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Registered charity number 210252. Charity registered in Scotland number SC038629. ICE North West Annual General Meeting ICE North West AGM 2016 Institution.

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Presentation on theme: "Registered charity number 210252. Charity registered in Scotland number SC038629. ICE North West Annual General Meeting ICE North West AGM 2016 Institution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Registered charity number 210252. Charity registered in Scotland number SC038629. ICE North West Annual General Meeting ICE North West AGM 2016 Institution of Civil Engineers

2 ICE North West AGM 2016  Apologies and minutes of last AGM  Nick Baveystock, ICE Director General  Branch and Special Interest Group reports  Gareth Scott, ICE North West Chair 2015/16  Election of regional committee for 2016/17: Chair, Senior Vice Chair, Junior Vice Chair  Incoming Chair’s thoughts Welcome to ICE North West AGM

3 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  Cheshire  Cumbria  Lancashire and IoM  Manchester  Merseyside  Graduates and students Branches

4 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016 Another successful year for Cheshire:  We presented evening meetings on a variety of local and national projects - Mersey Gateway, Crewe Green Link Road, Crossrail 2, Hammersmith Flyover  First graduate showcase proved to be a platform for a variety of interesting talks  Continued our drive to cover all areas of Cheshire by using new venues - Crewe Alex  Continued links with schools, Crewe Pledge, South Cheshire College (PC16), Techniquest Wrexham, MerseySTEM Cheshire Branch

5 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016 Looking forward  Programme for 2016 – 2017 taking shape  Water, transport, historical engineering, CDM  Continuing our links with other branches and institutions  New members on the committee  Continuing and developing the graduate showcase  Site visit to A556 and presentation later in the session  Continued promotion of civil engineering to schools and at career events Cheshire Branch

6 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  Committee - a core team of six with support provided by others.  Cumbria is a geographically delightful but topographically challenging county which does impact on meetings but we continue to rise to the challenge!  Flooding seriously affected a number of our strategic bridges and roads. Cumbrian Chair Jonathan Clarke represented the ICE live on BBC Radio Cumbria several times, providing civil engineering input to infrastructure debates. Cumbria Branch

7 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  Successful lectures - attendance 20+; Annual Supper meeting 60+  Joint working – including Institute of Asset Management and Balfour Beatty  Support, in various ways, given to a number of STEM events, the ‘Jigsaw’ movement in West Cumbria (careers guidance to school and college leavers exploring routes into engineering) and formal mentoring support to the national Nuclear Graduate Programme  Hosted the President’s visit and North West Annual Awards dinner for the first time in Carlisle, demonstrating that the Northern Powerhouse extends two hours’ travel time North of Manchester. Cumbria Branch

8 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  ICE Lancashire delivered 8 out of 9 planned evening meetings in Lancashire (one speaker cancellation).  Five of these meetings were run as joint events (with only two receiving shared costs).  One joint meeting was run as a sponsored event (VBA JV Ltd.) trialling a new venue in Lancaster. No costs incurred to ICE NW.  Our average attendance was 38 people.  Our March branch meeting was recorded by UCLan and is now available to watch via ICE website.  @ICELancsBranch twitter page proving popular. Lancashire Branch Blackpool Tower ICE NW Heritage Award winner, 2016

9 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016 Isle of Man  ICE Lancashire improving links with IoM civil engineers  ICE Lancashire Chair visit to Isle of Man (Sept 2015)  Presented update of ICE NW region to ICE members  Delivery of technical talk to ICE members  Tour of Douglas Civil Engineering Projects past & present  Covered future proposals for Douglas Promenade Regeneration  Networking with civil engineers keen to get more involved with us Lancashire Branch Promoted awareness of ICE North West Awards Winner: Ballure Bridge, Ramsey, IOM

10 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016 Future Plans  2016/17 Chairman – Kenton Chong  Vice Chairman – Mike Jackson  Junior Vice Chair - Mohammed Aamir Shaikh  Past Chairman & NW Representative – Chris Hudson  Meetings and Minutes – to be arranged by the Committee  ICE Lancashire to continue improving links with IoM civil engineering peers.  Continue with digital media recordings of branch evening meetings - recorded by UCLan and uploaded to ICE.  Promote heritage engineering in Lancashire and IoM.  Look for further opportunities for sponsored and joint events with other Institutions. Lancashire branch

11 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  Continued with usual programme of high quality events with regular high attendance ​  ICE North West Carol Concert - raising approx. £600 for charity ​  Improved links with University of Manchester and the CCS (student society) ​  Looking ahead: ​  Walking Tour ​  Site Visit (this week!) ​ Manchester Branch

12 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  Bridge to School Event – 180 pupils over 3 days ​  Supporting activities produced by volunteers (will be more widely available towards the end of the year) ​ Manchester Branch

13 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  Current Chair: Kevin Keating  9 Technical Meetings/ Events held over the past 12 months  Providing continuous professional development (CPD) events for over 500 professionals and students  Supporting the development of students by organising talks, mentoring sessions and arranging work placements  2016/17 Chair is Tim Elton Merseyside Branch

14 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016 Successes  Emerging Engineers Award  Construction Challenge  Bridge to Schools  Civil Engineering Careers  HSE and NEC3 lectures  Social media Graduates & Students

15 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  Communications Competition  More regular committee meetings  Increase the use of social media  Life as a Graduate  More regular committee socials that will be open to G&S members  Conscious Bias Diversity Training  Teleconference calls for meetings Graduates & Students

16 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  Equality, Inclusion and Diversity  Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability  Historical Engineering  Group Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

17 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  Successful joint events programme with ICE NW Branches in 2015-16  Good progress with planning similar joint events programme for 2016-17  Seeking additional ICE NW volunteer members for ESHSG Committee Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability

18 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  A number of joint events held with branches across the region  Presented at the Chain 2016 event, hosted by the IMechE  Committee members were involved in numerous activities to celebrate Women in Engineering Day 2016  Continuing to develop links with ICE branches, other institutions and company networks Equality, Inclusion and Diversity

19 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016  Looking forward to 2016/2017  Formalising and recording activities of the committee  Closer links with other institution's diversity groups  National representative for the ICE Fairness, Inclusion and Respect committee Equality, Inclusion and Diversity

20 Institution of Civil Engineers ICE North West AGM 2016 Historical Engineering Group Images: Institution of Civil Engineers

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