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Assistive Technology for Learning Disabilities By Shankar Subbiah S Agate Infotek, Chennai.

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Technology for Learning Disabilities By Shankar Subbiah S Agate Infotek, Chennai."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Technology for Learning Disabilities By Shankar Subbiah S Agate Infotek, Chennai

2 Abbreviation Expanders Used with word processing or execution tasks, these software programs allow a user to create, store, and re-use abbreviations for frequently-used words or phrases or actions. Example: ActiveWords, HandiWord, EZ Keys for Windows, Gus! Access Keyboard, TypeIt4Me (Shareware), Instant Text, Penfriend Useful For LD – Writing and Execution

3 Alternative Keyboards There are programmable keyboards have special overlays that customize the appearance and function of a standard keyboard while using the computers for learning. Students who have trouble typing may also benefit Keyboard customization that reduces input choices, groups keys by color/location, and adds graphics to aid comprehension. Example: Intellikeys, KeysUSee, Clevy Keyboards, BigKeys Useful For LD – Writing

4 Alternative Keyboards

5 Audio Books and Applications Recorded books allow users to listen to text and are available in a variety of formats, such as audiocassettes, CDs, and MP3. Digital Access for Information System (DAISY) is one another method where text highlight, image as well as audio version is available for the same book or text content. They also inbuilt dictionaries to unknown vocabulary in the text read. Links:, Bookshare, Kurzweil 3000 Useful For LD – Reading

6 Electronic Math Worksheets Electronic math worksheets are software programs that can help students organize, align, and work through math problems on a computer screen. Numbers that appear onscreen can also be read aloud via a speech synthesizer. This may be helpful to people who have trouble aligning math problems with pencil and paper. Example: MathType, MathTalk, MathML, Kurzweil 3000 Useful For LD – Reading

7 Free-Form Database Software Used in conjunction with word processing or other software, this tool allows the user to create and store electronic notes by "jotting down" relevant information of any length and on any subject. He can later retrieve the information by typing any fragment of the original note. Example : Infoselect by Micro Logic, AskSam, Microsoft OneNote Useful For LD – Organization and Memory

8 Graphic Organizers & Outlining Help students who have trouble organizing and outlining information as they begin a writing project. This type of program lets a user "dump" information in an unstructured manner and later helps him organize the information into appropriate categories and order. Example : Inspiration, Draft Builder, Ms Word, Clicker Useful For LD – Writing

9 Information / Data Managers These tools helps a person plan, organize, store, and retrieve his calendar, task list, contact data, and other information in electronic form. Personal data managers may be portable, hand-held devices, computer software, or a combination of those tools working together by "sharing" data. Example : Memo to Me, Ms. Reminder Time Manager, Palm, Watch Minder, Calendar in Windows Useful For LD – Organization and Memory

10 Optical Character Recognition This technology allows a user to scan printed material into a computer or handheld unit. The scanned text is then read aloud via a speech synthesis/screen reading system. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is available as stand- alone units, computer software, and as portable, pocket- sized devices. Example : OnlineOCR, Kurzweil 1000, Intel Reader, AbbyFine Reader, Apps in Android and iPads, Scan and Read Tools Useful For LD – Reading

11 Personal and FM Listening Systems Personal and FM listening system transmits a speaker's voice directly to the user's ear. This may help the listener focus on what the speaker is saying. The unit consists of either a recorder, player and a speaker or headphone or a wireless transmitter (with microphone) worn by the speaker and a receiver (with earphone) worn by the listener. Example : MP3 or DAISY Players, Mobiles, Tablets, Easy Listener for Amplification and Noise reduction, Comtek Personal Useful For LD – Listening, Attention and Note Taking

12 Portable Word Processors A portable word processor is lightweight device that is easy to transport (e.g., from classroom to home). It can be helpful to kids who may have trouble writing by hand and prefer to use a keyboard. Word processing allows the user to edit and correct his written work more efficiently than doing so by hand. Example: Apps in Tablets, Mobil Neo, Fusion, Quickpad Useful For LD – Writing

13 Portable Word Processors

14 Proofreading Software Programs Students who struggle with writing (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation, word usage, and sentence structure) may benefit from software programs (included in many word processing systems) that scan word processing documents and alert the user to possible errors. Example: MS Word, Clicker, Ginger Useful For LD – Writing / Spelling

15 Proofreading Software Programs

16 Speech Recognition Software Programs Speech recognition program works in conjunction with a word processor. The user "dictates" into a microphone, and his spoken words appear on the computer screen as text. This can help a student whose oral language ability is better than his writing skills.. Example: Dragon Naturally Speaking, ViaVoice, iListen, Apps in Tablets and Mobiles, SpeakQ Useful For LD – Writing / Spelling

17 Speech Recognition Software Programs

18 Word Prediction Software Programs Word prediction software can help a user during word processing by "predicting" a word the user intends to type. Predictions are based on spelling, syntax, and frequent/recent use. This prompts kids who struggle with writing to use proper spelling, grammar, and word choices, with fewer keystrokes. Example: Apps in Tablets and Mobiles, EZ Keys, Read&Write, WordQ + SpeakQ, Clicker Useful For LD – Writing / Spelling / Reading

19 Other Talking / Recording / Reading Tools Text to Speech Synthesizers Talking Calculators Talking Spell Checkers and Dictionaries Variable Speed Recorders Anything Else? Useful For LD – Writing / Spelling / Reading / Maths

20 Instructional Software To teach specific academic skills (like reading and writing) or subject matter content (such as history and science). It differs from AT in that it provides instruction rather than bypassing areas of difficulty. Example: AVAZ, SpellBee, Riddles, Apps, Clicker Pro for Computers Useful For LD – Writing / Spelling / Reading / Maths

21 By Shankar Subbiah S Agate Infotek, Chennai Assistive Technology for Learning Disabilities

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