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I have Pluto Who has the planet with orange/red soil?

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Presentation on theme: "I have Pluto Who has the planet with orange/red soil?"— Presentation transcript:

1 I have Pluto Who has the planet with orange/red soil?

2 I have Mars Who has the biggest planet?

3 I have Jupiter Who has the first manmade satellite to orbit the Earth?

4 I have Sputnik Who has the small planet whose rocky surface has more craters than our Moon does?

5 I have Mercury Who has the first person to observe the moons of Jupiter through a telescope?

6 I have Galileo Who has the planet that rotates on its side?

7 I have Uranus Who has the NASA program to send humans to the Moon?

8 I have the Apollo Program Who has the planet that is blue, is further from the Sun than Saturn, and has the fastest winds?

9 I have Neptune Who has the planet that is the only known planet with liquid water and living things?

10 I have Earth Who has the first person to step on the Moon?

11 I have Neil Armstrong Who has the planet that is most known for its rings?

12 I have Saturn Who has the object made mostly of hydrogen which is at the center of our solar system?

13 I have the Sun Who has the person who first explained gravity?

14 I have Isaac Newton Who has the planet closest in size to Earth?

15 I have Venus Who has remote controlled vehicles on Mars?

16 I have Rovers Who has the giant hurricane on Jupiter?

17 I have the Great Red Spot Who has what the Sun produces?

18 I have electromagnetic radiation Who has the causes for day and night on Earth and other planets?

19 I have sunlight and rotation Who has the star Earth’s axis points to?

20 I have Polaris Who has what is caused by the tilt of our axis, our orbital location, and direct sunlight?

21 I have the Seasons Who has the result when the Earth passes into the shadow of the Moon?

22 I have a Solar Eclipse Who has the largest manmade satellite of all time, visible to us in the night sky?

23 I have the International Space Station Who has the rise and fall of ocean levels due to the pull of the Moon and the Sun?

24 I have the Tides Who has the first American female in space?

25 I have Sally Ride Who has the first person, a Russian cosmonaut, to orbit the Earth?

26 I have Yuri Gagarin Who has the rocky ice chunks orbiting the Sun and having very long water vapor tails?

27 I have Comets Who has the area between Mars and Jupiter with many asteroids and the dwarf planet Ceres?

28 I have the Main Asteroid Belt Who has the US agency founded over 60 years ago to explore space?

29 I have NASA Who has the NASA mission to the Moon where duct tape and other creative approaches prevented disaster?

30 I have Apollo 13 Who has the path followed by planet revolving around the Sun, a synonym for Revolution.

31 I have an Orbit Who has the result when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth?

32 I have a Lunar Eclipse Who has the first woman, a Russian cosmonaut, to orbit Earth in space?

33 I have Vladimirovna Tereshkova Who has the standard unit for distances in our Solar System?

34 I have Astronomical Units (AU) Who has the motion of one body in space around another, synonym for “orbit”?

35 I have Revolution Who has first phase of the Moon after a New Moon?

36 I have a Waxing Crescent Moon Who has conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union when Sputnik was launched?

37 I have the Cold War Who has the Moon phase right after a full Moon?

38 I have a Waning Gibbous Moon Who has the strong tide system when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are in the same line?

39 I have Spring Tides Who has the way using space to transmit electronic information around the Earth?

40 I have Communications Satellites Who has time it takes for the light of the Sun to reach Earth?

41 I have 8 minutes, 20 seconds Who has the way to monitor hurricanes safely from above Earth’s atmosphere?

42 I have Weather Satellites Who has the length of a lunar month as seen from Earth, from one New Moon to the next?

43 I have 29.5 days Who has the event when time, space, and matter began (we think)?

44 I have the Big Bang Who has the term that includes both Jupiter and Saturn?

45 I have the Gas Giants Who has the term for Mars, Venus, Earth, and Mercury?

46 I have the Inner Planets Who has the age of the Earth?

47 I have 4.5 Billion Years Who has the large area of hydrogen, dust, and ice that is a nursery for new stars?

48 I have a nebula Who has the most widespread element in the universe and of our Sun?

49 I have Hydrogen Who has the place in space where gravity takes over, not even letting light escape?

50 I have a Black Hole Who has our home galaxy?

51 I have the Milky Way Who has the direction of motion of objects in our solar system if Polaris is “up”?

52 I have Counterclockwise Who has the dwarf planet that was once considered a full planet?

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