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G1G1 G2G2 S M G0G0 G0G0 “Restriction Point” A, T, G, C + DNA Polymerase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase.

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Presentation on theme: "G1G1 G2G2 S M G0G0 G0G0 “Restriction Point” A, T, G, C + DNA Polymerase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase."— Presentation transcript:

1 G1G1 G2G2 S M G0G0 G0G0 “Restriction Point” A, T, G, C + DNA Polymerase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

2 G1G1 G2G2 S M Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Tubulin Inhibitors Block Cells in G2/M-Phase

3 Transcription Translation DNA Synthesis (Replication) G1/G2-PhaseS-Phase Post-Translational Modification “Flow of Genetic Information”

4 Acoelomates/ Pseudocoelomates Protostomes Ectoprocta (“Bryozoa”) Brachiopoda Phoronida Echinodermata Urochordata (“tunicates”) Vertebrata Chordates

5 Bioactive Compounds from Tunicates Phylum Urochordata (Tunicata) a.k.a. “Sea Squirts” Chordate Characteristics: i.e. Notochord, Dorsal Nerve Cord, Pharyngeal Slits

6 Bioactive Compounds from Tunicates: Ecteinascidin-743 Ecteinascidin-743 (ET-743) Ecteinascidia turbinata

7 ET-743 Slows G1 to G2 Transition

8 G1G1 G2G2 S M Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cells Treated with ET-743 Accumulate in G1-Phase

9 A:T G:C ET-743 Alkylates Guanine in Minor Groove of DNA



12 Bends DNA into Major Groove

13 Sequence-Specificity of ET-743 Binding/Alkylation 5’-PuGC-3’ 5’-PyGG-3’ e.g.5’-C-G-G-3’ 3’-G-C-C-5’ e.g.5’-A-G-C-3’ 3’-T-C-G-5’ HB1 HB3 HB2 HB1HB3 HB1 HB3 HB2

14 Binding of ET-743 to DNA Impairs DNA Repair and Leads to Apoptosis Apoptosis

15 Natural “Analogues” of ET-743 Bind DNA …but don’t inhibit cancer cells...lack C-ring. ET-743 Saframycin

16 C-Ring of ET-743 Blocks Transcription Factors C-Ring

17 Transcription Factors Recognize Specific Sequences in Promoters/Enhancers Promoter Gene Enhancer RNA Pol TF Promoter Gene Enhancer TF RNA Pol

18 “CCAAT Element” 5’-CTGATTGGPyPyPuPu-3’ 5’-PyPyPuPuCCAATCAG-3’ 3’-GACTAACCPuPuPyPy-5’3’-PuPuPyPyGGTTAGTC-5’ Nuclear Factor Y (NF-Y) Recognizes “CCAAT Element” Present in 25% of Eukaryotic Promoters! Three Subunits (i.e. A, B and C) Only Trimer Binds CCAAT

19 ET-743 Blocks Transcription of P- P-Glycoprotein Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR) Gene MDR1 (a.k.a. Pgp) Gene ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Family CCAAT Element in Promoter Region!!

20 Bioactive Compounds from Tunicates: Didemnin-B Didemnin-B (from Trididemnum solidum) Rinehart et al. (1981a) Science, 212: 933-5. Rinehart et al. (1981b) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 103: 1857-9.

21 Cells in G1- and S-Phase Most Sensitive to Didemnins G1G1 G2G2 S M Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

22 Didemnin-B Inhibits Protein Synthesis Protein Synthesis Cmpd.IC50 (µM) 10.89-2.0 25.4 31.0 43.0 59.0 62.5 74.3 84.3 95.3 104.0 114.5 1224.0 1310.0

23 Protein Synthesis 60S 40S Ribosome (= Ribonucleoprotein Complex) 3 rRNAs (5S, 5.8S and 28S) + 40 Proteins 1 rRNA (18S) + 33 Proteins 80S (4200 Kda)

24 Ribosome Structure

25 Transfer RNA (tRNA) Transports Amino Acid to Ribosome/mRNA

26 Activating Enzyme Binds Amino Acid to tRNA Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase (Activating Enzyme) Aminoacyl-tRNA + ATP+ PPi+ AMP + 2 Pi

27 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ 7-Methylguanosine UAA/G Start Codon (= Met) Stop Codon

28 Protein Synthesis Met-tRNA i Met Initiation Factors (IFs) 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’UAA/G

29 Protein Synthesis ATPADP Met-tRNA i Met 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’UAA/G

30 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ Met Peptidyl Site (P-Site) Aminoacyl Site (A-Site) UAA/G

31 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ Met Glu Elongation Factors (EFs) EF1  GTP GDP EF1  GTP+ GDP UAA/G GTP Glu

32 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ Met Glu Peptidyl Transferase UAA/G Glu GTP GDP EF1  GTP+ GDP Elongation Factors (EFs) EF1  GTP

33 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’UAA/G Glu GTP GDP EF1  GTP+ GDP Elongation Factors (EFs) EF1  GTP OH Glu-Met

34 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ OH Glu-Met Translocation EF2 UAA/G

35 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ Glu-Met Translocation EF2 UAA/G

36 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ Glu-Met Translocation EF2 UAA/G

37 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ Glu-Met Translocation EF2 UAA/G

38 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ Translocation UAA/G Met-Glu

39 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ Translocation UAA/G Met-Glu Release Factor (RF)

40 Protein Synthesis 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ Translocation UAA/G Met-Glu Release Factor (RF) OH H2OH2O

41 Didemnin-B Binds EF-1  Affinity Chromatography Biotinylation

42 Didemnin-B Binds EF-1  agarose Streptavidin-Agarose Affinity Chromatography Streptavidin Biotin-”Tag” Didemnin

43 Didemnin-B Binds EF-1  agarose Affinity Chromatography Didemnin-Binding Protein Elute Didemnin-Binding Proteins

44 Didemnin-B Binds EF-1 

45 Didemnin-B Binds EF-1  /GTP NOT EF-1  /GDP

46 Didemnin-Bound EF-1  Prevents EF-2 Binding 5’ CapAUGGAACGCUAC3’ Met Glu UAA/G EF-1  Didemnin-B EF2

47 Didemnin-B Binds Palmitoyl Protein Thioesterase (PPT1) Meng et al. (1998) Biochemistry, 37: 10488-92. Affinity Chromatography

48 Proteins are Post-Translationally Modified by Acylation N-Myristoylation/Palmitoylation S-Palmitoylation + + + +

49 Palmitoyl Protein Thioesterase

50 Didemnin-B Inhibits Depalmitoylation of Protein Meng et al. (1998) Biochemistry, 37: 10488-92.

51 Didemnin-B Non-Competitively Inhibits PPT1 Meng et al. (1998) Biochemistry, 37: 10488-92.

52 Protein Synthesis Cmpd.IC50 (µM) 10.89-2.0 25.4 31.0 43.0 59.0 62.5 74.3 84.3 95.3 104.0 114.5 1224.0 1310.0 Structure Activity Relationships of Didemnins

53 Aplidine (Dehydrodidemnin-B) Aplidium albicans

54 Clinical Promise of Aplidine

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