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Chapter 1  The History of Taxonomy: Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) ENTOMOLOGY Y Classification of Insects.

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1 Chapter 1  The History of Taxonomy: Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) ENTOMOLOGY Y Classification of Insects

2 Linnaeus Classification System has been introduced Site of specimen collection  Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

3 250 reptile species, 150 frog species, 210 mammal species, 620 bird species Epiphytes (harmless) Parasites, ex. Forest fungi Saprophytes Taxonomic Classification Level: Phylum Class Order Family Genus Kingdom Species

4 OBJECTIVES  Collecting, identifying and naming different insects and species correctly and accurately.  Prepare insect specimen displays and identify all the insects collected to family level and explain what insect systematic is all about.  Explain the different technique used in insect collection and how these insects can be preserved

5 Expected Three Families of Specimens

6 Coccinellidae (Ladybird Beetle)  A type of beetle (not true bug)  2 pairs of wings (outer hard layer for protection, inner for flying.  Has chewing or piercing mouthparts  Some of them consider as pest

7 Vespidae (Wasps, Yellowjackets, Hornets)  Have narrow “waist”  It has nearly 5000 species  Own 2 pairs of wings but some of them have no wings

8 Libellulidae (Common Skimmer Dragonflies) Its larvae live in water Own 2 pairs of wings Mostly of them have coloured wings Almost 1000 species in this family

9 Chapter 2 Expected Species to be Preserved 1)Coccinella transversalis (Transverse ladybird) 2)Harmonia axyridis (Multicoloured Asian Lady Beetle) 3)Rhyzobius chrysomeloides 4)Apis Mellifera (Honey Bee) 5)Polistes fuscatus (Paper Wasp) 6)Neurothemis fluctuans (Red Grasshawk) 7)Diplacodes lefebvrii (Black Percher) 1) 2) 4) 3) 6) 5) 7)

10 Apparatus Required For Collection Of Specimens Insect net Forceps Killing Jar Collecting Jars Garden Gloves

11 Apparatus and materials required for preservation of specimens Display case Ethyl Acetate Formalin Insect pins and labels Syringe

12 Methods For Specimen Collection Date: 10 October 2015, Saturday Time: 7am-10am Location: Forest Research Institute Malaysia Estimated catch: 15 specimens Method: -Bug nets for airborne insects -Forceps for terrestrial insects -Storage in individual jars

13 Methods for specimen preservation and processing technique Formalin Preservation Inject formalin into insects with syringes Carry out only in fume cupboard Inhalation of formalin is harmful Severe skin irritation Gloves must be worn throughout the procedure

14 Pinning Of Specimens 1-inch thick of Styrofoam will be prepared. Insects will be pinned according to their types. Before pinning, insects’ legs are adjusted with forceps and pinned onto position for 8 days to dry. Wings of winged specimens will be spread on spreading board. Insects will be pinned gently onto the foam, with ¼ of the pin protruding above the insect. Specimens are pinned along with labels.

15 Expected Outcome At least 15 specimens from at least 4 families are captured. Able to differentiate an insect and a non-insect. All the specimens are preserved correctly and displayed nicely in the display case. Able to classify the insects into specific families and species. Presentation of report of the research project. To calculate the roughly population species in the researched area.

16 Ways to Preserve Specimens Plastic vials with a screw top with a ring gasket.

17 Different Ways of Pinning of Specimens 1. The needle is in right tangle to the body of insects and needed to be checked in frontal and lateral views while pinning the specimens.

18 2. Card mounting by using card points is the method of choice for small-sized insects.

19 Presentation of insect specimens


21 Example of Species Identification Using Dichotomous Keys Genus determination of a species estimated to be captured WWith wings which hidden by hard wing covers TTwo pairs of wings FFront and hind wings are in same texture WWings without scales MMouthpart not in form of a piercing beak WWith many cross-veins (more than 15) in each wing AAntennae short and bristle-like FFront and hind wings nearly equal in size ; no abdominal tails OOdonata Neurothemis fluctuans


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