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(1) Big Ideas: Mitosis is used to make more Non-Sex cells. 1 identical copy of original cell is made. –2n  2n Happens in Stages: –DNA condenses. –Sister.

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Presentation on theme: "(1) Big Ideas: Mitosis is used to make more Non-Sex cells. 1 identical copy of original cell is made. –2n  2n Happens in Stages: –DNA condenses. –Sister."— Presentation transcript:


2 (1) Big Ideas: Mitosis is used to make more Non-Sex cells. 1 identical copy of original cell is made. –2n  2n Happens in Stages: –DNA condenses. –Sister Chromatids Line Up. –Sister Chromatids Separate. –End with 2 identical cells!

3 Let’s Watch A Video…

4 (2) Copying Genetic Information DNA is copied in Nucleus n = variable for # of chromosomes –2n = Full set of Chromosomes in Somatic Cell –n = ½ set of Chromosomes

5 (3) Mitosis Stages Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis  Not REALLY part of Mitosis, but necessary!


7 The Parent Cell (Before Interphase of the Cell Cycle) Cell Membrane Nucleus Un-Condensed DNA

8 (4) Prophase 1 st Stage in Mitosis (“Before” Phase) Chromatin condenses into chromosomes. Chromosomes visible. Nuclear Membrane dissolves. Centrioles separate to opposite sides of cell. –Centrioles connect to Spindle Fibers, which will move the chromosomes around inside the cell.

9 Cell Membrane Dissolving Nuclear Membrane Sister Chromatids (Replicated DNA) Centromere

10 (5) Metaphase Sister Chromatids pair up at Metaphase Plate by each other’s centromere. Say What??? –Sister Chromatids  Matching Segments of DNA (identical genes and alleles). –Metaphase Plate  The center of the cell. –Centromere  The center of a chromosome.

11 Cell Membrane Pairs of Sister Chromatids Metaphase Plate Centromere

12 (6) Anaphase Sister Chromatid Pairs Separate. Spindle Fibers Separate Them. Each side of the cell has 1 copy of the genetic information!

13 Yes… I know this looks like a butt….. Separated Chromosomes Cell Membrane

14 (7) Telophase Chromosomes are completely separated. Chromosomes uncoil. Nuclear Membrane Re-Forms.

15 Cell Membrane Reforming Nuclear Membrane

16 The Daughter Cells (After Mitosis) Identical Copies! (Now that’s redundant.)

17 (8) Cytokinesis Splitting of Cytoplasm. Splitting & Closing of Cell Membrane. In Plants: –Cleavage Furrow forms  Cell Wall Re- Forms There! –Reform Cell Wall AND cytoplasm AND cell membrane!





22 Let’s Watch A Video…

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