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The Brier School Using Data for school improvement Russell Hinton, Head teacher Grace Kew, Deputy Head teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "The Brier School Using Data for school improvement Russell Hinton, Head teacher Grace Kew, Deputy Head teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Brier School Using Data for school improvement Russell Hinton, Head teacher Grace Kew, Deputy Head teacher

2 How has data been used to raise attainment?  Know the starting point on entry  In year joining  Beginning of a key stage  Joining a new class  Starting a new topic  Within the relevant attainment target

3 What have we done?  Used the progression guidance to look at end points and to set the tone for challenging targets  Ensured that all children have a baseline  Up dated and completed ‘B’ Squared data for all pupils  Introduced monitoring sheets with intervention information at middle leader level  Introduced new monitoring sheets at a senior level  Reported regularly to governors and parents.

4 Who needs what?  Senior leaders need an overview of end of Key Stage data and end of year data.  Senior leaders need to know in-year targets and need to request feedback on progress to date  Senior leaders need to set the targets and monitor progress, reporting back to staff on successes and causes for concern.

5 Who needs to do what?  Senior leaders need to report back to- 1.Parents 2.Governors 3.The local authority 4.Ofsted

6 Who needs to do what?  Governors:- 1.Monitor progress through feed back from the Head teacher’s reports and committee meetings 2.Ask for data and updates on progress 3.Understand and be aware of the formats. 4.Challenge and be a critical friend 5.Support the school

7 Who needs to do what?  Middle Leaders 1.Keep an overview of the area of responsibility 2.Feed back to senior leaders 3.Feed back to staff areas of success and concern 4.Feed back to parents 5.Feed back to Ofsted 6.Note interventions and modifications

8 Who needs to do what?  Class teachers 1.Know the children as individuals 2.Know starting points and projected end points 3.Set achievable steps within the challenges 4.Work with parents 5.Work with middle leaders

9 What can we suggest to other schools? 1. Use recognised data and targets – do not invent your own as it will not be accepted by Ofsted 2. Progression guidance. Use it to set the original targets 3. Be wary of using only Fisher Family Trust, but use it for contextual data and contextual targets

10 What else can we do? 1.Make use of one electronic system that can be transferred between interested parties. 2.Devise a school system that works for you but that has credibility with outside agencies 3.Use an objective eye: Governors, external moderator, i.e. former school improvement partner. 4.Have a central point for paper based data that is secure but accessible

11 What would we change? 1.Do not assume that all staff will understand how targets are set and data works – this includes teachers, middle leaders and some senior leaders! 2.Be vigilant that data is being updated 3.Do not assume that governors have hours and days to pore over reams of data – they need an overview and a summary and directions on how to find out more. 4.Update the SEF, or its equivalent regularly with data to make it current

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