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New Member Orientation. Learning from experiences in: NY State – 1 st Plan (began in 1983) 2001 Tropical Storm Alison (Houston) 2001 9/11 2005 Hurricanes.

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Presentation on theme: "New Member Orientation. Learning from experiences in: NY State – 1 st Plan (began in 1983) 2001 Tropical Storm Alison (Houston) 2001 9/11 2005 Hurricanes."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Member Orientation

2 Learning from experiences in: NY State – 1 st Plan (began in 1983) 2001 Tropical Storm Alison (Houston) 2001 9/11 2005 Hurricanes Katrina / Rita Massachusetts Disasters (1 st New England State) May 2006 Flooding (Mother’s Day Storm) November 2006 Chemical Explosion (Danvers) 2008 Ice Storm in Central & Western MA


4  Aug/Sept 2011 - Tropical Storm Irene/Lee Flooding  Oct/Nov 2011 - “Halloween Storm” - Snowstorm/ Power Failure  July 2012 – MA Nursing Home Generator Failure  Oct/Nov 2012 - Superstorm Sandy  Jan 2013 Influenza Event – Boston & Hartford, CT Activations for Hospital Resident Decompression  Feb 2013 – Blizzard (NEMO)  Jan 2014 – Snowstorm




8 Identify needs and provide supplies/ equipment/pharmaceuticals as necessary Assist with transportation of supplies / staff / equipment / evacuated residents Provide staffing support (whether a facility is evacuating or isolated) Place and support the care of evacuated residents (continuity of care / surge locations)


10 NOTIFY: Call 911 / begin Internal Activation process ACTIVATE: RIDOH Duty Officer (CEPR) at 401-222- 6911 to activate the LTC-MAP and Critical Partners through the alert notification system ACTIVATE: Emergency Reporting System (Could be done by RIDOH) PREPARE: Evacuation? Staffing? Equip? Supplies? PREPARE: Transportation Evacuation Tool - Complete (if evacuating) PREPARE: Generator Information - Update (if pre- storm/event)

11 Provides Department of Health, Fire, EMS and Emergency Management with strong knowledge of the resources needed to evacuate our facility (Ambulances, wheelchair vehicles and buses) Consider completing with monthly fire drills (each resident care area) On website for an automated tool

12 Pre-established Evacuation Sites Primary sites should be pre-selected using the LTC Patient Care Categories (next slide – from website) Address highest acuity residents first Who matches up best with our residents Address their surge numbers next Always assume they have no open beds How many of your residents can they accept at 110% surge Process to communicate with them Know where they are, their point person and contact information

13 13

14 Resident Emergency Evacuation Form 1 per resident - info and acuity / mobility / risks Active Chart (or Current Service Plan for AL) Include MAR (Med List), Meds/Controlled Substances Wristband (name / DOB) Resident, MR, Staff & Equip Tracking Sheet List of residents; by facility they evacuated to Transportation vehicle info and time departed What (and whom) went with them Photo, if possible DNR Bracelets / Personal Belongings


16 Actions of Resident Accepting Facilities/Lenders Prepare to receive residents Open beds vs. Surge Area Complete Emergency Reporting Complete the Influx of Resident Log - residents arrive Confirm with DSF or RIDOH / LTC Group Responders that the residents are received – “CLOSE THE LOOP” Start a new chart for resident Notify and your local AHJ about activating a Surge Plan (Influx / Surge Guidelines) If Lender: Prepare to provide Resources/Assets

17 What happens at 2:00 AM? Anyone who might answer the phone: Basic knowledge that LTC-MAP exists (there is a plan) Get the name of the person calling, facility, contact number and issue or request OR – Listen to the automated message and take down directions for what it tells you to do Inform the Nursing Supervisor ASAP Nursing Supervisor – Scope will determine actions Immediate analysis of open beds – M / F / Either Activate internal emergency notification tree Complete Emergency Reporting- Evacuation? Prepare to receiving incoming residents Resource & Asset Request: Prepare to provide staff, equipment, supplies or transportation




21 Internal Situation-Status Report & Emergency Reporting: What You Should Know (and WHY) Operational Issues at your facility (other plan members) Open Beds Available Transportation for Resident Transportation Movement of Supplies and Equipment Resources & Assets (needed) Resources & Assets (you could provide) Equipment Supplies Staffing

22 RIDOH Department Operations Center (LTC Group Responders)

23 Function of the LTC Group Responders “Air Traffic Control” Staffed by RIDOH & volunteers from the LTC-MAP Assist with resident placement Support resident tracking - “Close the loop” Assist with obtaining staff, supplies and equipment Assist with transportation of residents, staff, supplies and equipment Support interaction with local and state agencies ENSURE ALL MEMBERS ARE ACCOUNTED FOR

24 David Hood Scott Aronson Department of Health Center for Emergency Preparedness & Response Alysia Mihalakos Joseph Reppucci 401-222-8035 401-222-4787 Russell Phillips & Associates Jim Garrow Scott Aronson 860-793-8600 Lori Cheever Darren Osleger 860-793-8600 860-793-8600

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