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MSc ADULT NURSING Marie McGee : Course Director MSc Adult Nursing Caroline Downs : APL co-ordinator SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES.

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Presentation on theme: "MSc ADULT NURSING Marie McGee : Course Director MSc Adult Nursing Caroline Downs : APL co-ordinator SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSc ADULT NURSING Marie McGee : Course Director MSc Adult Nursing Caroline Downs : APL co-ordinator SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES

2 BACKGROUND Health Education East of England (HEEoE) support the course - Fully Funded course 2017 The programme is a derivative of the BSc adult nursing preregistration programme and will have some shared learning approaches but will be delivered at MSc level The programme has been approved, by the University Learning & Teaching Committee and has NMC approval

3 RATIONALE −Working in partnership and responding to discussions with NHS commissioners −Address key population and demographic requirements, e.g. older people, management of LTCs, inequalities in health, meeting complex health needs, urgent and emergency care −Ensuring the work force of the future

4 GRADUATE ENTRY NURSES −Exceptionally motivated −Assertive adult learners −Achieving high academic success −Developed critical thinking skills −Deep learners −Reflective −Pro-active −Self regulated learning strategies

5 −Validates the skills and attributes graduates bring to the course-“graduateness” −Capitalise on graduates existing experience, personal and lifelong skills −Responsive in our teaching and learning approaches −Leadership and Research capability development −Key players in service improvement AIM OF THIS COURSE

6 ADMISSIONS −Degree 2.2 or above, in any subject −Minimum Cs in GCSE English and Maths −APL: Students will be required to provide a portfolio of evidence of relevant health and social care experience: −A minimum of 390 (maximum 610) hours of health care practice experience −A minimum of 610 (maximum 840) hours of relevant theoretical knowledge

7 −Complete a satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check −Complete a satisfactory Occupational Health medical check −Cover the cost of the first two Hepatitis B vaccinations −Cover the cost for your GP to complete the Occupational Health −Questionnaire Doctor’s Statement YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO:

8 Year 1 Promoting Community Health and Well-being (40) Living Well with Multiple and Long Term Conditions (50) Year 2 Acute and Complex Care (40) Professional Practice and Leadership (50)


10 HOW WILL Msc adult nursing students PROGRESS BE ASSESSED? Theory: −Portfolio −Essays −Group/Individual presentation −Written examination −Dissertation Practice: −Learning outcomes −Skills −Attitude assessment


12 APL Fact Sheet

13 −Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) provides the opportunity to gain recognition for learning, either certificated or experiential, that has already taken place. −Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2010) requirements for pre- registration nurse education: 4600 hours, 50/50 split between theoretical learning and practice learning. −These hours are divided into 3 NMC progression points (PP1, 2 and 3). −Before commencing on the MSc Nursing programme, applicants will need to make a successful APL application. You will need to gain credit for at least 1225 hours of learning and experience which are relevant to PP1. ACCREDITATION OF PRIOR LEARNING

14 −Before commencing on the MSc Nursing programme, you will need to make a successful APL application. You will need to gain credit for at least 1225 hours of learning and experience which are relevant to PP1 −Your APL portfolio must contain *evidence of: −A minimum of 390 (max 610) hours of healthcare related practice experience −A minimum of 610 (max 840) hours of relevant theoretical learning activity −Confirmation by a qualified healthcare professional that you have achieved at least 28 of 57 NMC PP1 skills −*The evidence must have ‘currency’ e.g. have been completed within the last 5 years with the exception of the PP1 skills which must have been completed within the last 2 years APL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MSC ADULT NURSING

15 −Your APL application will be in the form of a portfolio of evidence The portfolio must include: −PP1 mapping tool −Skills Passport with confirmation of at least 28 PP1 skills. −Skills confirmed by a health professional such as nurse, doctor, physio who has directly observed you doing the skills −Confirmation of practice experience hours −Degree transcript APL PORTFOLIO

16 Other types of supporting evidence include: -CV -Examples of relevant coursework from previous learning -The HEA student employability profile associated with your degree -Certificates of any relevant courses that you have attended -Job description of current or previous roles -Appraisal documentation -Reflective accounts of practice experience -Completed supplementary materials provided by UEA -Reflection on the NMC Code (2015) PORTFOLIO EVIDENCE

17 Following successful application to the programme, applicants will be provided with: −APL Guide/Mapping Document −Skills Passport −Access to supplementary material e.g. applied anatomy and physiology workbooks, medication administration workbook, sociology −Access to Safe medicate −Pre nursing experience programme 18 weeks ( sponsored applicants) −Support from the APL coordinator and the programme team APL SUPPORT

18 −Applicants are given a submission date for their APL portfolio Direct applicants – 24 th October Sponsored applicants – 14 th Nov −This will be reviewed by the Course Director and the APL coordinator. −The team will make a recommendation that the programme requirements have been met −Applicants will be contacted if the team require further evidence of their prior learning. −The Course Director may ask applicants to agree to a personal learning plan to be completed during the programme to ensure that they meet the NMC hours and the programme outcomes. APL APPLICATION

19 To place successful applicants in the best possible position, we strongly recommend that they complete as many of the healthcare hours and Progression Point 1 skills as they can before entry onto programme Any outstanding skills will need to be achieved within twelve weeks of commencing on the MSc Adult Nursing pre-registration programme If PP1 skills are not completed students will not be able to progress on the programme as the requirements will not have been fully met Any outstanding practice hours will need to be made up- individual plan Progression Point 1 skills and practice hours

20 Any Questions?


22 Marie McGee : Course Director 01603 597103 Caroline Downs : APL Co-Ordinator 01603 597023 Contact Details

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