speech Perception Test/Score (%) Sentences phrases Audibility Index – Aritculation Index Calculated from Pure tone test AI = % of speech audible

5 Speech Detection Threshold (SDT)
Record level (dB HL)at which an awareness or localization to sound was observed. Sometimes called SAT Determines ___________ only, not comprehension of words Not considered a true threshold Application:

6 Speech Recognition Threshold (SRT)
First test administered in audiometric evaluation Lowest level at which speech can be understood 50% of the time Usually a very soft level (db HL) Use spondaic word lists (cowboy, baseball) and ask client to repeat word Ear – specific test Threshold obtained used as reference for the presentation level used during word recognition testing Application:

7 Spondee Words A spondee is a word with two syllables that are both pronounced with equal stress Use the VU to obtain equal syllabic stress Both syllables should peak at 0 VU if presented live voice Also presented using recorded speech

8 Procedure Present 1st spondee words at initial presentation level (50 dB HL) If correct, go down in 10 dB, present another word Continue to go down in 10 dB steps until client stops responding When they respond incorrectly, go up in 5 dB steps “Bracket” the response in this pattern until you determine threshold

9 Integration Concept: Relationship between SRT and PTA
High correlation between the SRT and PTA +/- 5 to7 dB HL If difference between SRT and PTA is > 10 dB HL… Exceptions:

10 Word Recognition Testing
Word or Speech Recognition (Discrimination) score Word lists used are single syllable phonetically balanced (PB) words % correct of PB monosyllabic words

11 Word Recognition Try to __________word recognition ability
Determine the best word recognition ability in ideal listening situation Words are presented at a comfortable – listening level above threshold for speech (aka________) If SRT = 30 dB If SRT = 50 dB Recorded on audiogram in percent correct



14 Materials Use monosyllabic word lists
Adults word lists generated from research efforts have unusual names, recorded on audiograms NU – 6 W-22 Child word lists WIPI – allows for picture pointing response PBK



17 Scoring Calculate a percentage of words (2 pts each) correctly repeated by the patient %- Excellent 88-95% Very Good 80-87% - Good Fair 50-69 – Poor < 50% Very poor

18 Procedural vs Individual factors affecting variability
Number of words 50, 25 or 10 Monitored Live voice vs recorded *** Use of carrier phrase Visibility of speaker’s mouth Multicultural Issues Familiarity with material Cognitive/Attention

19 Cross Over Hearing in Speech Assessments
Greater risk of cross-over in speech recognition testing due to higher presentation levels As the level of the test signal increases, the more likely the opposite ear will be involved. Masking in WRS Level of words in TE – 40dB >/= best BC nte

20 Integration concept: Word Recognition Score & how it relates to type of HL
CHL – typically “excellent” word recognition scores SNHL – “reduced” word recognition scores Mild HL Moderate HL Severe HL Profound HL Neural – “poor” compared to SNHL Good predictor of potential benefit from amplification

21 Integration concept: Relationship of speech perception to speech production

22 What’s a significant shift?
Thorton and Raffin (1978) see table Pg 154 Mathematical model to determine variability in testing speech recognition At extreme ends little variability 96% and 4% In middle, more variability 50%



25 Many other recorded and live voice speech tests
Two common tests used by SLPs Phonemes Sentences

26 LING Test Concept behind test was to select familiar speech sounds that would broadly represent the speech spectrum from low to high frequencies of spoken English. Determine ability to detect and discriminate all sounds.


28 CID Sentences

29 1 minute evaluation What can you apply when you leave this room?
What was the most important thing you remember learning today? What one question would you like reviewed related to what was discussed ? What can you apply when you leave this room?

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