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 Explore web reports  Put in your password and click on Reading 3D or DIBELS (you will get the same info. on both)  Pull up your class and touch BOY.

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2  Explore web reports  Put in your password and click on Reading 3D or DIBELS (you will get the same info. on both)  Pull up your class and touch BOY  Touch any TRC score to see details  Touch any title in TRC to see record  Touch any DIBELS score to see record and status  Click on any student name to see progress monitoring graph at a later date.

3  Click on the printer to see what reports can be printed.  Touch “Now What” and then Home Connect (select all and generate letters, open)  Touch “Now What” and then Small Group Advisor to see grouping suggestions sorted by DIBELS or TRC.  Touch “Now What” and Item Level Advisor to see student specific suggestions.  Touch TRC Graph to see a bar graph with your class TRC data.

4  You have a progress monitoring schedule for the remainder of the year, but if you progress monitor off schedule, just keep track of your students and ensure red ones have a PM every 10 days and yellow every 20 days.  You can PM as often as you want, especially if you have a student who assessed lower than expected.  If a red student does 3 PMs in a row that meet the yellow cut score, they only need PM every 20 days. Yellows who meet green cut scores 3x in a row join the green PM schedule.  These new placements will not be reflected with the “dot”, since that reflects BOY benchmark.  Consider the MOY cut score when changing up to the next PM level.

5  For DIBELS monitoring, you only need to do one subtest.  You will choose the lowest skill that is red to begin.  You may choose off grade level skills for low students.  You may choose to monitor more than one skill.  We will use the progress monitor forms in order, begin with #1. (you may make exceptions to this with off grade level monitors. Since the PM forms get more difficult as they go, you may need to start with a later form)

6 -For fluency interventions, consider using the old DIBELS (6 th edition) stories or short, leveled passages that are similar to the stories used for benchmarks. -If you google “DIBELS 6 th edition 1 st grade DORF progress monitor” you will get the passages in a print friendly format. -you can access all of the 6 th edition forms like this and none of them duplicate the current forms. -these are ideal for interventions

7  For a short, 15 minute daily intervention, consider doing something like this:  1. Give each student a copy of the passage and read it aloud to students. (passage must be independent)  2. Time students for 3 minutes and have them read the passage to themselves for the entire time.  3. Have students read passage aloud to a partner with no time.  4. Have students read passage aloud to a partner while you time for one minute.  5. Have students graph their progress.

8  Consider doing the PSF intervention for students who are not proficient with FSF since the same skills are taught.  This will be effective for most students, but you may have a select group who actually need to do the initial sound in isolation. This will be your very lowest group in the grade.  For PSF, call words to students and have them segment as a group.  Use as many multi sensory cues as possible (arm tapping, moving blocks, finger tapping)

9  Consider doing class wide progress monitors for DAZE since the number of students who need just the DAZE is minimal and more than half of the students are not proficient with DAZE.  After you do a PM, allow students to go back to the work without the timer and complete the entire passage.  Teach students to pay special attention to words immediately before and after the box to check for accuracy.  Students who are not fluent in the DORF will not be proficient at the DAZE until they gain fluency.  You can use out of grade forms for progress monitoring as well or you can use them as an intervention tool to gain fluency and confidence.  Sometimes, just having the opportunity to practice this skill will be enough of an intervention to see growth.  Consider using this cloze skill in science/social studies for further practice.

10  To progress monitor TRC, choose a leveled book and count out a sample of words (100 word minimum) according to their level.  Some lower level books will be less than 100 words and that is fine.  Record the number or errors and self corrects on a sheet of paper.  On mclass, you will enter the title of the book, level and accuracy level.  You can conduct this during your regular reading group with “lukewarm” books

11  Consider using your intervention time as a grade level to monitor the DIBELS and do the TRC during your regular reading group.  Brainstorm ways you can use the support staff to instruct students while all teachers progress monitor across the grade.  Consider asking EC, ESL and reading teachers for support.  Make yourself a schedule and stick to it! Use your small group reading time to assess one student per day.

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