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Armenian Genocide 1A. Imperialism ●A policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. ●Example: Japan’s attempt.

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Presentation on theme: "Armenian Genocide 1A. Imperialism ●A policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. ●Example: Japan’s attempt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Armenian Genocide 1A

2 Imperialism ●A policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. ●Example: Japan’s attempt to colonize mainland China. Japan did occupy China for some time, but eventually retreated after the outcome of WW2.

3 The Ottoman Empire “Young Ottomans”, government officials, military officers, writers, poets, and journalists with a western education tried to modernize. They rejected authoritarian Ottoman rulers and favored a constitutional, parliamentary government like Britain. They embraced western science and technology, but rejected materialism. They favored allowing freedom of religion to religious minorities, fostered European-like schools, and competed with traditional Islamic institutions. They pursued vigorous and sustained reform.

4 2. Osman I ●Leader of the Ottoman Turkish Empire ●Promoted expansion w/ influx of warriors (Mongol refugees & gazi), leading to growth of influence over Middle East and Eastern Europe. ●Motivated individuals to eliminate ‘infidels’ ●Turkish nomads found Osman’s conquest of Christian cities appealing ●1317: Sieged Christian City of Bursa (surrendered 1326) ●Greek Christians and Muslims ●Established Muslims as majority ●Osman I established religious tolerance ●Contributed to long term hatred

5 3. Location of Anatolia Present day Turkey Home to the majority of Armenians Genocide concentrated in Eastern Anatolia By the end, a small population existed in Anatolia, their culture was wiped out and the survivors migrated around the world

6 The Ottoman Empire Historic Armenia Modern Day Turkey

7 4. Millet System Religious minorities who paid taxes for security Allowed to elect their own leaders and enforce religious laws Own schools, language, churches Leaders consulted with the Sultan Genocide: Europeans intervened in the Ottoman Empire, making it more secular Religious groups (millets) also had to follow these secular laws Caused more tension in the empire. Resulted in the Armenian genocide

8 What do you think?

9 Pros: Kept peace People were free of heavy government interference Cons: ●Imperial terror ●Economic exploitations ●Religious communities were not equal, based off protection Pros and Cons

10 Facts about the Greek Revolution Between Greek rebels and Ottoman Empire Greeks of all classes wanted independence from the Ottoman Empire First attack happened in March 1821, Turks won easily Sporadic attacks happened on March 25, 1821; Within a year rebels gained control of PeloponnesePeloponnese London Protocol of 1930 declared Greece an independent nation


12 Relevance to Genocide ●Greeks began to move to own state ●WWI breaks out and Ottoman Empire begin so force Greeks to leave ●Ottoman Empire wanted to eliminate anyone against them during the war ●Greek and Armenian Genocides occurred the same time ●The Genocide of Ottoman Greeks: 1914-1923 ●Armenian Genocide: 1915-1917

13 First Balkan War ●Ottoman Empire vs Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro (Balkan League) ●Started over Macedonia ●Armistice signed until coup of Young Turks ●Balkan League still victorious after ●Ottoman Empire loses Macedonia

14 Second Balkan War ●Balkans unhappy over division of Macedonia ●Greece and Serbia vs Bulgaria ●Bulgaria loses ●Both events and the loss of land makes Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria join with Germany


16 Map of Armenia and Turkey #7

17 Genocide/Conflict Armenia being controlled by Turkey (Ottoman Empire) Turkish Muslims Vs. Armenian Christians Armenians seen as lesser beings, but they were more successful Long term hate led to genocide of the Armenian people, by the Turkish

18 Armenian Nationalism Armenians wanted their OWN country, free of control from any other party Wanted to establish their own rules Religious, social, political and cultural freedom

19 Armenian Party (Armenekan) 1886 Van rebellion first non-local Armenian revolutionary party bought and smuggled arms engaged in terrorist activity expanded as far as Istanbul and even Russia and Iran attempted to arm the armenians in town

20 Dashnaktsutyun Party Founded in 1890. Founded by Hrant Markarian, Christapor Mikaelian, Stepan Zorian, Simon Zavarian. Armenian nationalist and socialist.

21 Hunchak party Is the oldest political party founded in 1887 by a group of college students in geneva first socialist party to operate ottoman empire original goal was obtaining armenia's independence from the ottoman empire name taken from a newspaper hunchak founders were avetis nazarbekian, mariam vardanaian and more

22 Bloody Sultan -Abdul Hamid II -Sultan from August 1876 - April 1909 - Began the decline of the Ottoman Empire -Denied reforms for Armenians

23 Bloody Sultan -Kurds were violent towards Armenians -Hamid armed the Kurds and allowed the violence - In protest, Armenians formed revolutionary groups -To show control, Hamid killed over 300,000 Armenians -Known as the Hamidian Massacres Western Propaganda against Hamid

24 Hamidian Massacres (1894-1896) Also known as Armenian Massacres Massacres started in the Ottoman interior Victims=Armenians of Ottoman Empire Happened in the region of Sasun

25 Main Facts ● Sultan Abdul Hamid and the Government ● Named after Sultan Abdul Hamid ll ● Estimated death 80,000 - 300,000 ● Resulted in 50,000 orphaned children ● 88,243 Armenians ● Destitution of 546,000 ● Another 100,000 dead due to extreme poverty and famine ● Destruction of 2,493 villages ● Tens of thousands fled the country

26 Main Facts Continued ● The Great Powers (Britain, France, Russia) forced Hamid to sign a new reform package designed to curtail the powers of the Hamidiye in October 1895, like the Berlin treaty, was never implemented

27 Turkification: is the assimilation of individuals, entities, or cultures into the various historical Turkic states and cultures, such as the Ottoman Empire By: Alexandra Giampietro and Tiffany Troxell

28 How it is relevant to genocide? Government led the kidnapping of young children and forced them to convert to Islam. Women were raped and forced into Turkish “harems” which is the separate part of a Muslim household reserved for wives, concubines, and female servants. Main facts about the event: -made orphanages for Armenian children

29 Young Turks How they are relevant to the genocide: Young Turks were the Perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide. Main Facts: ➔ They restored the constitution and appointed elections. Shortly after, instead of having a democracy they allowed power to remain in the hands of The Sultan. ➔ The backbone of this Genocide started from the turks wanting Ottoman power back in ruling, and are the ones who started the wars later on.

30 13.Talaat Pasha -Known as Three Pashas -Beca-Mehmed Talaat Pasha me Grand Vizier(= to prime minister

31 Events Leading up to the Genocide - Arrest and deportation of Armenian Intellectuals -Most being murdered -Tehcir Law created -These events lead to genocide -Say Talaat Pasha is the main perpetrator

32 Was an Ottoman military officer and leader of the 1908 Young Turk Revolution Became the main leader of the Ottoman Empire in both Balkan Wars and World War I Took sides with Germany during WWI Along with Talaat and Dejemal, he was one of the principal perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide Minister of War Enver Pasha

33 Djemal Pasha Was born on May 6, 1872 and was assassinated on July 21, 1922 Was an Ottoman military leader Also one third of the military triumvirate known as the three Pashas that ruled the Ottoman Empire during WW1 Pasha means a higher rank in the Ottoman Empire Known as the Naval Minister He had roles in the Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian genocide

34 Germany and Ottoman Empire Alliance ❖ Ottomans did not originally want to be allied with Germany ❖ Wanted to ally with Britain but they refused ➢ they ignored 3 of their requests ❖ Asked Germans to help create their military ❖ Ottomans wanted land back they had already lost and felt making an alliance with Germans were the best opportunity ❖ Advantages for Germans ➢ gave German more troops ➢ access to Africa and Central Asia

35 Relevant to Genocide ➔ The Turkish government wanted to get rid of the Armenian people in the Ottoman Empire ➔ Germans helped with the genocide ◆ lent troops ◆ helped create army ◆ supplied weapons

36 Henry Morgenthau Sr. US Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian Genocide tried to intervene and stop genocide before it happened; talked with both US officials and Ottoman officials, but was ignored “ When the Turkish authorities gave the orders for these deportations, they were merely giving the death warrant to a whole race; they understood this well, and, in their conversations with me, they made no particular attempt to conceal the fact.... I am confident that the whole history of the human race contains no such horrible episode as this. The great massacres and persecutions of the past seem almost insignificant when compared to the sufferings of the Armenian race in 1915.”

37 Special Organization The special organization was a branch of the Ottoman Empire´s military during the Genocide and World War. The Special organization was assisted by government and army officials It was dismantled following a debate and replaced by the Worldwide Islamic Revolt (Turkish) They basically just ran the military for the country

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