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Tier 2 & Tier 3 Meetings. MTSS Focus Team The purpose of the MTSS Focus Team: To analyze school-wide and class-wide data for attendance, behavior, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Tier 2 & Tier 3 Meetings. MTSS Focus Team The purpose of the MTSS Focus Team: To analyze school-wide and class-wide data for attendance, behavior, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tier 2 & Tier 3 Meetings

2 MTSS Focus Team The purpose of the MTSS Focus Team: To analyze school-wide and class-wide data for attendance, behavior, and academics (SLOs/IKAN/GLoSS/F&P) To preview research/evidence based interventions and to choose those most appropriate for each area of need To set guidelines for Tier 2 and Tier 3 processes To provide training on how to implement those interventions To monitor the effectiveness of IF MTSS Focus Team should be a small group (no more than 6-8 people) who have direct knowledge of data analysis, interventions, progress monitoring, and MTSS processes. Team members may include: SSF, counselor, AP, EIP Teacher, speech therapist, Special Ed Teacher, regular Ed Teacher, etc. MTSS Focus Team must meet at least once per month to analyze data and discuss intervention progress. Additional duties may include providing Progress Monitoring and/or intervention packets to teachers or observing IF to determine effectiveness.

3 Standard Intervention Protocols Once the MTSS Focus Team has identified appropriate research/evidence based interventions for each area of concern (Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Sight Words, Reading Fluency, Reading Comprehension, Written Expression, Math Fluency, Math Computation, Math Problem Solving, Behavior, and Attendance) have copies of each of them to distribute to teachers and/or parents upon request. Establish guidelines for choosing “the right” intervention (MTSS Focus Team or grade level teams may do this) Establish guidelines on how to ensure teachers are trained on interventions Establish guidelines on how often to implement interventions (2 days per week? 5 days per week? Etc.)

4 Pre-printed Progress Monitoring Assessments Ready for Teachers for each Intervention Each Intervention must have an aligned progress monitoring assessment. When a teacher selects an intervention, ensure he/she has also selected the appropriate progress monitoring tool. For elementary schools print at least 2 of every GRASP probe (ONLY THE PAGES THAT ARE WRITTEN ON). Create a student assessment notebook for each grade level to cut down on wasted paper. A system can be set up whereby the teacher can copy a probe from probes already available (those that you pre-printed) or where a member of the MTSS Focus team provides packets upon request. GRASP PM guidelines: Tier 2 – PM once every 2 weeks Tier 3 – PM once per week BE SURE THE INTERVENTIONIST KNOWS THE CUT SCORES FOR THE PROBES! Provide the teacher with the appropriate data sheet to document progress.



7 STEP 6: Conduct Tier 2 Grade Level Meetings A member from the MTSS Focus Team should meet with each grade level once per month to discuss Tier 2 students. The MTSS Focus Team member sits in front of a computer with that grade level’s log pulled up. GUIDELINES: Teachers DO NOT need a meeting to start Tier 2 interventions. They should be able to explain why a Tier 2 intervention is needed based on data. Once a teacher sees a need, she/he must be prepared to intervene immediately no matter the Tier (1, 2, 3, or 4). Ongoing training throughout the school year by the MTSS Focus Team would benefit teachers in knowing when to move a student from Tier 1 to Tier 2. If a teacher is unsure, she/he can choose an intervention and progress monitoring assessment and begin collecting data. At the Tier 2 meeting, teachers must come with their interventions and intervention data (placed in a file). The facilitator (the MTSS Focus Team member) quickly goes through each student on the log (even Tier 3 students if a teacher wants to set up a SST meeting) and the teacher quickly states the area of concern, intervention chosen, and PM tool. She/he also states the goal score (cut score) and then states the student’s scores since the last Tier 2 meeting. The Grade Level Team then makes a decision on whether to keep the student at Tier 2, move the student to Tier 3, or move him/her down to Tier 1. The decision is documented on the log.

8 For students who stay at Tier 2, the area of concern, intervention, and PM tool are verified and correctly entered on the log. The date of the Tier 2 meeting is recorded as well. For students who move to Tier 1, the facilitator changes the Tier number from 2 to 1 and when filtered in excel by Tier level, will drop to the bottom. The date of the meeting is recorded. For students who need to be moved to Tier 3 – BASED ON A TEAM DECISION which was based off of Tier 2 data, the teacher completes the following steps: IMMEDIATELY completes the Referral to Tier 3/SST form on IC Email is sent to SSF or designee to inform him/her that a referral has been completed SSF or designee reviews the referral and approves if completed or disapproves if not The SST coordinator (may be the MTSS Focus Team member facilitating the Tier 2 meeting) schedules the initial Tier 3/SST meeting. Either the SST coordinator or the teacher creates an Initial Parent Invitation to SST meeting form on IC, prints it out, and send it home with the student – along with the parent questionnaire (also found on IC) The date of the Tier 2 meeting is recorded and the Tier 2 file then becomes the Tier 3 file. Once all of the students from the log are discussed, then new students can be added. Teachers share their information and the team decides the next step. IF GROUPS ARE ALSO FORMED DURING THIS MEETING. The grade level moves students to appropriate groups based on the information shared at the meeting. NO MEETING MINUTES ARE NEEDED AT THE TIER 2 MEETINGS … the update of the log is all the documentation needed.

9 Conducting Initial SST Meetings Parent must be invited (written invitation). If parent questionnaire and letter are returned, the teacher must scan, email, save, and upload to IC. All originals are kept in SST file. At meeting, the facilitator types the meeting minutes on IC and follows the Initial SST meeting template to guide the team. At the conclusion of the meeting the following MUST be established: Area of need is re-verified Intervention is selected (it may be the same intervention as before but with more intensity or it may be another intervention altogether). The Intervention MUST match the area of need. Progress monitoring assessment is selected (it may be the same as before but the student will be probed weekly rather than every 2 weeks). Two copies of the meeting minutes are printed out – one for the parent and one for the Tier 3 file. The IC version is saved on IC. Parent is given a copy of the intervention and how it will be implemented. The SST will re-convene in 6-8 weeks to analyze data and determine next steps.

10 Conducting On-going SST Meetings Parent must be invited using the on-going parent invitation letter on IC. If letter is returned, the teacher must scan, email, save, and upload to IC. All originals are kept in SST file. At meeting, the facilitator types the meeting minutes on IC and follows the On-going SST Meeting template to guide the team. At the conclusion of the meeting the following MUST be decided: Does area of need still exist? Has intervention proven effective or ineffective? All data must be presented and analyzed at the meeting. The committee determines the next step: Stay at Tier 3 Move down to Tier 2 Refer for comprehensive evaluation Two copies of the meeting minutes are printed out – one for the parent and one for the Tier 3 file. The IC version is saved on IC. If a referral for a comprehensive evaluation is recommended, the appropriate person will compile packet (SSF, AP, or other trained staff).

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