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Adaptive Management. 2 Growth Recruitment Stock or Biomass Natural Harvest Risk Assessment Economics Sociocultural Political/Legal Management Objectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptive Management. 2 Growth Recruitment Stock or Biomass Natural Harvest Risk Assessment Economics Sociocultural Political/Legal Management Objectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptive Management

2 2 Growth Recruitment Stock or Biomass Natural Harvest Risk Assessment Economics Sociocultural Political/Legal Management Objectives Management Actions Stock Assessment Harvest Regulations Effort Input Controls Output Controls Catch CPUE Monitoring Conceptual Model From Dr. Mike Hansen, UW-Stevens Point Two Sources of “Data”

3 Adaptive Management 3 Fisheries Management: Art & Science Science –Estimate parameters of the stock to be managed. –Statistics and model based. –Generally “well-known.” Art –Forming management decision from science information and knowledge of stakeholders, society, etc. –Incorporates a wide array of information. –Incorporates uncertainty, precautionary principle. –May be specific to situation. –May rely on experience.

4 What is Adaptive Management? Structured, iterative process of decision making Experimentation with management decisions Adaptive Management 4

5 Goals of Adaptive Management Primary (from Allen et al. (2011) & Walters (2007)) –Reduce uncertainty over time What are four sources of uncertainty? Secondary –Meet management objective(s) –Accrue information to inform future decisions Adaptive Management 5

6 Challenges to Adaptive Management What are five challenges to implementing AM according to Allen et al. (2011)? Adaptive Management 6

7 Challenges to Adaptive Management What are three challenges to implementing AM according to Walters (2007)? Adaptive Management 7

8 Example: Black Bass and Walleye SMB LMB YOY Walleye (Ceded Territory) LN(CPUE)- annual mean +/- SE Bass >8 inches (statewide) R 2 =0.28, p=0.01 LMB: R 2 =0.46, p=0.0006 SMB: R 2 =0.19, p=0.05 From Gretchen Hansen (UW) Adaptive Management 8

9 Black Bass & Walleye: Complex & Uncertain Interactions ? Exploitation Lower water levelsWarming temperatures Macrophytes Other fishes Shoreline development Invasive species Stocking Can we manage in such a way as to better understand these interactions? Adaptive Management 9 From Gretchen Hansen (UW)

10 Adaptive Management 10 Adaptive Management Process Goal Objective Actions Problem Identification Evaluation Information Base Identify uncertainties Implemented as an experiment with controls, replication, etc. Form hypotheses

11 Adaptive Management: Planning Objective –Improve walleye fishing –YOY walleye catch rate of >30/mile in 75% of lakes within 10 yrs Uncertainties –Effects of largemouth bass (LMB) on walleye –Role of harvest regulations in determining LMB abundance Hypotheses –LMB are causing declines in walleye reproduction –Liberalized harvest regulations will decrease LMB population Action option –Remove length and bag limits on LMB on SOME lakes Adaptive Management 11

12 Adaptive Management: Implementation 2013 2018 Adaptive Management 12 From Gretchen Hansen (UW)

13 Red Snapper Case Study Briefly explain this case study. What point was the author trying to make with it? Adaptive Management 13

14 Explain Adaptive Management 14

15 Adaptive Management Cycle Adaptive Management 15

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