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Presentation on theme: "LIGHTS AND LIGHTING FIXTURE AND ELECTRIFICATION."— Presentation transcript:




4 WIRES & CABLES are sed as electrical condrctors in house,buillding,office,commercial or industrial wiring. Some of the terms used are, Conductor :-the conductor are drawn from bringht electroltic grade copperanealed ad bunched together as per class 5 of IS 8130 : 1984 Insulaton :-bunched conductors are insulated wiyh specially formulated in-house developed pvc copound having high insuated resistance values.the insulation process is carried out on modern high speed extrsion lines with a high degree of accuracy,thus ensuring consistency in performance. Sheathing :-in case of multi core cable, the insulated cores ae laid up to form the core assemly.sheathing is povide with specially formulated PVC compound to facilitate stripping as also to withstand mechanical abrasion while in use.

5 SINGLE CORE WIRE SINGLE CORE WIRES mainly used are of 1 sq mm, 1.5 sq. mm, 2.5 sq mm & 4 sq. mm they are made as per IS 694:1990 & they are available in 90 meters coil size

6 Multi Core cable Multi core cables are available form 1 core to 5 core in coil size of 100 meters Prize 1 sq. mm 850/- per 90 mtr coil. 1.5 1250.00 2.5 1950.00 4 sq. mm 3150.00

7 TELEPHONE WIRES Telephone wires are from 1 pair to 10 pair with 0.5 sq. mm copper conductor wire Prize:- 1 par= 678.00 2 pair=1050.00 3 pair=1450.00 4 pair=1950.00 5 pair=2450.00 10 pair=6150.00

8 T.V. & CABLE WIRES T.V. & cable wires are jelly field & are of 2 types RG- GF & RG-11F PRICE:- RG-GF=100 METERS= 2900.00 305 METERS = 7150.00 RG-11F= 100 METERS = 5750.00 305 METERS = 16950.00

9 COMPUTER LAN NETWORK WIRES COMPUTER LAN NETWORK WIRES are 4 pair copper unshielded wires of 2 types CAT - 5E & CAT-6 Price:-CAT-5E=305 meters= 7955.00 CAT-6=305 meters= 11549.00


11 SWITCHES Switches are mainly of two types 1) Surface box mounted switches 2) Modular switches 1) Surface box mounted switches:-surface box mounted on box of polycarbonate or acrylic sheet 2) Modular switches are mounted on modular plates specially designed for it which is in that fitted on poly carbonate or metal box which is concealed inside wall. Apart from switches, sockets other accessories are telephone jack, computer jack, T.V. outlet, buzzer, fan regulator power bell plug, adaptor, D.P switch etc…



14 TYPES OF FANS:- Fans are used for throwing air for cooling space They are mainly of these types:- 1) luxury underline fans 2) decorative fans 3) standard fans 4) table fans 5) Pedesal fans 6) wall Mounting fans 7) domestic exhaust fans 8) industrial fans

15 1) LUXURY UNDERLIGHT FANS These fans have four blades & light chandelier fitted beneath.

16 2) DECORATIVE FANS These fans are decorated with golden or other bright metallic color coating on it’s parts to look attractive.

17 3) STANDARD FANS These are normal fans found in most of households, comes in various colors.

18 4) TABLE FANS These are table top mounted models, it covers small area.

19 5) PEDESTAL FANS These are mounted on long vertical arm to cover larger area.

20 6) WALL MOUNTING FANS These are mounted on wall at some heights.

21 7) DOMESTIC EXHAUST FANS Most bathrooms come equipped with exhaust fans on a separate switch than the lights. This is useful in removing excess moisture from showers or baths and helps to prevent mold and mildew. Exhaust fans are common over cooking stoves to provide ventilation and help remove smoke or odors during kitchen mishaps, such as spills in the oven that burn.

22 8) INDUSTRIAL FANS Industrial-sized fans provide odor, climate and ventilation control for large buildings. They are necessary to remove dangerous chemicals and gases in the automotive and chemical industries. Many factories have production lines that produce a great deal of heat and these fans provide ventilation and cooling for the workers and machinery. They also provide quick drying of parts and other applications when necessary.


24 HALOGEN Halogen bulbs are based on the same principle as incandescent bulbs. While incandescent bulbs are filled with an argon/nitrogen mixture, halogen bulbs are filled with krypton gas. The tungsten filament in a halogen bulb lasts longer because the filament stays stronger. Halogen bulbs are much brighter than incandescent, and are much more energy efficient for the amount of light produced. Halogen bulbs can get very hot, and must be placed in areas without flammable materials nearby. They have a life of a little bit longer than an incandescent and must not be touched because the oils from fingers weakens the glass and can cause the bulb to explode. Use a halogen bulb when more light than an incandescent can produce is needed. Halogens produce a light that is more similar to daylight and can be used to generate light for crafts and hobbies.

25 Fluorescent The main benefit of a fluorescent bulb is its long life. The average tube bulb can last between 10000 and 20000 hours. Fluorescent bulbs are filled with argon gas and when electricity is passed through, a small amount of mercury in the tube produces ultraviolet radiation which in turn causes the phosphorous coating of the tube to give off light. Fluorescent bulbs are very efficient and produce little heat. Using new technology, the fluorescent bulb is able to emit light that is very good with color-rendering. They are useful for lighting up large areas and are most commonly found in the office building. Fluorescent bulbs need a ballast to regulate the voltage in order for them to work. Fluorescent lights should be used when a large amount of light is needed and where heating up the room is undesirable. They are very good for use in garages, basements and workshops. True day light OTT lights can be used for jewelry making

26 Compact Fluorescent Lamps(CFL) CFL bulbs are rapidly replacing the standard incandescent for home use. Based on the same principles as the fluorescent tube, CFL bulbs screw right in to standard light fixtures. The ballast is included in the base of the bulb and does not require any other equipment to use. Most CFL bulbs cannot be use with dimmers and can last up to 10000 hours. A 20-25 watt CFL is approximately equivalent to a 100 watt incandescent bulb. Use CFL bulbs to replace all your incandescent bulbs as they will save you a bit of money on your electric bill.

27 High-Intensity Discharge Lamps High-pressure sodium lamps dominate this category. They work when electric arcs between two tungsten filaments inside an inner glass tube. The inner tube is filled with various metals and when the metals heat to the point of evaporation, the bulb produces light. Sodium bulbs are very high efficiency but produce a somewhat yellow light. HPS lamps produce large amounts of light and can be used to light up very large areas. Most HID lamps are used to light sports fields, parking lots and roadways, but many residential applications are finding them useful.

28 Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps LPS lamps are used when the highest efficiency light is needed. They emit a very yellow light and require a ballast like a fluorescent bulb. LPS lamps produce light through a very similar process as a fluorescent. There is a warm up time before full brightness is achieved and are used when color recognition is not important. Most LPS lamps are used for driveways, parking lots and pathways because they are much better suited for outdoor uses where the color of the light produced is not important

29 Light Emitting Diodes(LED) LED bulbs are the light of the future. They do not have a filament and can give off nearly white light. While they don't produce enough light to compete with CFL bulbs, they consume the least amount of electricity and produce the least amount of heat. LED bulbs have a very long life span and since LED technology is advancing rapidly, they should be the light of choice for residential applications in the near future. LED bulbs can come in a wide variety of colors and can be used when colored accent lighting is needed. Because of the large initial cost, but low operating cost and long life, LED lights are being used more and more to replace incandescent bulbs every day.

30 Halogen Fluorescent Lamp High Intensity Lamp LED Lamps



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