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PANDA, GSI, 03.12.2010 Electrically Cooled Ge-Detectors development Status Report I. Kojouharov.

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Presentation on theme: "PANDA, GSI, 03.12.2010 Electrically Cooled Ge-Detectors development Status Report I. Kojouharov."— Presentation transcript:

1 PANDA, GSI, 03.12.2010 Electrically Cooled Ge-Detectors development Status Report I. Kojouharov

2 PANDA, GSI, 03.12.2010 Status of the development of the Single Capsule Cryostat I. Kojouharov The Single Capsule Cryostat The single Capsule cryostat design status: - Conceptual design with single capsule is further elaborated. ◊ - The thermal processes with real components were simulated in order to minimize the thermal leaks and to achieve better cooling. Certain solutions were approved. ◊ -The mechanical design was modified in order to improve the performance ◊ - The X-Cooler II cooling engine is purchased and is tested, performs fine with PopTop capsule ◊ - The mechanical components for the cryostat are to be sent for processing until the end of the Year -... X-Cooler II Electrically Cooled Ge- Detectors development Timeline: - End of December 2010 - Placing order for processing of the mechanical components for the Single Capsule Cryostat - February 2011- Assembly and test of the Single Capsule Cryostat. Delivery is foreseen end of February. Courtesy of J.Kojouharova

3 PANDA, GSI, 03.12.2010 Electrically Cooled Ge- Detectors development Status of the development of the Capsule I. Kojouharov The capsule mechanics, T.Engert The crystal mechanical processing test - dummy Ge(Li), Nov.2010, T.Engert The Capsule design status: - Capsule conceptual design is done, patent is pending ◊ - HPGe crystal is purchased ◊ -The mechanics manufactured ◊ - Test with dummy Ge(Li) crystal is done in order to evaluate the quality and the safety of the processing. Another test with different fixing is coming ◊ -... Timeline: - January 2011 – Another test with different crystal holding. - February 2011 – Processing of the inner hole. - March 2011 – Lithium diffusion. - Mai 2011 – Final shape processing. - June 2011 – Implantation and passivation. - September 2011 – Test without welding. - October 2011 – welding and conditioning. - End 2011 – test Problems:- Mechanical processing capability – we do not have sufficient priority to have it at GSI, search for outsourcing. - Uncertainty for the contacting processes timeline. - Uncertainty for encapsulation processes timeline. The crystal geometry

4 PANDA, GSI, 03.12.2010 Status of the development of the triple cryostat I. Kojouharov Electrically Cooled Ge- Detectors development The HyperTriple Detector – the design concept The cold frame with 3 capsule models Thermal Shield Cryostat Cup Problems: – Mechanical processing capability – we do not have sufficient priority to have it at GSI, search for outsourcing. We use the same machine for HPGe processing and for complex metal shapes processing. – The design was postponed due to priority given to other projects and – The design was postponed due to priority given to other projects and unexpected functional problems with the Single Capsule Cryostat (electrically cooled).

5 PANDA, GSI, 03.12.2010 I. Kojouharov Electrically Cooled Ge- Detectors development Thank you

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