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1 Comenius Multilateral School Partnership Sept. 2013 – June 2015 Sept. 2013 – June 2015 Agrupamento de Escolas Aurélia de Sousa Rua Aurélia de Sousa S/N.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Comenius Multilateral School Partnership Sept. 2013 – June 2015 Sept. 2013 – June 2015 Agrupamento de Escolas Aurélia de Sousa Rua Aurélia de Sousa S/N."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Comenius Multilateral School Partnership Sept. 2013 – June 2015 Sept. 2013 – June 2015 Agrupamento de Escolas Aurélia de Sousa Rua Aurélia de Sousa S/N – 4000-099 Porto - PORTUGAL

2 2 Secondary school Aurélia de Sousa Porto - Portugal Basic and secondary school  Basic and secondary school (general and vocational education) (general and vocational education)  Public  1,000 pupils (12-19)  92 teachers  Porto, 1,200,000 inhabitants, in greater Porto greater Porto

3 3 Motivational Systems Incentives Clubs  European Club  Photography Club  Jornalesas- School Paper  Chess Club  Modern Dance  Archery Projects  LdC- Place of Science  Olympiads:  Maths,  Portuguese...  Translation Contests

4 4 Motivational Systems Remedial Work APA: Weekly time of extra work at different subjects APA: Weekly time of extra work at different subjects AA: Special time in Teacher schedule for conferences with students AA: Special time in Teacher schedule for conferences with students Workshops Workshops Study Rooms Study RoomsTutorials Health and sex education Health and sex education Special psychological work Special psychological work Special Needs Special Needs

5 5 Inclusion Strategies Aurélia de Sousa No.Organisation Total number teachers Number of student beneficiary Total of weekly hours 12 Club coordinators 20all +/- 80 1Psychologist92all40 1 Special Needs Coordinator 677? 1 Health and Sex Ed Coordinator 46all62 1 Tutorials Coordinator 306090 Workshops6all10

6 Group of Schools Aurélia de Sousa Special Needs Team Basic students Kindergarten Kindergarten 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 3rd cycle 3rd cycle Secondary students Secondary students Vocational Vocational 6

7 7 Special Needs Department Special Needs Department Aurélia de Sousa School 19 1 JI Aurélia de Sousa 2 JI Fernão de Magalhães 1 1 EB Fernão de Magalhães 14 6 EB da Fontinha 4 1 EB José Ferreira Gomes 3 EB Florinhas 1 EB Augusto Gil 32 2 9 Nº of students Nº of teachers Multiple Disabilities Multiple Disabilities Specialized Unit

8 8 Integration Issues Special Needs  Physical Disorders  Mental Disorders  Behavioural Disorders Other Needs  Learning Difficulties  Problems of Motivation ...

9 Disabilities Autism/ Asperger Autism/ Asperger Dyslexia Dyslexia ADHD - Hyperactivity ADHD - Hyperactivity Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy Down Syndrome/ Trisomy 21 Down Syndrome/ Trisomy 21 9 Metabolic Disorders Metabolic Disorders Language Disorders Language Disorders Emotional Traumas Emotional Traumas …

10 How do these students work? They are placed in regular classes and attend most of the classes with their colleagues. They are placed in regular classes and attend most of the classes with their colleagues. They are helped by Special Education Teachers, mentors and other members of the school staff. They are helped by Special Education Teachers, mentors and other members of the school staff. 10

11 How do we help these students fit in ? Explain to their colleagues what “difference” means, and that difference exists among us all. Explain to their colleagues what “difference” means, and that difference exists among us all. Request that the colleagues do not treat them differently or make them feel bad for being who they are. Request that the colleagues do not treat them differently or make them feel bad for being who they are. 11

12 12 SUMMARY Self-esteem Self-esteem Links between schools and firms Links between schools and firms Partnership/cooperation within the participating schools Partnership/cooperation within the participating schools Focus on Europe (interest, new experiences, motivation to learn) Focus on Europe (interest, new experiences, motivation to learn) Knowledge of national cultural heritage/economic and social situation Knowledge of national cultural heritage/economic and social situation Learning with and from each other Learning with and from each other

13 13 Reduce prejudice Reduce prejudice Create open-minded learners Create open-minded learners Help them develop acceptance, tolerance, communication, knowledge, understanding and respect for their own and other cultures Help them develop acceptance, tolerance, communication, knowledge, understanding and respect for their own and other cultures Develop students’ personal, social, academic and working skills Develop students’ personal, social, academic and working skills

14 14 JBI PARTICIPANTS No. Participating organisation Total number of pupils/learner s/trainees A Number of teachers/train ers/staff B Total of participants A + B 1Heilig-Grafinstitut401050 2 Collège La Rocal 401050 3 CSU Egedammen 461662 4 IIS “Matteo Gattapone” 401050 5 Agrupamento de Escolas Aurélia de Sousa 301040

15 15 1 Heilig-Grafinstituut Heilig-GrafinstituutTurnhoutBelgium Vocational and technical  Vocational and technical secondary school secondary school  Public  825 pupils (15-19)  150 teachers  Turnhout, 40,000 inhabitants, in the north of Belgium the north of Belgium

16 16 2 Collège La Rocal Collège La Rocal Bon Encontre France  classic and vocational (special needs) secondary school needs) secondary school  Public  about 700 pupils (12-16)  150 teachers  Bon Encontre, about 6,000 inhabitants, in south-west France inhabitants, in south-west France (Lot-et-Garonne) (Lot-et-Garonne)

17 17 3 CSU Egedammen CSU EgedammenHillerødDenmark young people with special needs  Public  77 pupils (15-25)  45 employees  in the north of Zealand, 30,570 inhabitants (2012) inhabitants (2012)  Educational centre for adults and

18 18 4 IIS “M.Gattapone” IIS “M.Gattapone”GubbioItaly Upper secondary school with  Upper secondary school with technical and vocational courses  Public  about 400 pupils (14-19)  about 50 teachers  Gubbio (around 32,000 inhabitants) is in the Umbria region, in the centre is in the Umbria region, in the centre of Italy. of Italy.

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